I've had this idea for a while now about a tank division that can deploy anywhere in the world within 30 minutes via...

I've had this idea for a while now about a tank division that can deploy anywhere in the world within 30 minutes via ICBM. like paratroopers but with missiles.

what would it actually take to make this happen?

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more money than sense, for the most part.

do you realize that an entire minuteman or peacekeeper missile weighs less than a single abrams?

yes, I do realize that. so what would it actually take? imagine no limits. just go fucking crazy.

for example, there was a proposal in the 70's to make a lunar base using 500 saturn V's to deliver the necessary material. as you know, we only launched 13. but someone actually sat down and drew up a plan to use 500 of them to build a moon base. that's some wild shit.

so how many do we need to carry 200-300 tanks from one end of the globe to the other?

It would be easier just to station tanks in bases around the globe. Wouldn't be 30 minutes but its a lot faster than shipping them by boat or even c5s.

check out Ithacus

Whats the point, we already station tanks in stockpiles overseas, europe, korea and the middle east bases have a bunch.

Sounds like a good way to get nuked.

Why not APCs instead of tanks?

Attached: SpaceM113.jpg (900x266, 30K)

What about using Starship's 100 ton upmass and ??? ton downmass to armor the Starship itself? Skip tanks and go full ODST Orbital Fighting Vehicle.

don't come fucking bother us again retard

I'm a regular on both boards get nigged on

You have no idea how an ICBM works

How are you gonna land the thing without killing everybody/everything inside it.

thank you for your dumb ass idea reminding me of these stupid fucking videos


Better idea is orbital drop rather than lauched

>what would it actually take to make this happen?
Either some fat bribes or everyone involved in development and procurement going on a multi year bender and somehow becoming convinced that is a good idea.

>what would it actually take to make this happen?

>tanks run out of fuel after some hours
>no way to resupply but launch more ICBM

It's not a feasible idea for practical reasons *other than* the tanks themselves.

Well it’s complicated because I assume you need the crew alive in it the entire time, otherwise what’s the point. I’d draw up a sketch and a budget but I can’t be bothered

this is why we have anti-tank cluster bombs

moving people is hella easier than moving MBTs/Heavy equipment
unmanned submersible barges (stealth maybe?) capable of longterm operation and dormancy periods with say, a dozen MBTs onboard/humvees/equipment and supplies whatever
put 100 of them all off the coast of hotbed locales where the shit is getting hot beforehand.
When the boogaloo happens, all of them ascend, beach themselves and unload completely ready for the paratroopers that land ready to use them to full affect.

only weakness is it would have to be in areas accessible by sea.

cheaper than orbital drops? almost certainly.

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Bionic soldiers with mechanical lungs and hearts. Do you know how fucking fast an ICBM goes? A jet goes like mach 2 or 3. An ICBM goes like mach 20. Good luck trying to pay someone to get inside an ICBM in a TANK and get shot across the globe. If they somehow managed to survive without their lungs being forced out their assholes or something, they're not going to be in fighting condition...

Speed literally does not matter, only acceleration and deceleration do. A rocket landing is a fragile thing and won't survive more then 3-5g, a human can easily pull 15g+ instantaneous and 5-10g sustained

The highest survived deceleration is something like several hundred g instantaneous

Would you like to know more?

Infantry does the dying, fleet just does the flying.


I appreciate the answers so far

Yep, yer talkin' bout the airborne Tank Corps