/pcc/ - Pistol Caliber Carbine general

Primary and Secondary Edition.


I'm debating on getting a Security 9 and Ruger PCC at the same time just to have a pistol and long gun that use the same mags + ammo. Opinions?

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Walnut M1 carbine stock when?


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Don't forget that they come with Glock mag adapters.

Haw anyone purchased a Red Lion Precision Forend or any other Red Lion products before? If so, how good is the quality of their steel? Is this going to be some laser-cut Chinesium monstrosity because of the price point or unique design?

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Are the Ruger PC9 owners to be the designated street-cleaners of the inevitable /pcc/ caste system?

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Only if they buy the keymod forend and manually paint the polymer stock to look like wood

>paying premium for stamped metal to push the same lead down a tube

You're only redeeming quality is that you don't have a cuck brace

Do it. Pistol/carbine with same ammo/mag is a formidable setup with lots of advantages.

That sounds fine but I'd also like you to keep the Glock 17 and Sub 2000 in mind. You would have a full sized striker fired handgun and a compact PCC with a slightly longer barrel in the ubiquitous G17 mag config. They also sell Sub2ks that take Beretta and MP mags, I believe, so you would be able to pair up a nicer pistol with a run of the mill PCC like you were planning anyway.


They have airshit rifles that are built better than those

>caste system
>in fungun general
Back to your containment thread tripfag.

I carry a gen 2 for work in a ban state and so far I haven't experienced a failure to feed, fire, or eject. The rifle has has about 1600 rounds through it now, mostly winchester white box. But the model I bought is post-recall, so after the barrel issues from the early gen 2's were worked out, i figured they hammered out the kinks. Its definitely not what I would have chosen if I had more money to spend on a pcc but it does what you would expect a 500 dollar 9mm rifle to do. It's nice to have a full sized rifle in your backpack that takes glock mags, too.

I had a Sub 2K but it came with scratch marks on the bolt weight and cracks on the bolt face new in the box which sucks because I loved its folding feature but i couldn't get over those faults and shittek not returning my emails regarding purchasing spare parts so I sold it and bought a CX4.

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plebbit is thataway

unironically a 7.5" 300BLK AR pistol and a glock 43.

Seriously? That's a serious bummer. Really hope the beretta runs better for you. I've never had to call LelKek

the only thing stopping me from doing it is the PC carbine weight. i unironically just got got an AR. i still think about it though.

No that's hipoint carbine owners and .22 niggers who think it's a PCC.

The weight just means you feel even less recoil from 9mm.

Asking again about suppressing a carbine length mp5, does the barrel length affect which locking piece I should use? I also assume I can get away with a smaller can because longer barrels reduce the noise. Btw PTR makes a solid mp5.

im also slightly disgusted with myself for not just buying one as a fun range toy. i'll probably get one.

>being poor
Enjoy your ticking time bomb. I bet you own a c308 too lol.

Posted from my Samsung Galaxy S10+

>paying 1800 bucks for a stamped metal gun designed to be cheap

Boy, hope you don't own an AK.

Got 'em. :^

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>/arg/ tripfag trying to force unnecessary elitism upon other communities
Color me fucking shocked. This place went to shit in record time.

Imagine you're a worthless fucking poorfaggot, and you think you've found a good place to circle jerk with other poorfags. ARs are no good they made fun of you for your $300 PSA kit, but PCCs? there can't be elitism, lol just 9mm.
then people with HK clones show up, they cost $1800 and more thatn you make in a month. tripfags too, people that you can identify and you know fuck children, making more money than you
Oh god can you imagine

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I think it started circling the drain as soon as mouth-breathers tried to argue .22 rifles were PCCs but hey that's just me.

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>please take my $500 glock rifle srsly.....

We have a discord to help keep the people from ARG at the door

.22 magnum is a perfectly fine pcc cartridge asshole.

It actually enables coordination, if only you knew.

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>I spent $2000 on a toy gun
>this makes me better than you and not stupid at all

>You can afford to spend $2000 on a toy
>This makes you worse than me because reasons

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Now that's some poor rage

SBR cuck stamp soon

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Yikes addendum, seems pretty turbo ghey to me.

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>post your gun with a timestamp and prove you are over 18

>Artificial wear on stock and receiver
>Dirty recoil pad

only LARPfags do this shit and you should honestly kill yourself.

Trips ruin literally everything they touch.

>Filtering out underage and noguns is bad

Why cuck stamp it? The brace actually looks pretty good.

>thinking either of those would join a discord for a niche gun family

You let them in to bully the fuck out of them until they leave.
Bunch of small thinkers in here

That just means it's the beginning of the end. Most of the generals that start a discord end up with a rift between the thread and the discord and it turns both into a constant shitposting extravaganza. I mean with how nice the threads have been in the past maybe this general can survive that but I dunno. 95% of the time once the discord crops up it's the end of the chill general.

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You filter them yourself naturally as a community unless said community is as spineless as a typical subreddit. Plus what if someone is wanting to get into PCCs and has a lot of questions he'd like to ask?

What are you, stupid? Jow Forums is for flexing

>Tripfag and phoneposter

It was fun, guys.

Then you let in anyone and those that fail to meet standards get flexed on numbnuts.

Was it?
you probably won't be missed.

not that you'll actually leave. they never do.

>being this averse to the cleansing fire of BULLY
How sad.
I don't know what you mean.

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>Poorfag General
No it wasn't.

Posted from my Samsung Galaxy S10+

The discord has been around for months and served well as containment, that's not the issue. Problem is /arg/ leaking over ruining the community.

I don't give a shit who posts here just so long as they can discuss PCCs and not turn this into Ruger PC General

>turkey clone mp5
poor faggot. go sell more of your dad's machine guns for 30% value you goat fapping sperg

Wait, are those not allowed?

The discords only requirement is to be has guns and PCCs are pretty niche so I dunno why youd get one as a first gun.


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>general about pccs
>don't need a pcc to be there
>still have an e-bouncer system for getting in
wew that IS pretty plebbit

>kids crying about about discord
>arg trying to spread their misery
>muh elitism muh poors
Growing pains of any general. It will pass.

Locking should be the same for a goofy carbine length mp5. Any one in particular you are talking about?

I haven't busted out the goteposting yet since I haven't commissioned any artists to draw Asriel/Ralsei with an MP5 as of now, gimme a few weeks tho okay.

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The brace is really nice but I want to use the gun in USPSA and you can't have braced guns for PCC division.

Back to /ARG/, this general is for harassing Ruger until they make a .357 lever action.

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Which sear-ready MP5 clone is the best?

Would a PCC be good for home defence? A few people I’ve spoken to said I’ll have to be more concerned about overpenetration, that I should just use 5.56.

would have been even better in the context of your message if you were posting from a samsung galaxy note 7

CZ scorpion would be a decent option. Good aftermarket and cheap mags. Pistol calibers do tend to have overpenetration issues, but then again pretty much everything does with drywall. 5.56 tends to start tumbling and shedding energy faster when encountering barriers than pistol calibers due to the higher velocity and lower mass.

A PCC would be a good option if you don't live in an apartment. I'd say standard 5.56 and lighter HP 9mm overpenetrate about the same. As long as you're not wall-to-wall with someone else, it should be good. CZ Scorpion would be a good fit.

Tbh no one wants you in their discord anyway.

Won't be absolute perfection, but one will do the job absolutely fine.

Theyre pretty good choices. Pros compared to a 5.56 rifle would be that they're easy on the ears, much less intimidating to beginner shooters, and they stand out as a super compact short barrel choice as just about all defensive ammo is designed for pstol barrels anyways and real rifle like effect on target isn't really guranteed at 7.5" with 5.56 from what ive heard. 9mm is an adequate choice, but it really does give up a lot in terminal effect and reduced penetration risk when we start talking about 10" plus barrels, particularly with quality fragmenting rounds. IMO something like an 11.5 or 12.5" AR loaded with TMKs is a notably better choice for most folks though.

Well that's just rude and patently untrue.

Is that gat worth it? Does it recoil less than ar15 or cmmg banshee?

Def looks bretty cool

We barely want him in the teamspeak.

The recoil buffer in it makes the gun shoot really nicely, way better than other blowback PCCs. I'll need to take it to the range alongside my AR some day to compare recoil but I'd say it's less. I like it a lot, feels good in the hand, nicely set up controls, and amazing build quality. Cost a pretty penny tho.

do you actually own any milsurp?

he buys hentai instead

No shit it should recoil less it's a fucking 9mm tardo

My 16inch ar recoils less than my buddies scorpion.

Absolutely not.

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A lot of 9mm blowback carbines recoil harder than a 5.56 due to the mass of the fuckhueg bolt coming back.

Man you have some bigthink surprises ahead of you if you ever find yourself about to fire a UMP in any caliber whatsoever.

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hey excuse you, that is absolutely a lie and total slander

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When the fuck is your toenail coming back that was like two weeks ago or some shit.

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the last time took 2 years to grow in all fucked up and i would like it to not do that again

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Blessed discord owners, keep yourselves free of the shit poster scum.

You mean like the one I own

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Hey would all the off topic posters fuck off? It's time for PCC? What's your favorite caliber my PCC friends? What's your dream gun?

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who cares
post feet

Just wish the triggers weren't so ass. Still really impressed how they only weigh like three pounds. Got like two weeks left for my stamp, hopefully.

Got to shoot an sbrd TP9 it was pretty great. I still sometimes think about buying one but she's so pricey.

: )

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Dream is a sig MPX don't care what anyone says

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hell yeah flex on the turkshit posters

delayed blowback, more like retarded blowback lmao
it's the current year it's all about that gas operated rotating bolt

mpx is underwhelming desu

Yeah dumdum, exactly.
I dare you to buy one.

>Hey would all the off topic posters fuck off
No this is a general and now we're going to make it look like one proper.

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>mad he doesn't own an UMP