Canada General

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Any CAFags care to explain this shit?

first for CSIS working weekends.

I can only imagine the frustration present over the past 5 years in the military position.

Third for WEEXIT

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>red ensign

im confused

>Self-awareness score: Zero

its autism, you dont gotta explain shit

People from Quebec think Quebec is the best place ever
Most people from Quebec also don’t know that equalization payments are a thing.
They legit don’t realize that every other province west of them pays out the nose for their retarded French ass.
Allowing French to Exist in Canada after the war is on par with signing treaties with the natives and still paying for their welfare asses to this day.
I fucking hate our retarded prime minister and am terrified that he will get voted in again.

Don't lump the rest of us with the stupid boomer cunts who still act like Rene Levesque is still alive and kicking


>Dans une galaxie pres de chez vous ended 18 years ago.

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Why should you get lumped in the worst of your shitty province?
Aside from being a cesspool in which an unlimited amount of political favours and money flow into what exactly does your vast amount of land do to contribute...

>les bougons ended 13 years ago

>Elvis Gratton ended 10 years ago

borger here, if OP's pic is in Canada how did these guys get FAL's/SLR's? are they just straight pull rifles or did they have to pay a large fee of mapleshekels for a special loicense or do they just not give a fuck about the laws?

Most likely not giving a fuck

Fun fact:
Most Quebecers don’t recognize Canada day.
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day Is the ultimate patriotic day for them.
They also don’t believe in the national anthem.
Quebec does nothing to contribute and only takes takes takes.
Quebec should take all the Indians and fuck right off

Winnipeg area. Got my PAL and an obligatory SKS a couple of years ago but I haven't actually been out shooting yet somehow. Any advice on where to go?

Do everyone a favour and clean up your crazy ass city

The rez

Canada day is the unofficial moving day in Quebec. You have to reserve your truck rental months in advance.
The national anthem is FROM Quebec, 'sti d'cave.

when an inanimate object becomes illegal to possess it doesn't disappear off the face of the earth

you burgers will one day have to become accustomed to a gun culture of non-compliance. bunch of KEKS can't even conceive breaking a few rules here and there.

First for went shooting today.

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My advice is to go do your CRFSC.

Larpers. Most who own illegal shit dont need attention and feel no need to post about it online

larping > sitting at home during work hours to post on a north korea enthusiast forum. that "larping" is worth posting occasionally to stir shit up and inspire the plebs

Every Quebecer who I have ever met complains loudly that the hymm de quebec is “thier” anthem
Any time i’ve Traveled and stayed in hostiles quebecers essentially renounce their Canadian citizenship and are quebecois instead.

How stupid would I be of I bought one of these on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being Somalian.
Would I lose money on it in 10 years?

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fucking wanstalls sold one for like 12K a while back, this is a good deal / investment

Isn't that just the shitty urbanites? Last I heard rural Quebec was based and redpilled.

>5 round mags

If you're an HK guy, jump on it while you can.

Y am i poor tho

Pretty much everyone in Quebec is a hick. The ones in Montreal just try too hard to not look like hicks.

But what are the chances there will be some other sucker waiting to pay $7910 when I'm done with it?

pretty high
A week before tactical imports brought the $8000 g36-E in some goober paid 11k used for one and started crying in a thread, although it wasn't an export model but one that fell off the HK truck somehow

Give me a good lever action for the bush lads. I realize this is a bad time to ask but I have faith in you Jow Forumsanada gen

Used 94 or a used marlin 336 if your gonna use and abuse it innawoods

The mares leg is the best platform on the market right now

I wonder if it would be a good idea to get that special coating put on a guide gun. I have a 45-70 mares leg but i never use it out in the bush because I dont want rust.

Stupid as fuck considering you could buy 3 other rifles just as good

Pretty much everyone in Canada is a "hick" apart from shitty urban dwellers who rent their crackshacks or cucksheds from Chinese landlords.

Takedown variant of the Savage 99.

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that looks beautiful

>30 round glock mag found jn toronto drug bust
What the fuck why do criminals get all the fun. Fuck you all!

Implying I cant work and shitpost at the same time user

Gun control disarms those who ought to be armed

Yup GENE STONER he knew how to make em

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Buy your own and unpin them. Not hard.

Mares leg

I would

Sporter soon brothers
Im hyped

ok poorfag

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pre 64 WInchester 94
but seriously just buy a fucking mare's leg.

Mares leg


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When is the next shipment like September October?

Starting sometime in August and probably finishing in October
Im below #250 so i should be getting mine fairly soon

>tfw >300
October it is..maybe Sep.

based cgn ee pal info collector

How do you know your number?!?

Thinking of buying something on gunpost but I'm fairly new to this site and apparently the seller is as well. Do people get burned a lot on this site? I dont want this to turn into a lesson on haphazardness and ignorance

He paid for the whole receiver at some point.
I bought mine in full, I know my number

Paid in full to avoid c71 psuedo registry

Yeah i see alot of scams on the site, ez mode is to Google a few lines of the ad see if its a rip off GunBroker.

When you pay in full you get a handbill with number if you ask

>he hasnt paid his sporter in full yet
What are you waiting for? Do it now before c71 is implemented.

>he doesn't have NR platforms in multiple common calibers

Should i get a .223 lever gat just encase R-Cs question ammo purchases after a AR ban

just reload lol
They can't know about your ammo purchases since the ammo verification meme is dead
Now if they start talking about banning ammo, buy the shit out of everything ammo-related and gets materials to make more
>and don't be afraid to use it

get an SL8 instead

Sure or a boltiboy

Just call in and ask

such dumb logic contingent on shit that will never happen


i think my mares leg has autism

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H-how do I call in about my restricted transfer

Who makes a .223 leavergat?

Looks nice.
Cant figure out calibre..dont see a loading port. Tube?
Am i being trolled and baited?

henry arms

It’s a shotgun

Of course

>ammo verification meme is dead

What do you mean by this? I always had my card called for ammo sales to confirm my card is legit? You don't call for ammo now? What?

Actual soupfag or hommage?

Allegedly not anymore
Someone should call the CFP to confirm this

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5 round mags

Cool kids get 10 shartmarter

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10 round mags
justin turdeau

??? the fuck ??? Whenever i sold ammo to a stranger or person i'm not familiar with, i called and checked as if its just a regular NR sale. The fuck is this with the CFP? Is this due to the "Not a registry" registry?

>no sbs/sbr without $200 cuck stamp
>no more than 10 foriegn made parts in a gun
>can't use postal service for guns and ammo
>no blumpf stocks
>states with hicap mag b& where ours are just pinned
>can't transport across some state lines
>56% white


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Probably to prevent people from verifying a pal post c71 and saying its an ammo sale instead of giving up details for the NR transfer

When the fuck did ANYONE call in PALs for ammo? I have only ever had people look at it

Not for major retailers or big box stores, i'm talking about private ammo sales.

Oh lol
I don't know why you use private ammo sales

>uses 'fake' mags since can't have over 5 rounds


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>the chad airborne bat captain
>the virgin 56% officers