Army 2 hard 4 me

Having quit during basic training (not America, you basically just have to ask and you can leave here) should I look into joining the Air Force or just find something worthwhile to do as a civilian?

On a related note, what's something worthwhile one can do with their life as a civilian?

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If you quit during bct you’re probably never going to make it in life.

Damn; and idea how I can unfuck myself then?

You should at least confront the reason you quit and improve yourself. If physical, improve. If physiological, figure out what made you quit even though you could go on.

Oy vey

I don't even know what you did but you're a bitch. Here's my story
>Go to fort Benning April 2 this year
>Go through 9 days of reception
>Go to actual basic
>Get 8 days in then get injured running 30:60s on the track
>Stress injury in my right hip, can't walk or run without extreme pain
>Thrown on hip profile, crutches, can't train at all
>Watch as the friends I showed up with train without me and I can only watch
>Have to tell family to cancel reservations and tickets for family day in June
>Tell them I'm getting certainly recycled and that theres nothing I can do about it
>Last thing I hear is my mother weeping then I have to hang up because tone was up for the phone call
>Miss almost 130 hours of training in total
>After 5 weeks I'm healed and I recycled to the new company that showed up next door
>Still in pain, but can do the training
>Incredibly homesick and feeling hopeless, don't know if I'll heal up correctly ever
>Push through everything, thinking only of my family and my friends
>Keep going and going
>Pass all the training, pass PT tests
I just graduated today and am writing this from my phone in my bay right now, saw my family for the first time in 3.5 months and I start tank school Monday. If I did it there's no reason you can't do it too.

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Dis sum gud shit, congrats bro. Got any advice for the fatties out there that wanna do the same?

You're going to do a great service for us Goyim. Thanks for pushing your body so hard for Yisrael.

Good for you user, congrats and gods speed in tank school.

If true then big. Good job user

Yeah stop being fat retard

>I don't even know what you did but you're a bitch
Correct; I wasn't injured, I just can't handle stress.

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Don't fucking join the Air Force, we already have to many fucking thin skinned faggots who can't man the fuck up when shit get tough as it is. The entire point of Basic is(or was) to make everything in life so fucking complicated and sucky that it tests your stress adaption. To see if you can fall into that cold emotional fight mentality needed to complete the job without thinking about self-preservation.

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What exactly can't you handle about it? Can you not focus?

>washing out in army basic

just stay out, other basics won't be easy and that shit is on your record. Air Force recruiter will see your shit and nope the fuck out

>joining the military to legally hunt people means most people wont care about bigger geopolitical tomfoolery
Grow up and remember the pawns do what they want, if you want to pretend you're making a difference then write your senator.

Before you go in start losing weight. Pick up a good running regime, don't worry about pushups and situps as much. I've you get to basic, eat hella salads. If you go in the summer you'll lose shit tons of weight just from sweat alone, especially in Georgia
>Humidity holy fucking shit
And just stay motivated and keep your head in the game as dumb as it sounds. As long as you don't lose hope and don't listen to the other brokedicks in your platoon and company you're fine. Stay strong mentally.
Looking forward to it, I'm excited
Couldn't make it up if I tried, the past 3.5 months I had to change every element of myself mentally to keep going and not just let myself get chaptered out, especially with Drill sergeants making fun of you and singling you out for just for being on crutches
Yeah no fuck you then, that's a terribly lame excuse. Try again, give more detail into what happened
>Formation runs wearing PT shirts and PCs

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Why do the chinkposters think we care about jews?


if u end up in 6-8 ill walk across the squadron and smoke the piss out of ya cunt

Recycling is the most anti-indoc idea there is. IT should be pass or fail period. Instead of creating unity, which is required for warfare, it is one of the various cracks that can destroy it. It creates an individual environment where the success of the individual is greater than the whole.

Both the tribe and the leaders should always bear the burden of their members failing. Recycling doesn't create that, it creates an environment where the failure falls on the individual, and only effects the individual, never the command or group. How are we supposed to create NCO's/SNCO's/Officer's that are effective if we train them to believe that the failures and suffering of their subordinates is always the fault of the subordinates and not the choices made by those above them.


>what happened
I walked up to the instructor's office and handed my section commander a note basically saying "I'm depressed, please let me go home."
I was not comfortable with the yelling and the constant state of panic.


you're absolutely right, you don't deserve to be in the military.

Sometimes the fault is the individual's, period. Asking the group to carry incompetents instead of purging them is corrosive to morale and effective units.

benning is widely known as a chill basic so dont even talk like you had it rough bitch

Hence the pass or fail. The fact is that we don't make those failures punishable enough for the rest to understand the consequences of putting someone who is incapable of handling the job at hand.

I never had anything bad come out of someone recycling basic or failing PME, (with exception of one case, but that was so minimal that I don't count it) yet I have gotten to see the real effects of said failure in the real world time and time again.

Is couch to 5k a good regime? Im not a bloatmaxx tard but im certainly not fit. Also good luck on tank school, post lewd Abram pics

I thought that was relaxin Jackson
>I was out of my comfort zone
Did you ask for ice cream next?

What basic is harder than sand hill? None? Got it.

Actually no, they give you ice cream for free in the hospital, I didn't have to ask.

O-oh...did it taste good?

did you mean psychological? lol

I wouldn't buy it but it wasn't bad.
I assume he meant psychological, which was the issue I had; ie: being mentally weak.

it's good but slow, aimed at unfit people.

>Leg as inflated ego

I did the same as op. I enlisted right out of highschool, got to basic and almost immediately bitched out. Not because of the yelling or exercise, I just got depressed as many do. 5 years later and the shame still hangs on me like an iron coat. I was a kid, man, I didn't even know what real life was like.

Try again

Besides the shame, are you doing alright now?
I don't have your excuse, I was 22 but I hadn't really done much in between then and leaving school.

It is relaxin Jackson. The dude that said benning is a lying homo.

Benning sucks ass

>stress fracture in my hips
Maybe if you played outside as a kid and exercised more you wouldn’t have broken a part of your body that’s made to move constantly

Also went to Benning, the lack of women during training was pretty nice desu

t. Fox 2-47

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Congrats dude. I just graduated infantry OSUT on Friday, chilling on Benning right now waiting to pick up with airborne on the 19th. Hope you’re having a good family day weekend. Check out the NIM today if you’re still on pass.

I think I ran into you guys when we did the land nav course a few weeks ago and everyone got lost
T. Fury 1-81
What happened happened, I'm happy it healed and there's no pain anymore
Didn't get to go yesterday, going today after getting some new boots at the mall
Will get pics

this perpetuation of "relaxin jackson" is something they take serious there. they fucking hate it and do whatever they think will fix the idea. i preforated my abdominal wall and didnt even have the opportunity to re-cycle. they do normal basics shit there, i dont get why people think its chill.

It’s fine. It’s not for everybody. I tried the army deal and got real sick early on so they gave me the boot with an EPTS condition, even though I never showed any signs of the medical issue.

In the RHU, the most normal and chill guys were the ones that quit. It just wasn’t for them and I don’t fault them. The ones that were douches and self absorbed fucks were the ones that got kicked out for being totally incompetent or couldn’t meet physical standards. One guy left part of his cleaning rod in his rifle and attempted to shoot it out at the range.

I've since realized what hard work really is and developed into much more of a man. The shame never leaves but I've taken myself to Africa and do plenty of shooting/hiking/camping so it's not an unlivable life. That being said cowards die many deaths before the death of their flesh.
I had the same experience, a lot of fuckwits though. The fake suicide fuckers were the worst, I was put in charge of taking their laces and watching their asses to make sure they didn't kill themselves. While they laughed all the way to the bank.

Congratulations bro

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