What will space warfare look like?

What will space warfare look like?

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utterly and completely terrifying desu. An ambush now looks like a few rockets placed on an asteroid 5 years ago that will now atomize your planet.
>ywn see the ridiculously cool WWII inspired space battle archetype in real life : (
I just wanted broadsides of lasers blasting shit, man

Children of a Dead Earth

The flares are too effective as decoys, but everything else is realistic.

>utterly and completely terrifying desu
just about everything in space can kill you

ASATing satellites. Later ASATing weapons. Much later still ASATing colonial suppression troop transports.

Ship to ship combat involving humans won't happen for a long long time, if ever, unless some huge black swan happens wrt. propulsion.

If you want an accurate depiction of the most likely depiction of space combat go look at HALO

cones firing 9001 nukes at eachother from impossible distances with lined up batteries firing equally as many nukes from equally as impossible distances with .5ms lag time since theres little no reason to put humans in space if a drone can just go in space instead.

Being that it's near impossible to make you invisible in the black void of space I doubt there will actually be much "combat"

You either have fleets that are equal parts decoys to absorb attacks or the team with the better sensors wins. No if ands or buts. If they can see you before you see them you're dead. Can't really call that combat.

My only guess is ships become massive, but not dense.
Lots of empty space and redundant systems. Ablative entire sections of ships. Make that shit out of Styrofoam because fuck it.
Rail guns? go right through large masses of nothing minimizing crew and components
Missiles? Gaps between layers make them far less effective.

Basically picture a maze in a shell and only the correct path through the maze has any ship parts/crew in it. It's not like you can hide in space anyway

massive? it'll just be cones everywhere. The fuck is the point in anything but a massive fucking cone with nuke launchers and a relay station? Drones building drones building drones building drones factory inside too would be a useful one as well

>If they can see you before you see them you're dead
its pretty impossible to hide in space due to a lack of a horizon and the fact we can spot an easy bake oven orbiting neptune with current tech, to say nothing of more advanced tech when we move to space

we would detect any oncoming missiles ahead of time due to their massive heat flare from launch, and the defender can begin tracking targets from launch
its also easy to under estimate just how big and empty space is, it can easily overwhelm any increases in speed you can give
the defender also has much more delta V then any oncoming missile to boot, so has a giod chance to win a maneuver off

weight is also the largest cost, you simply can't pack 10000 missiles to overwhelm defences, because missiles are dead weight

combat likely consists of 2 people scanning each other at distances of up to a light second, and then disengaging from every unfavourable match up

Plus the rocket equation makes convincing decoys and coasting while dark almost totally useless.

Single infiltrators planting 1 bomb on some remote part of the ship so the electric goes out and a giant hole sucks the entire crew into the uninhabitable vacuum of space.

"Space warfare" is a stupid meme. No expensive artillery, laser weaponry or Star Trek faggotry will ever compare to what I described above, in terms of cost and results.

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>after what seems like months we finally got an enemy scan indication
>i've simulated it 40 times and each time Its still unfavorable by 0.000000000000001%
>maybe the next will yield a better result
>i've perfected this, my craft, the simulations
>all leading to this moment
>new simulation result: 11.00009% chance we'll strike once
>pack it in boys, we are heading back into evasive maneuvers

Think of it as cover in a theater where there is no cover. You can't prevent being seen, it's hard to prevent being hit, so you hide your ship,

Here's a poor drawing of what i'm trying to say

Attached: SPAYCE.png (718x600, 12K)

>internalized rage

>manned "infiltration" of clean-room-sealed, high-security unmanned objects in the void


lol retard

here ya go my guy. Also my fucking SSDs are saving everything as compact again. I keep turnin this feature off and fucking deleting things. God dude I hate SSDs sometimes

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Most of those means of detection take time or you need to already be looking there. You can't hide in space but space is big. Very big. You can use interstellar bodies between your target and you to get closer as well as multi-lateral vectors of attack.
I totally agree with you. It's why I'm saying it won't be much in the way of combat. Who ever has the better way of detecting movements will win. That's that.
I don't think there'd be many missiles in space. We're already getting the tech to mitigate them and that's in atmo. Rail guns would be harder to detect thanks to it being a much smaller body to track and better velocity. Especially when all you got to do is space your opponent. Even automated ships would still likely have an internal gas of some sort to sink heat into,

Still though that just means the person who locks the other down first, fires the shot and wins. Still not much in the way of combat

*steals your access card*

>and 12 digit access code and fingerprint

Ah I see. This is a better description of my plan with your visuals
At least I hope it is, this could also be unintelligible.
Again the idea is "I can't prevent being seen/hit so lets give a bunch of crap that can blow up without us worrying"

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Who uses biometrics for security anyway? You can't keep it a secret and can't change it, it literally weakens your security setup

Giant shotguns shooting ship sized birdshot at each other from thousands of km away.
Good luck dodging an entire artificial tungsten asteroid field moving at the speed of sound.

>Good luck dodging an entire artificial tungsten
carrying a enough tungsten to saturate a thosuand km wide cone enough to guarantee a hit would probably make the carrier of a ship too large to be sent into orbit and would have pretty much zero endurance due to how much of its mass is dead weight

the solution of making the pellets smaller to increase the density of impacts would make it easier to weather with existing tech like whipple shields or exotic tech like anti-asteroid lasers

Nothing. It'll be ships launching warheads at each other from thousands (or more) miles away.

>speed of sound
>in space

Memes aside, the speed of sound is fucking slow as all hell in space terms.
The speed of sound in regular atmosphere: 343 m/s
The speed of the International space station: 7660 m/s

>he thinks ships will be built sent into space and not built there.

This, not only will it be extremely quick, its going to be pretty boring compared to star wars.

>No if ands or buts. If they can see you before you see them you're dead. Can't really call that combat.

Sure you can.
You just square off and blow the living fuck out of each other, 19th century style.
Whoever has the most balls and luck wins.
We ships o' the line w/nukes nao.

The preferred unit of measurement in space is km per second.


Shooting heavy mass cannons at insane velocities from so far away that the speed of light is a variable in aiming.

Like this.

Attached: Legend of the Galactic Heroes Formations.png (1200x900, 235K)

Many people know the laser grids vs missile swarms meta.
Not many know about the pellet-railgun meta using rate of fire to get 'shotgun' effects like a machine gun's beaten zone.

>can't hide in space
You're hidden by default. The tumbling cigar from outer space that flew through the solar system was only detected when it was already leaving our system. An asteroid-size object is literally invisible until it reaches our planetary orbit.

The only reason we can communicate with our satellites at the edge of the solar system is because we know damn well where exactly they are, we know exactly what signal to look for, and we have fuckhuge directional antennas pointed at them, and even then, the signal is barely good enough to transfer any data at all. Space is so stupidly big, you'd moon-size object to be readily detectable by someone who doesn't know what to look for and where to look beforehand

>comparing extra-system passive objects and multiwatt radios from the 1970s to gigawatt IR flares

consider taking a physics class

What if someone just had throwaway autonomous ships around the main ship to make a sort of bubble?

>plate and lance meta

It's a good idea, but occupies too narrow a technological niche. Chemical-warhead missiles can bypass or outswarm them relatively easily and lasers can reach though.

PD drones are good to back up PD lasers being swarmed tho.


Scary fast.

Actually I think space warfare would be scary enough that everyone would want to avoid it, and fuck off at max speed the second it begins. As such, space warfare could be ridiculously short-lived, even relative to how fast it would be, because no one would want to wage it. This is certainly what I would do.

I think the outcome will depend on the level of technology, not of weapons, but of resources collection, ship building, fuel gathering, life support, general safety from space hazards, and how easy it is to produce all that shit, essentially the ability for a small group of humans to live in complete autonomy in space and adopt a nomadic lifestyle, basically Minecraft/Space Engineers/Subnautica-grade magical constructors building shit from raw resources.

If such technology is primitive and Earth infrastructures remain the main shipyard and source of fuel, war will be waged over it. If technology is advanced enough to allow complete autonomy, people will fuck off, and they may not wait for the start of a war to fuck off.

>energy shields and lasers
High Seas 2: Three Dimensional Boogaloo
>realistic stuff
Balloon fencing but with spaceships and when your balloon gets popped your eyes burst and lungs collapse.

Space has a background temp of 4 Kelvin. Any ship is detectable from incredible distances.

Minimum engagement distance will be the distance between the earth and moon. sensors will be able to see where enemy ships were a few seconds ago so you'll be shooting lasers guessing where the enemy will be a few seconds form now.

Grappler ships and space magic.

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Children of a Dead Earth.

>The tumbling cigar from outer space that flew through the solar system was only detected when it was already leaving our system.

>no heat generation what so ever
>S L O W

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Once the minovsky particle is invented we'll be forced to adopt close range tactics, lots of dogfights

Can't say for certain, CoDE probably, however, IF we figure out a FTL mean? Space combat will become absolutly redundant for two reasons. One, as shown by, and I know most of you hate it, TLJ, two...and more importantly, what the fuck do you have to fight over at this point when you can go anywhere you please?

lets say, despite how impossible it is, Races in space have developed FTL capabilites, or "near" the speed of light.

this instantly makes Space a quiet zone, no one would dare stand out enough, no one would be willing to radio anyone else or give away where they are.

because the threat of attack is so great, anyone who did would preemptively send a FTL object at their ships and planets killing them before they could even see it coming.

they'd have to do this, so that they don't get hit first.

so if FTL already exists among aliens, they are all avoiding each other and hiding away.

I take it you took The Three Body Problem to heart?

a mere coincidence, if such things were possible, its simply cold logic that leads to my conclusion.

Space is so vast that you infact can hide, unlike what people here think, if travel is measured distances of your Galaxy, there are an endless amount of solar systems to squat in, I highly doubt advanced sensors could see too many solar systems away, even to these hypothetical Aliens.

no one would be broadcasting, that's for sure, the threat of complete obliteration is a bit too scary

Even worse and even more min maxed imo
CoaDE only allow very generic designs and as real shit ai to save processing power.
>tl:dp Armor is for navies with cash to spare, MW lasers retardedly optimized for specific range and targets burn everything while ridiculous missiles at ludicrous speeds shred everything.
In the end either one guy dies or both, no limping home wounded.

lmao this guy

This guy literally teleports behind your ship nothing personal captain.

>because no one would want to wage it.
Peeps get ended instantly by an IED but they still keep getting recruits ready for a fight.
If there something to fight about and more than one entity they'll fight for it
If its one entity it'll split to fight for it.

>hiding away.
But you can't hide away user, eventually you'll be found.
If you come to the conclusion peeps are that paranoid the only end to that path is sterilizing the galaxy, Goldilocks zone by Goldilocks zone.
The only viable play is to expend fast and hard so that you'll be able to take the hit or dish it out.

its not so much as they wouldn't want to fight, its that when it comes to a Galactic scale, any combat is over instantly, with your entire planet destroyed, there is no fighting or mechs or guns, there is simply an object fired at speeds you can't imagine at you and everything your people sit on or in, and you all die in a series of kinetic bombardments that the physics of would bend your mind.

so they might WANT to fight and kill, but I highly doubt they are attempting, because the first person to blink dies.

lol, if you have intergalactic travel capabilites, you can disguise your planet as a boring gas giant, or a million of other ways.

and your goal is retarded, you could never build enough that a few cheap rocks hurled at realativistically insane speeds couldn't destroy, Rocks are cheap.

You'd love a Killing Star user. One of the stories that, iirc, influenced TBP

Let's fucking do it. I want boarding actions
>We space marines nao

just watch robotech desu

>Rocks are cheap

Energy isn't. Getting that rock up to speed is insanely expensive, and probably visible at interstellar ranges.

it would look cool, hope it happens above where i live at night the fire works display would be cool to watch

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>this is your brain on anime

TBP is communist propaganda, and its blatent.

>space is so vast

Not to spacefaring civilisations tho. STL craft which replicate at each new star could cover the galaxy in a million or so years - a very short time.

its insanely expensive.. now, to your scientists.

maybe there are places with say, two black holes in proximity, and with the right calculations, you throw an object at the right lane between them, and instead of being sucked in either, its flung at insane speeds.

and then you simply aim it at things.

or who knows what technology can bring.

how so?

cool, that's ONE fucking Galaxy, good job.

now figure out how to cross the distance of nothingness between Galaxies.

and so forth.

In the Culture they always wonder why the FUCK someone would willing live on a planet.
though they believe themselves to be peace loving pacifists despite literally being in a cold war with everyone.

they apparently had the ability to slingshot suns so that's pretty fucking horrifying.

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Just look at how many close calls we got from one cold war only, the time-spans required for us to get to multiple worlds definitely allow for some close calls there too. Rolling triple sixes is rare user but it happen.

>when you convert a galaxy and yeet over to the next only to miss absolute every single gravity well

Though there could also treaties and such intentionally gimping space war technology precisely to avoid that kind of huge scale devastation. Similar to how we didn't just solve Vietnam with nukes.

So it can be kicked off with a mutual agreement not to orbitally bombard the enemy planet to dust because neither side wants to risk that kind of total loss and/or be the winner of a bombed out asteroid field where a planet used to be.

>if you have intergalactic travel capabilites
The energies involved in that alone mean that even testing your theory makes you not stealth anymore.
Just the radio waves, hell the lights from your cities all along your development betrayed you before you even became aware of "oh shit we might not be alone and they might want to nuke us". Not to mention stopping your whole population from ever just broadcasting your position with a "hello world".
>you can disguise your planet
Why would research into going fast make you good at camouflaging things? I'm serious please explain.
Are gonna move your planet and hide into an actual gaz giant? The energies involved in that project revealing you. Or maybe you'll just project holograms around the planet, somehow perfect across the whole spectrum with no waste, in which case you become the most interesting gaz giant. One that doesn't affects its neighbors the way it should, that didn't even form in an orbital area favorable to its existence.
FTL being a thing is a game changer, distance, real estate, access isn't a problem anymore. We detect planets that are candidates for life with a fraction of our limited array of comparatively tiny telescopes.
We're talking about species that can bend the laws of the universe to their will, moving materials away from the galactic plane to build a huge fuck off telescope and scan their own corner of the galaxy moving outward is a side project.
But never mind that, you seem to think that the universe is a thick noisy jungle where one cannot perceive much from very far. You also seem to think someone can send a FTL rock at another without killing themselves from a third party's rock making the whole exercise pointless. Finally you mentioned hiding planets as gaz giants.
Why would you not then use that same covert rock flinging method to set up other worlds, hiding them as gaz giants, gaining both contingencies should you be found out, MAD capability as well.

>Have access to a galaxy's worth of materials
This user doubts one can set aside enough to cross the larger void.

I forgot but reminded me, why in hell would you not fucking leave planets behind and live in habitats hidden inside Oort clouds equivalent all over the galaxy.
If resolution is so low one cannot see the early signs of intelligent life habitats are truly kings of stealth by virtue of simply being to small to see.

>its insanely expensive.. now, to your scientists.
>your scientists
Are you the fucking alien?

Like nothing, you'll find out you're at war when all your infrastructure shuts down because someone hacked it, then you get an email asking for payment of half a bitcoin

Likely strictly drone warfare in combat. The only things that can survive the speed and G forces.
If something makes it past your defenses, your planet gets fusion bombed and blown to smithereens.

kinetic weapons

Like a battle from legend of the galactic heroes.

I like the concept in 'the forever war'

on a warship, human passengers are put into stasis pods filled with gel that fills their lungs, basically doing as much possible to ensure the human survives the huge g's in the combat

combat is handled by an AI computer, weapons are hundreds and hundreds of nuclear tipped missiles

the combat takes place across an entire solar system, takes several hours of missiles destroying missiles, and the main battleship doing heavy braking, vector changes and using planets for cover

the loser is the first battleship to run out of missiles

even the nothingness of space kills you

It won't look like anything because humanity is on an irreversible demographic decline because all of you bought into the propaganda glorifying your own death and are too afraid to stick out from the crowd even in defense of your own lives.

We'll all die as the progenitors of a brown iq-80 golem race who will never dare to have ambition again lest we disrupt the raising of the third temple. And likely when that death comes it will be kneeling over a mass grave.

If capable thought exists long enough to land a human on mars it will simply be in the service of an ill-advised political stunt starring a Somalian woman in hijab.

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I just started reading the expanse book series and its pretty unglorified, some dude is talking to you in the cabin and next second a stray gauss round makes two holes in the cabin and one in a person


I've always imagined that space combat is going to be drones, drones, and more drones.
Wars would basically be decided by who could produce the most drones.
Whoever runs out of drones just immediately surrenders and the conquerer takes their resources to build more drones, but it's cool because we are post scarcity at this point. So, the defeated still live a life of luxury, just with less control.


Giant cathedrals with batteries the size of small moons shooting projectiles at near light speed at each other, all the while no one remembers how to produce said cathedrals batteries or projectiles

Space is cope invented by white males who can't handle living with based POC.

Said cigar didn't have engines, sensors, weapons, or life support.

Not how physics works. Energy in is energy out so all the energy you get from falling into the black holes would be spent getting away from the black holes.

Your net positive would come from the gravity boosting from the spin of two black holes and that would SEVERELY limit your targeting options.

Very joust-y. Fleets will be passing each other at tens of kilometers a second. Missiles will be used at long range to soften up enemy fleets or exploit broken formations. These massed volleys would be much reduced by laser point defenses so you'd have to isolate ships to overwhelm their defenses. The real ship killer would be the railgun as firing dozens of hypersonic rounds a second produce hits by volume alone. Unfortunately, they'd only be effective at close range.

Super dense high speed ramming fighters.
Projectiles cannot penetrate, lasers cant melt and its maneuverability will make any large ships a sitting duck.

Destroy it's control systems and then change course.

>Peeps get ended instantly by an IED but they still keep getting recruits ready for a fight.

And they return with PTSD. Why? Because modern warfare is so stressful, and so unfair.

A thousand years ago, in order to kill you, a dirty barbarian would have had to run 2 miles on an open field carrying a rusty axe, and he would have been no match to you, trained with a spear, sword and bow since the age of 8.

Today, the threat is everywhere, present at any time, there is no safe place, not a moment's rest, and skill is so secondary, a retard could get a lucky shot at a thousand yards, a guy who's long dead could kill you with an IED he placed, a mortar could hit your face any second. It's all so random, so unfair, it makes you go crazy.

Today, people are scared of weapons of mass destruction, enough that the theory of MAD is heavily challenged, some thinking no one in his sane mind would retaliate.

Tomorrow, planet-size threats moving faster than anyone can see coming from distances too far for anyone to even imagine will end you in a blink.

Yeah, I think people will just run away. That's too much for any human mind to handle.

The simplest answer is, there won't be space combat. Humanity gave up that dream in favor of dying in a slow roasting ecological nightmare, as the biosphere diminishes, and all of the resources we would have used to go into space and establish a space faring civilization come out are instead funneled into 3rd world shithole To prop up billions upon billions of people who will never never meaningfully contribute to any societies. And when at last humanity is finally undiminishedto a feudal States, from which will never arise again, someone will look at pictures of space craft, and wonder what might have been. Then everyone will die because we already exhausted all of the easily accessible resources back when we had unlimited labor, and a livable climate.

So prepare for the collapse.

barf inducing