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Other urls found in this thread:

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if the south would've won we'd of had it made

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If I had wheels I'd be a bike

hurrah we bring the jubilee

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>when you hate black people so you shoot the guy who wanted to send them back to Africa

Attached: whostheretard.jpg (327x344, 15K)

fucking commie trash.

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The north cheated

Reminder that it was a bunch of yankees who killed Lincoln and that the civil war was more than just north versus south. It was literally brother against brother, family members turning on each other. The whole Sherman meme just shows how nothing has improved since than, in fact it's gotten worse, niggers can vote now.

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You can blame Southerners for whole Sherman meme. All he really did was burn down the industrial buildings in Atlanta and raided a couple of farms for supplies but the story got twisted by some of the Southerners and they kept exaggerating what Sherman actually did to vilify the Union after the war. From what I hear he wasn't really hated in the South until a couple of decades after the war ended and stories were spread about how he burned down farms somehow when he in reality was miles away from them.

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Shut up “philosopher”


Does anyone really get upset over a civil war they had no part in? A northerner feeling pride that their particular region of the country won a war is as retarded as a "south will rise again" butthurt southerner. Whites killing whites is a favorite pastime of kikes globally. You morons arguing about it now are the dumb ones that are easily goaded into spilling blood for them. Kikes, niggers and spics are the problem with the U.S. North vs South is pointless bickering

>we'd of
The absolute state of American public education.

its more like
>when your entire economy is based upon using brownies and some fuckass tries to change it by saying that you cant have anymore and required to buy northern shit to stay afloat so you shoot the wishy washy yankee at the helm
reminder that abolitionists were originally women

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>not knowing its a based Hank song

Death to yankee scum.

based history rewriter


not today traitor. come on up to Pa and get butchered again.

If the south had won the CSA would be a third world country today if it even still existed and hadn't been invaded by the union after the inevitable slave revolt

They would’ve ended up as a slightly whiter Brazil. Or literally part of Brazil if they followed up on their plans to unite with the other slave holding agricultural states in the Western Hemisphere.

You gonna shoot him with a red Ryder BB gun? The north is nig nog land, you freed them so now you keep them. You reap what you sow.

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The Yankee fears the Rebel.

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How's that lack of industry, reliance on slave labor which has to be closely guarded, and inability to be recognized as independent working for you?

That is beside the point.

Bravado and raw courage don't win wars. The South shot itself in the foot long before the war began with a shitty economic system. Plus, globally the tide had turned and slavery was no longer accepted in Britain, France, or basically anywhere that could supply the South. Honestly, though, you had from the 1780s to 1860 to gradually end slavery in a manner that wouldn't destroy your economy. You could've even sent the slaves back to Africa. But no, the upper echelons of Southern society were greedy, feckless men who couldn't be bothered to plow their own fields and couldn't be bothered to pay a free white man a living wage to do so. But they were more than ready to draft poor whites to fight on their behalf, while anyone with more than 20 slaves was given a free pass.

>hurrah we bring the jubilee

Replace tears with Negro semen you big cuck.

>Does anyone really get upset over a civil war they had no part in?

Face it. Modern Americans are shitskins larping as Americans

Georgian here, please stop rampaging through our state. It's very rude of you. I know we messed up by not pursuing y'all after Chickamauga, but it's just our manners.

YIKES. Reliance on slave labor was actually on its way out by the time of the war. Do some research my blacked yankee friend.

>Sink all your capital into land and people to pick the cotton that grows on it

Don't build an economy that looks completely medieval on paper.

True, my great great great grandfather fought against his own cousin.

is that why they skull beat the fuck out of them?

I have family who had a part in it, that said, I am Canadian, but of American extraction.

Family has been in he New World since the days of the Virginia company.

There are more niggers in the south than the north.

soooooo no u..

The 1860 census showed that roughly 32% of white families in the soon to be Confederacy owned slaves. In some states the slave population was about half of the total population.

The overwhelming majority of slave holders in the south were kikes. The boys didn't fight to keep niggers, they fought to have sovereignty from the Union. The only thing on your minds is blacks, all the time.

Everything you just posted is, once again, beside the point.
My point? The Yankee feared the Rebel, that's why they did everything in their power to put them down, decimate their armies, and use their carpetbagger politicians to control them afterwards.
It's almost flattering.

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The rabid rat will bite the cat no matter what.

The historic society near me took all the confederate flags from the graves of the soldiers and sailors in the local graveyard, but left the federal flags. I called em up to complain, and they said a progressivist group complained. I said to them that it was absolutely shameful that they would buckle to non-Georgians putting pressure on them, and that those boys who died for their land deserved a fucking flag, and a week later, the flags were back up.


True enough. Y'all had pluck, that's certain.

he proposed that years ago and shifted on his stance throughout the war

Reminder that supporting the Confederacy means you also support aristocracy and fucking over the the actual southerner.

>Reminder that supporting the Confederacy means you also support aristocracy and fucking over the the actual southerner

Abolishing slavery fucked over the south. The free negroes went around looting, raping and killing and they haven't stopped since.

>this whole thread

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>the nobody on k knows the song by Hank William Jr
Mfw a stupid fuckin bong makes a post on the English.
>extreme faggots the whole lot of you

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Not sure why people on here have latched onto the idea that Lincoln wanted to send them all back. He floated the idea just like he floated the idea of sending them to Central America, but in the end he knew it wasn't a viable option.

If there's anything Southerners should be mad about it's not losing the war, but the fucking Reconstruction.

Reminder that Lincoln was actually a decent president and pretty Jow Forums tier.
>Rural boy from Kentucky
>6'4 with a rock solid jaw line
>Tested guns on the White House lawn
>Never punished the South after the war and instead sought to heal the divide in America
>Possibly gay
>Died from a gunshot wound

Attached: Lincoln.jpg (349x450, 16K)

sorry faggot but teddy was cooler

>Possibly gay

>im a 4channer so i have to racist now which means i have to defend the union because they were based and racist

t. fedfags
the next thing you will say is post guns

Out to kill over five million wild bison to starve out the Lakota afterward, General Sherman?

I heard some rumor about Lincoln being gay but with all the dragon dildos I've seen posted on here I thought I should slip it in

It's because he slept in a giant bed with other men when he was running the circuit as a lawyer. It was common practice at the time. He wasn't gay.

Oh I'm sorry who was it that imported millions of Africans to America? Next time pick your own cotton.

Good on you user

>Southern aristocrats convinced other poor white men to die for them after importing a bunch of niggers so they didn't have to pay white men a decent wage to pick their cotton

>Wannabe British aristocrats convinced poor white men to die for them after refusing to pay sales tax so they could make a fortune after their "revolution" was won

If the south wins it would be a bigger shithole than it is today.