Just bought a grappling hook

Found this in my local mil surp store and I've never seen one like this before so I bought it. It folds up, the only markings on it are "USA patant 4702507" and "stowsafe". I cant find any information other than the patant info. Have any of you seen/ worked with one before? I'm not %100 sure its even military.

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how much?

neato. every boyscout should have a grapple hook

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He wanted 125, i got him to 100. Its alot, but I've never seen one before and I learned the hard way with surplus.

tie a rope to it and test it out

I have no doubt that it would hold 300+ lbs on a single tine. Its bigger than it looks, and its clear that its a high strength steel with good treatment and finishing. The center that holds everything together is a 1/2" diamater hex head bolt that has a sheer strength of tens of thousands of pounds. I dont have any rope handy but I'm going to get some black static cord for the cool 80's swat team look. Pic for scale reference

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that's a big grapple hook
