Hey Jow Forums. I just had a horrendous date with a girl that really liked me. How do I avoid going full Bickle...

Hey Jow Forums. I just had a horrendous date with a girl that really liked me. How do I avoid going full Bickle? How do you guys do it?

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I ask myself if an aspie would do that. If yes then I don't do it.

I just fuck guns instead desu

As dumb as this sounds, it's unironically one of the best ways to seem normal and have a fulfilling social life.

What was so horrendous, explain. We are here for you user

I do it by posting Jow Forums shit on Jow Forums.

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What about in the moment? You need to keep a conversation going, and you can’t just not do things to maintain a conversation. I can never focus on a conversation, and I feel like I have nothing in common with 95% of humanity. I feel like I’m losing my mind here.

I want to give you advice user but I realized I never questioned whether I would resemble a loner like Travis bickle when I failed on a date. I only thought: maybe it just wasn't meant to be,
I'll do better next time, and eventually it'll work out.
You're underlying doubt in yourself needs to be mended before a healthy girl will be interested in you

Keep asking her questions. Your worry about not looking stupid is limiting your attention to mostly yourself.
And that's not how successful dates work

I dunno, I got my current gf by making her giggle at my Jew impressions. She is fully aware of the extent of my firearms collection. Being an aspie is fine so long as you're funny about it.

listen to dr patrice oneal

It just takes practice. If you find yourself in a situation with noticeably autistic or otherwise awkward people, pay very close attention to the things they do and say that annoy you or make you think they're weird. With enough exposure, you can eventually develop an intuitive sense of which topics/ways of bringing them up to avoid.

As for keeping a conversation going, just ask the person about themself. Nearly everyone loves talking about their lives and hobbies. Even if it's boring, useless information on the surface, see your goal in listening less as learning the information itself and more about giving them the perception that you care about what they have to say. Looking like you're genuinely interested in what someone is saying is probably the simplest way to get close to them.

Nice dubs. Also, OP, this is spectacular advice. I'd also add, if you're fishing for a conversation topic, bring up something you both like or dislike, but this assumes you already know a little about her.

t. Ex-autist who has crawled his way into a fulfilling social life

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He's best for managing relationships. Patrce o'neil's tips for succeeding at dating always leaves out the fact that his ideas worked for him because he's incedibly hilarious, charming, socializing master, and famous.

>bring up something you both like or dislike
Definitely. If you're talking about something you're passionate about, try to make it something you like and are knowledgeable about; it looks good, and she probably doesn't want to hear you complain/rant about something. However, if you can get her to complain about something she very much dislikes, you can turn it into a bonding experience. For whatever reason, people tend to allow themselves to be very vulnerable when complaining about things, and you can use this to get closer. Offering sympathy, not solutions, can often get a girl to feel comfortable opening up to you further. Plus, you can use her complaints as a segue to inject humorous anecdotes about similar experiences in your own life. Everyone has a story about a bad friend or an asshole boss.

Not related but I JUST watched this movie. Creepy.

Best advice I can offer you is not to overthink things, or over speak things, if that makes any sense. Keep things short, sweet, and don’t over complicate it.

What made the date so bad if you mind me asking?

Mother of god this was my captcha..

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Those qualities help, but his philosophy was centered around righteous honesty to one's nature. Even if you're a cheesy dude, as long as you have some level of ambition and a developed personal philosophy, you don't need to be his level of charming to succeed with women. It's not about imitating his style, it's about self-honesty and confidence.

NO WAY?!?!?! YOU JUST WATCHED A POPULAR MOVIE?!?!?! WHOOOAHAHAHWEEE?!?!? God's lonely fucking man, ya schizotypal. Taxi Driver is an OVerrated film, but the DLC soundtrack reminds me of the Old World Blues and Gomorrah Jazz from FNV.

Sir are you okay? You seem to be having a spazz out.

And yes. I watched it and just turned my phone on and this topic popped up not more than a minute after watching it. I just thought it was a weird coincidence plus the captcha.


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Im not quite sure that your even replying to the correct topic.

I was mocking

Why are there 2 different chicks side by side?

I wanna poke it with a stick

Good ol summertime.

keep larping as an oldfag and people might believe you at some point

Become an statistic gun grabbers will try to use against private firearm ownership. If you don't do it, they'll just latch onto somebody else who did anyway, and I think we both know you'll feel better after you kill yourself.

Not OP, but this is true IME. I only get along with the complainer kind of girl, since I like to moan as well. Hyperoptimistic or super confident chicks well never let you be yourself if you're a depressive assburger. Just make sure you're not complaining all the time.

Hobbies, masturbation, and the realization sometimes things arent meant to be and you have to learn to move on.

This is good, also complements. Girls love talking about themselves all the time and love getting constant complements about everything even if it's not true

Idk man I do some Autistic ass stuff sometimes and I fuck