Which Warsaw pact country had the most competent military...

Which Warsaw pact country had the most competent military? I hear East Germany was almost on par with a NATO-tier military, but also hear a lot of talk that Poland and Czechoslovakia were doing pretty well too.

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Bullshit, no satellite state was trusted with state of the art weapons. And the military exercises were a joke.
>be my uncle
>be in paras
>be a good shooter, but not enough stamina
>state wide competition, that included running and shootin with PK machinegun
>uncle and that one jogger of similar posture covertly switching place

And that's how medals and promotions are won in combloc, while generals gain good commie points.

just make many tank tovarisch
industry with out wastefulness of profit or competition can out produce capitalist state

East Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia are the ones that do stand out, and for good reason, they along with Soviet forces stationed in those countries were meant to take the first hit in the case of a war with NATO.
That is also part of the reason that they never got the latest top of the line equipment, their life expectancy was not expected to be long enough for better equipment to matter, just there to dull the edge of NATO forces for the following Soviet forces.
The other reason is the ever present Soviet paranoia about defectors and spies supplying materials to the west, which was most noticeable in the airforces.
The latest and greatest in aircraft and weapons were often kept back from the "frontline" to avoid someone deciding to trade the latest in Soviet AAM and radar technology for a life that doesn't suck as badly as behind the curtain.

This is why you can sometimes see images of WarPac and Soviet aircraft on exercises in the 70s-80s carrying non period typical weaponry, even old R-3s well past the time they were no longer considered relevant in frontline use.

What decade did the Eastern bloc/SU lose it's ability to steamroll Western Europe conventionally?


What about the 1975-1980 period.

I would have thought America would have had a bad time responding in the Carter years.

You greatly underestimate how shit conscript armies are. Some NATO members had Garands as service rifles in the 80ies, for chrissakes. My father was sent once on guard duty with a M1 carbine and two rounds, "shoot in the air if anything happens".


This: Training in most NATO-countries was almost the same shit as in Warsaw pact that time.

>Your only purpose in life is to die the moment anything happens
What a shitty deal

Honestly, none of them.
Conscript armies are largely incompetent as a whole, especially when fighting for pure ideology.
Most Poles didnt really care or like communism particulary, and hazing was ever present in the army, leading to low morale, with every conscript just running on the "one more day till im free again" mentality.
East Germany probably was the best gear-wise because they were supposed to be the first ones facing troops.
So yeah, most WP nation armymen werent so eager to fight, and in case of war would probably just rebel. Of course, doesnt really matter when you're gonna just die in nuclear fire anyway.


They aren’t lined up with the flags at all.

It wasn't unique to the Warsaw Pact for what it's worth. The UK brigade in Berlin was given outdated kit, because... well, they'd be completely fucked if it all kicked off.

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>on par with a NATO-tier military
important to ask, in what year?
from the 80's onwart certainly not

As good as people claim east germany was, their equipment was purposefully rigged to underperform due to Russian nigger logic that East Germany was going to betray them

Made up bullshit
>trust me bro, my grandpa said this happened

Would these countries really fight for the Russian scum?

On the contrary! Conscript armies are a endless resource for stupidity, and I like a lot hearing stories from former conscripts.

> Inspection day, no one trust the conscripts to shoot straight for the brass, easy solution is found: targets are pre-shot at short ranges so the brass is happy, no one notices

> routine accidental discharges, a dumbass manages to shoot a sarge in the mouth with a .308

> good amounts of equipment simply "disappears" to be resold by the quartermasters

> lose artillery plotting tables, "let's improvise" brass goes ballistic

> routine food poisoning and hazing

> Individual weapons of WW2-vintage or even worse (bolt actions still used in the 70ies!)

Again, I'm not surprised. We're talking of a bunch of barely competent and barely trained officers that had to manage retarded youngsters. Imagine all the retardation going on in the military nowadays, multiplied.

>That is also part of the reason that they never got the latest top of the line equipment,
I thought the NVA got the latest and finest Soviet gear.

They got the latest hand-me-downs from the soviets since they were the most publicly visible satellite state, and also since they had the smallest chance of mutiny due to their advanced secret police program. However, the soviet union proper never 100% its satellites completely, and as such its policies required military superiority over them

just look at their faces and tell me the entire eastern bloc wouldn't have capitulated the moment war were declared

>be Czech
>get in WaPac meet
>everybody has AKs and you get to be the special snowflake with the Vz

What country?

are you retarded? half of the fighting age male population in the US had just had years of combat experience

thats bullshit

In Vietnam, where they performed miserably. Boomer scum.

Thats one sexy aks in the middle

I read somewhere that the Poles were considered less than 100% politically motivated to fight for the Warzaw pact so their units were treated with some scepticism. Not unfounded I'd say considered the rise of Solidarinoszch, but I don't know if it is correct.

I know Hungary was fucking trash.

Based on what? I have never met a Hungarian I'd be happy to meet in combat, and that includes the women. Motivated like hell. And lousy at communism since the Hungarian spirit is 'more for me'. Would make perfect sense for the Russians to keep them as badly equipped and trained as possible. One armed uprising was bad enough.

>the Hungarian spirit is 'more for me'
Exactly how it was with the high-brass of the Hungarian People's Army. They were more busy managing their own micro-kingdoms of power than trying to keep the military together. Plus they were all good-idea-fairies:
>buy the Su-22
>everybody in WP buys the Su-22M4
>Hungary buys the inferior M3, because it has the same Tumansky R-29 engine as the Mig-23, simplifying logistics
>later figure out that since one engine is built into a fighter by MIG, the other into a ground-attack aircraft by Sukhoi, the engines are non-interchangeable and parts compatibility is minimal

>later decide to buy the very potent Kh-29 for the Su-22
>don't realize you need to order pylons for them too
>don't acknowledge you ever fucked up
>never order the pylons
>the Su-22 gets retired in 1997, along with it's entire inventory of pristine Kh-29's, not one ever even mounted on an aircraft

>officers, paratroopers, and mechanized troops need a compact rifle
>shorten the AKM
>fuck, now it's spitting incredibly large fireballs
>design oversized muzzle break
>rifle is now only 4cm's shorter than a normal AKM
>design atrocious forward grip
>design criminally bad folding wire-stock
>make it standard issue for the ENTIRE armed forces, because all the shitty, low-grade modifications made it cheaper than the standard AKM

>also design a bretty gud rifle for rifle grenades, the AMP-69
>spring-loaded stock and handguard for recoil control
>gas-cutoff valve
>bretty gud for the time optical sight
>never issue it to the Army, give all of it to the Worker's Guard instead to lob teargass grenades in case of another anti-commie boogaloo
>boogaloo never happens, entire inventory rots in Worker's Guard armories

>won every major military engagement with less casualties and loss of equipment overall

Pt. 2:
>mid 1990's
>need some more T-72's as the current Polish and Czechoslovakian-made ones are kinda shitty
>buy some bretty-gud Soviet-made ones with ERA from Belarus
>tanks arrive
>only a few have ERA
>forgot to order explosive inserts for ERA, making them useless
>never order them
>give away 77 to post-Saddam Iraq for free
>but only after they get a complete overhaul on taxpayer money
>the ones left don't get an overhaul

>get Mig-29's for FREE from Russia in 1993
>neglect them
>underfund them
>store them under open sky as if they were still Fishbeds
>overstress and trash a few airframes practicing extreme acrobatics just to win a few awards at RIAT
>cannibalize the ones grounded from parts-shortages just to keep the rest flying
>retire them in 2010
>only have like 4 flying by then
>find 8 that can be auctioned off for poorfag militaries for $18m USD a pop
>no one wants that shit

Except that's an AK

their bmp's came only with fagots, no konkurs
their top line t-72 was the m1 version (so a improved t-72a export version) while the rest were just A versions (550 of all t72 combined, incld. training tanks etc) and with that only gen1 ammo for that tank. add to that around 1600 t55 tanks for the nva, in the sum 2100 tanks. meanwhile the bundeswehr had just as many leopard2 tanks (2150), add to that 2500 leopard 1 for w.germany alone and another 2500 leo1 and 1000 leo2 for other european nato partners
same goes for their airforce, only 20 mig29A
its a joke what they had
the east german nva would have ceased to exist after the first day of battle
they only got a few good models from the soviet union could as a virtue signal to their cannon fodder nations that they are not completely forgotten. otherwise they just got the trash that was phased out from the russian army or was bought for good money



The only Warsaw Pact member who wasn't going to surrender and who was given some actual front-line responsibilities in the event of WW3.

All the other so-called "allies" were expected to bail out and sign an armistice within a few weeks, like Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary.

East Germany was too small, but good.

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What kind of non-sense hearsay FUDlore is this trash?

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look at the dude third from the left

nigga you better get your eyes

Has the same pouty features across the board on her face.

>get Mig-29's for FREE from Russia in 1993

Wasn't free at all. It was compensation for unpaid state debt, pretty bad deal.

>won every major military engagement

Won on the tactical level, badly tied on the squad level and lost on the strategic level.

Looks like a loss for America, Timmy.

That's my Polish gf you asshole.

I never called her ugly, my good man.

And hey, who wouldn't want a round in the haystack with Frodo anyway?

If I swung that way, that'd be great. He has some great femmy features.