Massive PLA troop movements have been spotted heading towards HK

What can we do in the west to help /Kowloon/ defend itself from the mainland? Translate printed gun schematics? Infographics?

Attached: boy-on-beach-image-photo-gallery.jpg (780x439, 53K)

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So it starts, a lot of stern messages from EU and US, then we all watch the Commie Chink strike the Freedom Chink

Fake news.

But it will become real when you retards start attacking and storming the PLA garrisson as you did with the Parliament.

But then, you retards have asked for this.

Imagine defacing the national emblem and expecting no retaliation.

Even more than that. That was an attack on the mainland liason office and they have previously tried to storm the PLA garrisson as well. They literally want to provoke a crackdown and the student leaders already have visas for their exile to Taiwan and the US ready.

Unlucky for them, the PLA will probably not deploy, but they would send in the PAP who actually have riot control gear.

Suck more Chinese dick you mainlander cockroaches

>Bootlicking slint eyed drones
Muh Ching Chong number 1!

About time the Insectoids put the hammer down on those (((color revolution))) cucked little brats.

Follow your "courageous" leaders and flee the city like a coward after you have what it up, little Baggio.

I think our mighty leader should take the opportunity to smash those pesky traiton in taiwan who surely are behind these terrible acts