So my fellow Jow Forumsommandos, what is your current ammo inventory?
So my fellow Jow Forumsommandos, what is your current ammo inventory?
Wouldn't you like to know FBI
Wouldnt you like to know
>Thinking i'm actually fedposting
Why would the FBI be unironically posting this late?
Come on Jow Forums. Are you scared?
>928 rounds of assorted .308
>470ish rounds of Lapua Scenar 6.5x55
>40 rounds of Lapua Mega 6.5x55
>50 rounds of .45-70
>>about 300 bullets, plethora of primers and a few kilos of powder on hand
>About 1700 rounds of .22 LR
>Couple hundred of .17 HMR
>300ish assorted 12 ga
> mfw only 83 rounds of 9mm stockpiled
I'm too lazy to buy a bunch at once, I always just buy then use it at the range over time
1 round of 5.56
1 round of 12 gauge
+500 rounds of .22 lr
400 rounds of 6.5x55
100 rounds of 7.92x57
some .22lr
One of each.
Found a pic of you
Some total of about 500 12.7x99, and a whole fucking mess of .308
1 paintball
Two mags of 5.56 m193 from CBC, four mags of x39 from wolf, one mag of golden saber 124gr +P, and a loaded 25rnd .22 ruger mag.
upwards of 2,400 rds wolf 5.45 polyformance, the "good" stuff as far as cheap 5.45 goes. some retarded LGS bought it by the crate thinking it'd sell like 7.62x39 and I reaped the benefits, wouldve have bought alot more but i've fired maybe 500rds in the last 2 years of anything from any gun, i just have it all sitting in airtight ammo boxes with dessicants
50 rounds of 9mm 124 grain +p gold dot
500 rounds of 9mm 115 grain blazer brass
Not very much of a stockpile, but
>300 rounds .224 Valkyrie
>20 rounds 6.8 SPC
>100 rounds .380 ACP
>200 rounds .454 Casull
>100 rounds .45 Colt
20k 556
5k 308
5k 7.62x39
1k 357 Mag
500 38 spec
10k 9mm
2k shotgun shells
556 - 2500
54r - 19
762x39 - 74
22mag - 30 or so
22lr - 1400ish
9mm - 600
45acp - 140
30-06 - 500
4 guns i dont have ammo for, and 2 calibers i dont have guns for
so many threads asking for personal information these days.
About 400k of 5.56
cool larps bros
4 30-round mags of 556
300 rounds 10mm
2 15-round mags of 9mm
300 rounds .22LR
100 rounds 30-06
A single round of .257 Roberts
A single round of 12ga bird shot
I got like 20 boolits for muh durr gun. Same as before.
Never gunna make it
Thank you for posting. These posts have been archived for future investigations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
540 rounds 556
1350 rounds 9mm
400 rounds 10mm
200 rounds 7.62x54r
>3500 rounds 5.56/223
>2000 rounds 7.62x39 slav
>500 rounds 7.62x51/.308
>150 rounds of 9mm with 1000 rounds arriving later this week.
12000 of 4.5mm
4000 of 5.5mm
About 3 27mm Dildoes, a 30mm Vibrator, 1 35mm Dragon Dildo and 2 50mm Buttplugs.
I have 187 .433 balls.
A few bricks of .22 lr.
A box of miscellaneous .410 shells.
I think there is a couple boxes of thurdy-thurdy soft points on a shelf that I'll never use.
Oh and I have 1 .38 special round that belonged to my great-grandpa.
Um I think
About 3k .22lr
400 7.62x39
80 7.62x54r
Couple dozen 12ga LEO slugs
Few dozen 12ga target loads
And then a handful of a couple different calibers I don't actually have guns for.
Hoping to get a couple spam cans of x39 to stash away this winter.
1750 9mm
900 9mm Mak
85 .380 ACP
9500 .22lr
50 .45 LC
350 .38 Special
150 .357 Magnum
30 .32 SW
250 .32 SW Long
270 7.62 Nagant
150 .40 SW
100 .45 ACP
35 .25 ACP
950 5.56
100 .303 Brit
50 6.5 Carcano
90 8mm Lebel
1100 7.62x54
20 8x56r
75 8mm Mauser
150 20 gauge
20 .410
100 12 gauge
Some of those are guesses from what I remember. I need more rifle and shotgun ammo.
35,000 rounds in assorted calibers.
Rate my stash
>100 rounds of Norinco steel core 7.62x39
>60 rounds of hornady BLACKED 75gr bthp loaded in two mags with my AR
>40 rounds of 00 buck
>34 rounds of 9mm
~1000 of .380 win. Going to be getting more today.
1000 rounds of 5.56
300 rounds of .308 win
200 rounds of 30-30
100 rounds of 12 guage 00 buckshot
50 rounds of 12 guage slugs
2000+ rounds of .22lr
Meant to type 308 not 380 whoops
Here you go, get ready
6 IMI .45 ACP casings
4 Winchester .45 ACP casings
11 CCI Minimag 40gr casings
10 Federal .40 S&W casings
In other words: I’m prepared.
13 rounds of 9mm because if you can't finish the job without reloading you've done something wrong.
That's what a late night FBI agent would say.
500 of 22lr
100 of 22 short
apprx ~4500 rds 22
1 round brass case 7.62x39
More than I'll ever use at the range, mainly because I only ever go once every 5 years.
130 .223
30 .38 special
12 7.62x54r
2 .40
i need to go to the store
Around 700 rounds of 9mm
1,602 Rds 7.62x39
7 Rds 5.56
86 Rds 7.62 NATO
45 Rds .38 S&W
182 .50 Cal Round Balls
142 .50 Cal Slugs
4lbs ffg Black Powder
866 Rds .22LR
550 Rds .30 Carbine
17 Rds .22 Hornet
134 Rds .410
105 Rds 12 Gauge
46 Rds 16 Gauge
60 Rds 20 Gauge
8 Rds 8mm Lebel
10 Rds 7.62 Tok
20 Rds 7.62x54r
1 Rd 40 S&W
1 Rd .45 ACP
35 Arrows
212 Ceramic Marbles
Do I get a free ATF hat now?
Doesnt have crazy numbers. My uncle reloads in batches of about 5k rounds. Probably has around 30k total
>1 paintball
What COLOR, damn it. It MATTERS!
>glow in the dark
I have one happy old dog, thank, you for asking. I wish you a nice day.
like 17 exact jumbos .22
2000rds .223, 480 of that loaded in mags
10000rds .22lr (buy in 5000rd cases and need both standard and high velocity)
100rds 8mm Mauser, half of that on stripper clips
800rds 7.62x39, 100 of that on stripper clips
800rds 9mm FMJ
300rds 12 gauge target loads
~3k rounds of 7.62x39
~3k rounds of 5.56/.223
~6k rounds of 22lr
~2k rounds of 9mm
~500 rounds between 6.5x55, .270, and 12GA, don't really shoot these ones very often.
Not enough. How the FUCK do you hand load .32 S&W Long HBWC so that it feeds right AND is accurate at 25m+?
>my results so far pic related
ill bite
around 700rds between 55gr and 62gr
300 FMJ and 50 HP+P
100 FMJ 20 SP
250 9mm
100 8mm
200 12 ga
1000 .22lr
100 38/357
250 556
300 x54r
200 380
Just bought my first gun.
M1 Garand so I got 400 rounds of .30-06
I like your feng shui
67 5.56 NATO
250~ 22LR
20 slugs, 50 buckshot 12ga
80 7.62x39
80 30-06
Enough to do what I need to do.
remember back when you could have threads like this without the memeschizos complaining about feds?
245,000 22LR
24 30-30
18 25-06
11 .308
21 .357 Magnum RIP
Peak boomer.
>4K .357 mag
>700 .38 special
>7K .22lr
Nuclear missiles
Cool story bro. What crimes have been committed?
Fuck off glownigger
t. Discord tranny memeschizo niggertier faggot lover
How's the scenar group? Which weight?
In multiples of...
A few years back congress passed some guidelines for identifying domestic terrorists. At least 1/2 of Jow Forums fell under their guidelines, such as having weather proofed ammo. It showed a huge amount of ignorance on their part.
I would not put it past some nefarious entity to try to find something they can point to as a way of calling all gun owners terrorists, given who controls congress right now in particular.
If someone wants to know how much ammo I have they'll find out the hard way.
What were those guidelines called? I'd like to read them.
i just got an m1 as well. what ammo did you get? You can get an ammo can packed with 500 rounds of Prvi Partizan from SGAmmo for like 320 shipped.
use slow burning power and a projectile that got a base like a SWC that preferably will have a gaz check, be gentle with the neck of the cartrigde when sitting it.
From large to small
>900 .308
>1k .223
>800 9mm
>~500 .22lr
I just haven't gotten a chance to go to the range in so long, but it's nice to have ammo in bulk and not worry about running out in the short term.
4000- 7.62x39
3000- .22lr
200 .308 (only got a bolt gun in .308 so no biggie)
1000 9mm
500 12 gauge assorted, mostly slugs and buck shot
500 17 hmr, love this round.
Currently don’t own an AR, I’m a maple nigger.
15 rounds in my 92fs
And a paycheck coming in Thursday
I got creedmore from the cmp store. They had a sale on ammo or something since all of it was like 200 buck. I have a ammo can full of the loaded clips.
762x39 ~4200
6.5x39 ~950
545x39 ~7400
762x54r ~3500
556x45 ~1100
762x51 ~1700
12ga 1500
20ga >250
8x57 ~800
32acp ~700
22lr ~1000?
177 pellets ~1500 hunting, ~3000 target shooting pellets
22 pellets, 500 hunting, 2000 target shooting