>decide to go bald a few days ago because fuck paying for a barber
>two friends want to hang out this morning
>one of them has an eye doctor appointment at Walmart for some reason
>chubby friend and I decide to go to video game section to see what's new
Our Walmart recently remodeled a bit to where the shelves the games are on are no more than chest height
>look at the Xbox games, friend glances over and sees the Nintendo switch section
>asks me "am I disgusting enough to own one of these?"
>kek audibly
>continue looking at the games, the atmosphere becomes less welcoming
>it no longer smells like Walmart, now it smells like unwashed pit stains
>turn around
>make eye contact with two sweaty, acne riddled manlets
>one is roughly 5'8", the other no taller than 5'6"
>both are in the 250lbs area
>make eye contact with them both
>one glances up towards my head
>then they look directly at the ground and say "excuse us" while gesturing towards the switch shit
>say "no worries guys" and go to look at the PlayStation games
>PlayStation games are in the aisle directly behind the switch games
>friend and I just silently browse and overhear the manlets talking
>"did you see how quickly that skinhead fucked off? we totally should have kicked their asses"
>"nah man, I just had to flash my piece and they scampered like bitches"(actual dialog)
>"you got a gun man?"
>"yeah I'd totally shoot them"
>friend and I just silently wtf
>lean over the aisle and say "so what games are you looking for?"
>the one that had a gun flinches really hard and literally runs away
>the other one just sits there and stutters like he was buffering
Have you ever met another Jow Forumsommando?
Based yeaposter.
I met a few in college. They were actually pretty cool guys. I went shooting with them a couple times. I probably was a bit too autistic/annoying for their tastes though. Thanks again for letting me keep my Vz-58 at your apartment if you see this.
This dude who just got hired at my job I’m pretty sure is.
>first day at work asked me if I carried
>showed me his Kahr
>mlp tattoo
I’m pretty sure. I hope he’s not browsing right now.
I've met quite a few Jow Forums posters at anime cons just by spying the patches they have on.
cool story bro
There’s quite a few I meet a few times a year at the larger meetups, and the lads in Wis/k/onsin meetup a couple times a month to hang out.
The vast majority of kommandos in the wild are normal, really solid guys that turn out to be good friends. The only ones noteworthy enough to get shitposted on ch4 are the not so normal so it really warps the overall perspective of the ‘average’ kommando.
Sounds like bullshit.
Reddit tier fake blog posting/10
Really? Which part just wasn't quite believable enough for you?
For one, what does any of it have to do with Jow Forums? You could’ve spiced it up by saying they were wearing Jow Forums patches at least
The part about kicking a skinheads ass and shooting you. Nobody on here seriously thinks like that.
The 2 manlets packing heat and wanting to shoot you
>Jow Forums meetup
>Everyone is fat as fuck
Checks out. And don't say they're not, I was skinny fat for years, I know how it looks when you hide it under a loose shirt.
I've met a few people that I suspected might post here but I never asked and I never saw them again. I knew one guy who was from Jow Forums and hasguns so I figure he comes here too. My LGS has a little cafe in it and one time I was eating facing the CZ section and tiny hipster looking guy went up to it and started looking at an SP01. So I guess the memes are true. I doubt he comes here but he looked like what I imagine redittors look like.
>meetup thread
>fat people post
Checks out, just need to have someone mention the goat and I’ll have bingo.
Having bros to hang out with and go to the range is still awesome
sorry but they weren't typical Jow Forums users. If they ever been on Jow Forums they are members of that tranny/commie group that has been raiding.
First of all we are all jacked AF and never in Walmart because we are getting too much pussy.
The girl looks cute though.
Kek tell me more. I'm already laughing.
for me it was the part where everybody clapped
The RO at the range I frequent is one, I Jow Forumsaught him browing a few times during cease fire
You having friends.