Is the Remington 783 a good budget .308? Also modern bolt action thread no milsurp.
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its a pile of cheapness relying on idiots who still trust Remingtons name.
buy an axis.
or anything else really ruger whatever just just not rem modern rem is worst bang for buck possible.
Is that also true for pump shotguns?
i'm considering an 870
I have a manufactured 2018 870. Works just fine. I haven't noticed any rust to oblivion instantly like people say, but I'm religious about cleaning and oiling.
How do Savages hold up over time?
LGS has one in .223 and it looks neat. Don't own a bolyboi and figure it could be a nice gun to plink with
May I ask what exactly renders it bad?
OP here. Yeah what exactly makes it bad? Some things could be an issue that any sub $500 bolt action would have.
Some people find the stock too flexible, but a canadian magazine turned their 783 into a real tack driver with a few simple DIY mods:
Remington has gone down the drain as far as quality goes. Please give up and accept that it is a shit company and just buy a Better gun. Even milsurp is better that, just but a Savage axis