Anyone ever slept while on guard?

Anyone ever slept while on guard?

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On deployment? No

In the field? Oh hell yeaah

No but I masturbated a lot

Youre a Mexican arent you?


Not while on guard, but I knew a guy who slept in the back of landies he was supposed to be fixing in Afghanistan.

So you played with your oui oui while en garde?

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Used to be SecFo. Only “deployment” I ever went on was to the Deid. Not shit ever happens there. Got real good at being half asleep, half awake and wore shades and made sure to sit up straight enough to look convincing.

Never on deployment, but everyone tried to find ways to sleep when on cq.

lel yeah, cold nights up in the alps



never, I always volunteered for night patrol (on the field), was more comfy and fun with lucie.

>Going to captains mast for for a few z’s
You guys really are retarded degenerates

Dumb squid

who was lucy? was she nice?

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>you'll never be trippin on mushrooms as a gunner, with your TC and loader, while your driver is snortin coke in an Abrams again.
feels bad man

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starting falling asleep in the field and got jumped by opfor the minute i closed my eyes, never again

Fuck no, that's how the terrorists win

No not on EC duty atleast. lol

Yes. I fell asleep at an OP once and woke up because some old dude came by with his sheep and shook me.

I know another dude who the same thing happened, but he stabbed the guy and threw him downhill. Dude got shot two years later and works for DIA now.

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No. But I did do some LSD in Kosovo and the guy who was supposed to babysit got drunk and fell asleep. So I wandered around with a dog until I ran into some of the Ukrainians on Bondsteel and they realized I was fucked up and took care of me. I kept the dog too and named him Shippy.


God bless the nations of alcoholics, those people know when and how to take care of you if you're too fucked up. Because who knows when they will stumble through the streets of Odessa the next time, in need of someone to make sure they don't accidentally kill themselves.

I'm a security guard. I get paid to sleep and play on my phone.

I dunno. I’m surprised I didn’t get arrested because besides the MP co. There was like 400 security contractors and a company of Polish MP’s there and the place was constantly saturated with patrols.

I made friends with several of them and stayed friends with one but I haven’t heard from him in a few years. Hasn’t been on steam or fagbook and doesn’t respond to skype or emails.

Are you American? That would explain why Polish MPs didn't want to touch you, they have a lot of respect for their big brother

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Yes, and lol if you think poles are scared to go hands on with an American. Our own guys are gentle, their rules and training are different. Most euro cops are much more comfortable going hands on.

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>be only medic in the platoon
What's guard duty?

Nigger I'm asleep right now

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yeah was really nice

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good shit

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Damn sounds like a blast

Feels good post right here

68W ? How it like bro im shipping out soon to be a medic.

It's the only job worth doing


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