Is there any truth to the whole "it shoots better the more you shoot it" saying? I can't tell if that's just fuddlore, simply getting used to your weapon, or truth.
Any particular guns this is true with?
Is there any truth to the whole "it shoots better the more you shoot it" saying? I can't tell if that's just fuddlore, simply getting used to your weapon, or truth.
Any particular guns this is true with?
Most guns have a sort of "warm up" period.
there has to be some physical part of the gun that changes during that time frame. would you happen to know what changes between fresh off assembly line and third time at the range?
>there has to be some physical part of the gun that changes during that time frame. would you happen to know what changes between fresh off assembly line and third time at the range?
it's all about tolerances. when you get a new gun, tolerances are still tight (assuming it was manufactured properly) so things like rails haven't worn in yet. once metal surfaces start running, they conform to each other and remove lots of surface irregularities.
you could replicate this in the factory by shooting guns a lot but that would be too expensive to do.
note: tighter guns shoot more accurately but that can come at the expense of reliability.
Moving metal parts smooth down to the same smoothness of your brain
You know how when you get a brand new pair of shoes or boots it can feel a little awkward at first, but once you start wearing them it feels fine? That’s pretty much what it is like for a brand new gun.
>would you happen to know what changes between fresh off assembly line and third time at the range?
any part of the gun where one part contacts another
so in other words, the entire gun
good analogy
Yeah you wear off tooling marks
My aero precision was a hard gun toncycle untilninshot it some
If it's something like an ak with dogshit tolerances then maybe. Wear off some of those burrs and edges.
I dont know about shooting better, but the fit between an Aero upper and a cheap Ruger lower I found at my LGS was impossibly tight when I first assembled it. I had to beat the rifle against something to get them to separate. Now it's fine unless it's super hot. There is not a whole lot of wear there, but it loosened up. I bet 60kPSI will do something to a bore.