So I have just read about a FBI special agent who's wife ordered a hit on him because she was fed up with his shit...

So I have just read about a FBI special agent who's wife ordered a hit on him because she was fed up with his shit. The first attempts were a miss, because the guy always made sure his right hand was free. He never carried anything, to always be ready to draw. Apparently, that's what they teach cops and especially federal agents. The guys who wanted to carry out the attack had to change their plans because they were worried about him reacting too fast.

Got me thinking. Is this true? I mean it sounds like something. Do you ever worry about not having a hand free to draw?

Oh, PS, I haven't read this story in some cheesy crime thriller, it's from the autobiography of John Douglas, the guy who prominently developed profiling methods for the FBI in the 60s/70s/80s and worked on some of most prolific cases the FBI had during that time.

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No, it sounds like an agent trying to jerk his buddies ego off.

I am 100% confident in putting holes in a mother fucker regardless of where his head is

If anything that's something you learn in the military in case you run into a surprise saluting situation.

>I am 100% confident in putting holes in a mother fucker regardless of where his head is
I doubt that.

That's absolute bullshit. Hitmen aren't going to challenge their target to an old-west style gunfight at high noon where it all comes down to who can draw fastest. They'd just shoot him in the back while he's walking down the street.

When I’m in an area I know has a lot of junkies, or I’m otherwise unsure of my safety, I do keep my right hand free, usually resting on the edge of my right front pocket so that I can quickly get it on my gun to draw (I carry AIWB). This can be a little awkward if I need to carry something since my keys stay in my left hand to lock/unlock the car.

Honestly I already feel just a little autistic doing it in sketchy areas, it would be weird to do it all the time. Understandable though if you’re a glownigger worried about committing suicide by gunshot to the back of your head.

Well it had to make sense in some way, so I figured he meant that they didn't want to take any risk at all, even if it was just 0.0001%. In the end, his wife took their children and went to visit her mother, and before she left she made him spaghetti and put benzos in the sauce. Then the two guys came into the house and shot him.

FUCK women

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>Well it had to make sense in some way
No it doesn't. Man you're a gullible kid.

Why would a grown man completely make up something like that? For what reason? That's what I meant by "some way"

>Why would a grown man completely make up something like that?
To impress his fudd buddies.
To impress young kids.
To impress FBI people.
To sound like a badass.
To sound like he knows what he's talking about.
There's an enormous host of reasons someone would just straight up lie about the dumbest of shit, most of them make no sense and require an incredibly fragile fucking ego.

He was talking about the case because he knew the guy and also worked on it. That means there was a shitload of people involved. Lying about it would be a pretty stupid thing to do, huh?
And why the fuck would a guy who is one of the most famous FBI agents of the late 20th century have a fragile ego?

It's a old tactic. I binge watched a private investigators youtube channel and he explained keeping your strong hand free is a thing because someone looking to ambush you is waiting for you to be occupied doing something like carrying groceries so your hands are not free.

That kind of mindset is mostly larp. That being said I will absolutely keep my right hand free and my eyes glued to the back of my head when nigs are about.

I'm sure this guy is making up a lot of stories to impress his darts buddies, this random poster on an anonymous anime image board has a point.

Man you're a gullible kid.

To sell his book.

Sure, everything you think doesn't make sense must be a lie, no matter who says it. And whoever thinks otherwise is a gullible kid. Hate to say it, but I bet you're fun at parties.

Who fucked up the Dollar Tree sign and how do you fuck it up that bad

I'm sure that one story was the main selling point and not his inside knowledge about the investigations on the most famous serial killers in US history

Do you think the real Jesus had a padding on his cross to protect his shoulder and neck? What's the point of the whole thing if you make it easier for you? Why stop there? Why not just throw the fucking thing in the back of your car and drive?

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That's what you do when a business closes and you don't have a blank sign board to protect the lights.

this is bullshit compared to those dudes in south America who actually crucify themselves every year.

It's a pic from a series about the dying white trash town of bumfuck mississippi, so that's a very fitting and interesting explanation, thank you based wagie user

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I'm sure Chris "THE HERO" Kyle would also never lie and make up stories in a book or other interviews.

Do you know the difference in education and background between soldiers and federal agents? And "Chris Kyle" did it is not an argument for everyone else who ever wrote a book also lying

I'm sure anyone with an education doesn't lie either. What's your point.

master of disguise?

Always keep your hands open. If you trip you can use your hands to catch yourself, if something happens you can react (draw a gun, knife, punch). If you are carrying something then use your non dominant so you've got your dominant hand open. Seems pretty obvious to me.

This just confirms the statistics that you are far more likely to be killed by someone you know. Then by a stranger.
In this case, it still applies. She may not have been a trigger puller. But she ordered the hit

Yes that's what the youtube PI said but in these "common sense" idea's he points out when faced with this type of danger some people will go into a defense mechanism of like denial or normalcy. They won't change their routine and hope the threat goes away.

God, I hated that.

>walk out of PX with 6 bags
>see a group of fresh high speed butter bars moving my way
>decide to cross the lot to avoid HAVING to salute them
>they fucking start sprinting the last 20-30 feet between us to grill me about not saluting them
>fucking drop my shit to stroke their ego
>battle was sitting in the vehicle, laughing his ass off

Fuck those LTs.

“Ah yes sir, hands were full.”
you know the rules etc etc blah blah
“Yup I’ll catch it next time, later”

It’s not that hard

In the Navy, we were instructed to keep our right hands free while walking around in uniform. But that was so we could salute unimpeded. You got used to it and sort of did it without thinking. But it had nothing to do with drawing a weapon although I see how this practice could help in that regard.