ESP, ASP or Bonowi ?

Hey there, first time posting.

I have looked for comparison videos, to no avail.

I'd like to know for those who have used those brands, which one do you prefer and why ? That's pretty much it.

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Who cares? Tell us who this semen demon is.

Bumping for this reason. Tell us user

It's a fucking steel pipe for whacking people, the brand of steel pipe isn't going to make much difference user.

Why is she so beautiful?

Not OP but it's Kylie Gemmell

How about you try googling it instead of posting the same stupid thread over and over.

Young, high facial beauty score, long hair, Hip to breast ratio, good genetics, body fat ratio.

>fish hook stuck in gut
>ring on thumb
take that stupid fucking jewelry off
this bitch obviously needs a traditional man in her life telling her wtf is right and wrong
she obviously has no clue

>Kylie Gemmell

Too late, she's already being baseddicked down by a true Kyle

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