I have a cheap savage, and i like it, but the bolt is so rough compared to a tikka action. The tikka i tried in the store had a bolt that slid like it was lubed with pure butter. It was so smooth its ridiculous.
Do more expensive savages have a smoother bolt? Otherwise who the fuck would spend 1k + on a savage when you can get a great tikka for 1100 or even less?
Who the fuck would buy a savage instead of a tikka?
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why do people buy AR-15 weapon systems over AK-47 rifle combat system? They are retarded
There's more to rifles than how smooth their bolts are.
Buy a better Savage at an equivalent price point. You'll see.
Spending $1000 on a rifle because it has a smooth feeling bolt, a function of a plastic follower in the mag well
>who the fuck would spend 1k + when you can spend 1100
Exactly. It's why I went with a Tikka T3 stainless ultralight for $700.
>amazing 3/4lb trigger pull
>silky smooth
>weighs under 7.5lbs with a 4-16x 50mm vortex scope
>shoots under 1moa with match ammo
I can't complain. It's a great rifle and the low price just makes it an insanely good rifle.
I dunno. I bought a Browning X-Bolt in 6.5 mememoor and I'm extremely happy with it. Bought some trigger spring that brought the pull down to ~2.5 lbs.
Savage accutrigger is better than Tikka's.
>Comparing brands to literal systems.
Savage makes their bread on good triggers and well bedded stocks. If you have a cheap Savage, Yours is an Axis or Axis II, isn't it?
Is it really worthwhile over .308, in your opinion?
The cost difference in my neck of the woods is pretty staggering.
Tikkas are noice. I do wish they had more of an aftermarket like the R700, but for what they do have it's all pretty choice stuff.
I bought this as my first rifle and arg shit all over me. Any bolty bois got an opinion? I thought howas are supposed to be great?
Did I fall for memes? I'm pretty sure I'm subconsciously trying to create my old loadout from farcry 5.
Please someone who has shot a Howa or longer range rifle let me know.
ofc /ARG is gonna shit on you for having a boltgun.
That being said, while howas are decent, you overspent and that glass will be a limiting factor in how far you'll be able to shoot that thing.
What is with Jow Forums this year and all these faggots needing affirmation for their purchases?
>t...tell me my Tikka is good!
>call savage bad that would make me feel good.
This is the SJW emasculation effect of the current generation infecting Jow Forums.
inb4 OPs glass is a vortex
Why do nogunz always add words like weapon system combat tactical to stuff. Just say AR, AK, Glock, etc.
>>replying to an obvious troll post
>>expecting logic from an obvious troll post
Prolly some fudd who is all about little shit that does not matter.
Yeah, I've never understood the obsession with "bolt smoothness" is. It's not a fundamental operating characteristic of the rifle so who gives a shit? The smoothest bolt in the world doesn't mean a thing compared to the strength of the action and the accuracy of the rifle. If the rifle closes up tight and shoots well, who cares if it feels like steel instead of silk?
They make accurate barrels for what they are made out of. I think the f-class group size record a couple years back was a vanilla savage in a mcmillan stock. I totally get people not being amped about them though. Tikkas are hard to beat in all around value.
Okay. I think that's reasonable. I know the glass is shit but the rifle is good to go out the box. I should have got a Tikka. But im sure it's a decent starter rifle. The thing is supposed to be a complete package for beginners.
Maybe I just got it for the paint job. I don't know.
Is 6.5 mememoor worth it?
I mean I know I coulda got a decent rifle for a lot less but howas have good reputation and performance from what I read.
Shoulda got a Savage axis and called it a day.
if you only had that much money to spend on a rifle and scope then yeah a savage might have been a better choice.
If you want an out the box gtg precision boltgun then the Begara B14 HMR is the best bet but the Tikka is a better action and will yield a better overall rifle provided you're willing to put a little more down for the right parts.
>for a rapid follow up shot!
>oh you mean like a semi-auto
Get this
>I shoot lefty and spent that much money on a rifle not even made for me
I shoulda got a lefty Savage.
But I don't really care about rate of fire and I've gotten good at operating a bolt lefty. It's not so bad. Worse comes to worse I can build an AR 10 when Black Friday comes around.
Go be noguns somewhere else
And a mauser action will always be smoother. So why not buy a mauser OP?
is this guy serious
Svages are cheap
Have great triggers
Sold at big 5
Howa and Tikka are the meme snowflake rifle platforms that hipsters buy
Like a guy who oils his mustache and drinks overpriced scotch and has a bunch of leather accessories. At the end of the day he owns and iPhone and watches starwars and posts on Instagram. It's all a pretension.
Also bolt actions are all practically the same. From a nugget to a 700. They are all within 90% of capability of each other.
I know you're shitposting but here I go.
Howas have the virtue of selling a bunch of different makes of barreled actions, meaning you can get the functioning "rifle" in the way you want it and then put in in the stock of your preference without having any extra parts left over.
Tikka's are architecturally and mechanically superior to the 700 given their shorter bolt throw, fully enclosed action, and swappable/reversible bold handle design. They don't have quite the aftermarket of Remington or Savage admittedly, but th stuff that is out there for them is mostly high quality gear and they are some of the best factory rifles put there in terms of accuracy and shootability.
how is shooting under 1 moa impressive?
AR's can do that
>AR's can do that
High end, very well built ARs, using match grade ammo.
the savage AR stock in 223. can do that
if I bought a bolt action I'd expect sub .5 at a minimum
If you're measuring groups with under 10 rounds, you're a joke, FYI.
Imagine operating a sako bolt and his Walmart 200 dollar savage at the same time and actually hyucking out of his stupid fucking mouth this dumb shit.
My tikka has held 3/8 MOA out to 400m.
Tikkas are just one of the best factory rifle bolts.
You said there is more to a rifle than just a smooth action.
Tikka is more than just a smooth action.
Don't just be a contrarian, user. That's boring.
Yeah just like Savage is more than a slightly rougher action.
That's my whole fucking point.
Your point sounds like you're just being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian.
B o r i n g
Whatever makes you feel better I guess
not an argument m80
on a scale of 1 - 7 how drunk and butthurt are you?
>being a contrarian by defending the brand that's much more popular than the other one
But how the bolt operates in the gun is directly corelated to how it will act in a rectum. How is this hard to understand?
fair point
I like my savage. Bolt is fine.
Howa rifles are shit made by no guns for no guns Aussies
If it was a jap or Aussie flag that would make sense.
You bought a rifle no guns 3rd worlders think is cool. You also betrayed America.
Also 6.5 is a meme cartridge and you shoulda got a .243.
I used to have a Tikka. It was flawless. I only sold it because I was broke and didn't need it anymore. I would recommend Tikka to anyone.
Because savage axis cheap rifles win 1000 yard shot contests and are half the cost?
>People think they need a Howa, Tikka or bergara to make long distance shots
You bought a rifle that weighs over 18 pounds?
I'm that Tikka guy.
My Tikka isn't doing .5moa 5 shot groups. It's doing 3 shot groups that good sometimes... I'm using match ammo that my Steyr SSG69 does .25" 5 shot groups.
The gun is accurate, but I think the thin barrel gives up accuracy quickly as it heats up.
My point is that a rifle that is so light and cheap and still does under 1moa is impressive.
Americans no longer make good guns, they just make cheap guns in such a quantity that you're lead to believe that they are good.
The best precision bolt rifles are English, Finnish and Spanish (AI, Sako/Tikka, Bergara).
The best AKs are Polish, Romanian and Russian.
The best ARs are German.
The best semi-automatic pistols are also German, Swiss, Austrian and Czech.
The best revolvers are French, German and Swiss.
I held a Tikka at the LGS. The action is smooth as glass, I should have bought but it was 30-06 and I didn't really know jack shit about it.
This made me laugh. 3 points for you.
>The best precision bolt rifles..
G.A. Precision, Surgeon Rifles, H-S Precision are American companies. Bergara makes a Remington copy.
>The best ARs...
Not really. KAC and LMT have really innovative products that are combat tested.
PWS has a long piston action that would beat out the HK version.
In what way is HKs AR better than any of these offerings?
>The best semi-automatic pistols are...
STI and Wilson Combat are all American companies.
>The best revolvers...
Are all American lolol
YI'm guessing you just chose not to include brands and guns you couldn't afford. America is still at the top.
came to post pretty much this
Cant wait to go to the range next week with my Tikka T3x i am sooo getting laid
There's an argument that Korth and Manurhin are the two best production revolver companies out there.
Savages are generally high value for a low price. That's why they're called Savage instead of Refineage
And perhaps your cheap Savage isn't the same level of quality of an expensive Savage that is more comparable to the expensive Tikka
Korth sold out to Nighthawk and Manurhin revolvers have gone downhill since the days of Mulhouse.
Freedom Arms in Wyoming arguably makes the best revolvers in the world
Who currently produces the best American revolvers?
How far are you shooting, and how brushy is it?
6.5 mememorr is a great long distance round, but there's no real advantage over 308 unless you live in the desert, mountains, prairie, steppe, or anywhere where there's consistent clear shots longer than 3 or 400 yards
Have you ever even seen a gun in real life?
Probably not worth it for me, then. Thanks, user.
I polished the bolt body on my Savage 10T and use a super light coating of grease on the lugs. It runs smooth as shit. The gritty feeling bolt is because of the finish they put on the bolt and the inside of the action, not because of machining tolerances or any other manufacturing error.
Colt and S&W are immediate considerations. Their custom shops produce amazing products. Colts custom shop is backed up for a year + and smith and wessons custom shop is where dreams are made.
Howa rifles are heavy and poor quality
Tikka are just cz level of snowflake hipster rifle
Both made by no guns countries for peasants
I've never seen a Howa or Tikka at the range but I have seen plenty of dirt cheap american rifles hitting things at 800 yards
I have no idea why k has such a hard on for Howa and Tikka. Oh and CZ. At least czs are pretty.
my howa is of average weight and good quality. hits shit at 600 (the furthest targets at my range) no problem.
keep memeing though, remfag
This Howa makes better 700 platforms than Remington and are probably the best rifle/value you can find.
Howa=wheatherby vanguard. Same factory. Same rifles. They are still pretty niche but for the last few years those Howa hcrs have been flying off the shelves at my LGS.
I'd put howas on the same tier as Tikka as far as craftsmanship and smoothness. But Tikka actually gets love here on k.
>There's an argument that Korth and Manurhin are the two best production revolver companies out there.
Where is that argument coming from? Revolver competition both in the US and internationally is almost completely dominated by S&W. Money is no object to top-class competitors, and googling shows that those top-class competitors are running customized new production Smith and Wesson revolvers, not Korth or Manurhin.
I own a savage 110 and love it. Price point is good. Savage is great in the 3-7 hundo range. But at $800 or higher I would not buy Savage.
I said "production", as in the standard non customized models. Not tuned custom shop specials.
Moot point because nobody runs a completely stock gun of any kind in high level IDPA or IPSC Revolver division. If the Korths and Manurhins have objectively superior performance, then why are serious competitors not modifying them and using them instead of the S&W 625s or S&W 929s that currently dominate those competitions?