I'm out of the loop. What game has had highest quality, most realistic gun models to date?

I'm out of the loop. What game has had highest quality, most realistic gun models to date?

Attached: goldeneye-007.jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

H3 for realistic operation

Tarkov. That's literally the only reason the game exists.

Gun Club VR

Tarkov is a stupid piece of shit boring slavaboo game. Go fuck yourself shroud fanboy
Go fuck yourself

Fallout 4.

Garry’s Mod or Arma3

t. keeps dying to scavs

R6siege maybe? Except that the bullets come out of your sights

You can stop shilling now

Guys I'm not recommending the game, I'm just answering op. There is no other game that comes close to doing what tarkov does, but that doesn't mean you should buy it.

Killing floor 2 is probably up there for models and workings but it is arcadey for a reason

Perfect Dark.

Except for when you have a laser sight, which means it then comes out of the side of your arm, randomly misaligned from where the laser dot is.

t. butthurt flashy boi

This. Red Orchestra, Rising Storm and Killingfloor puts much more work in not only how the gun functions, but how aslo they feel except for the hollywood akimbo reloads.
It's a great feel when you pick the ammo option on your M60 and you overheat it hosing the treeline because you're sniper bait when deployed and you're not going to live long enough to use up your ammo.

The 3d models are okay, but aside from capacity they have nothing whatsoever to do with their real-world counterparts. (And even then they get that wrong sometimes. At least the +1 is consistent.)

First person shooter but the gun is so bad you might as well stop using it. Then it gets nerfed again.

Cawahduty 12: Modem Warfare 6

The new Modern Warfare looks pretty cool

Low poly low detail models but receiver is pretty good
>button for pretty much every operation you can do with a gun
>pretty hard, but doable if you take it slow
Only issue I've seen is that when the slide is locked back, it'll still strip a round off the mag and hold it in mid-air

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If you want the most realistic, vr games like Pavlov and onward are pretty good

>It's a great feel when you pick the ammo option on your M60 and you overheat it hosing the treeline because you're sniper bait when deployed and you're not going to live long enough to use up your ammo.

That's a fucking terrible feel what are you talking about ? Machineguns were responsible for most of the carnage, but in RS2 you're just another rifleman with a gigantic magazine. The bi-pod system is absolute trash and will get you shot 99% of the time. Since everyone has a rifle, you are able to be shot and killed easily. Also shooting in general is piss fucking easy in RS2 and part of the reason I don't really like it. There's weapon stabilization but who cares, it's not like there's enough sway when standing to even bother trying to steady your weapon.

Go back and play some RO1 or Darkest Hour and you realize that the gunplay is actually better because it's more difficult. You can actually maneuver and use tactics without one faggot with an AK-47 snap shotting 10 people. Rifles are king of long range, SMGs are kings of short range, and MGs are actually scary and dangerous.

The only reason I or anyone probably plays RS2 is because of the Vietnam setting. I'm actually not the biggest fan of how most of it plays. The way the US team needs to constantly have a person alive to effectively spawn, while the other team can just brainlessly spawn on tunnels, meaning their SL isn't a useless wasted slot.


I really want more games in general to take a more serious and interesting approach to reloading your weapons. A few recent games have added things like checking mags and speed reloads, which is good. When it's just as simple as "press R to make gun kill more" It's just kinda stale.

he even admitted that tarkov exists only for modding and animation austim implying that the game is rather shit otherwise and you sensitive idiots screech about shills anyway

asspained gayboys

God i miss the old BF2 days yet its just another page in history.

kek nice post dude

>that feel when using m16 with m203

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KF2. They had some engine limitations in 1 that made odd stuff turn up in models, like the AA12 ejecting from the wrong side. Tripwire is obsessed with modeling and sound accuracy.

Nah, that shit's just artistic shortcuts. "Showing the action", without having to render the other side of the gun (which really wasn't needed in late UE2.5 games any more).
Sometimes devs just wanna avoid pointless lawsuits by mirroring funs, though that's just stupid and unneeded.

Do you guys realize what the question was? I'm not a big fan of Tarkov either but you all sperged out at the thought of it. Christ.

and every time you mention it people get real butthurt, as if there's another competing game it's overshadowing, but there isn't

>mention someone on Jow Forums
>be surprised a bunch of autistic unwashed lard golem manchildren throw a mountain dew fueled shitfit

Come on now user

Agreed, although most vr games seem to be going in this direction if you have a good enough system and are willing to sink $500 for a set

> doable if you take it slow
what happens when you collect all the tapes?

Best I've ever done is ~75% of them

I think you just get an end screen saying you've ascended out of that reality but I'm not sure, I've still yet to figure how to not get fucked by taser drones

Do you have google alerts set up to email you whenever tarkov is mentioned on here?
You're in literally every thread somebody mentions it in. Get a life, faggot.

Holy shit imagine being this assblasted over a fucking videogame

Sniper Elite 4 has the most satisfying ballistics. Partly because of the ballistics, which are admittedly over exaggerated. But mostly because of the damage system. Organs are all accounted for. Hitting someone center mass with a rifle will kill them. I always go for lung shots.

Nah headshots are unrealistic there also the barriers are really cheesey it's like a ps2 game

Also Ubisoft is ban happy

I kind of want something like gears of war reloads in an FPS game. Instead of the jams make the character fail at inserting the mag.

VR Games are really bringing that to a next level, it's just locked behind a VR Product that is almost not worth it right now

Attached: Hotdogs, Horseshoes, & Hand Grenades Tac Reload Webley.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

Currently playing Insurgency: Sandstorm & Hell Let Loose, both do a decent job on the weapons front.