Alright, so I get the idea of the F35 is as a strike-aircraft come multi-role fighter.
- Air defence is becoming very sophisticated
- Getting the drop on someone has ALWAYS been the best way of winning air to air fighting
- Behold, F35 penentrates the airspace, precision strike the area defence weapons, or sneaks up on aircraft that IT detects with FLIR or RF-DF or from surveillance assets talking them in.
Okay, good so far, makes a lot of sense.
So what in the fuck stops it being detected by FLIR itself? What stops e.g. China, just putting 100 ching-chongs around each vital area that needs air defense with thermal camera and then giving each man a decent radio? I think 100 chings with these is probably still about 1-100th the cost of a single F35, right?
>Go high
Even easier to spot you with this stuff. Fighter vectored to you. Dead
>Go low
Harder to spot, but now you can also be picked up with acoustic sensors. Fighters vectored to you, / low level air defence re-arranged to anticipate your arrival. Dead.
Or does the stealth aspect of the aircraft protect it reasonably well from anticipated missile threats even THOUGH its detected? I get how narrow beam seakers on radar guided missiles will have a hard time locking it up but what stops laser beam riding missiles fucking it up? Or just electro-optically ranged fucking GUNS?
Before anybody "BUTT MAD VATNIk/BRITFUCK THREAD SAGE x3,0000000000000"'s me, bear in mind I think america has, overall, the finest military equipment in the world....
But is putting all your money on "your modern radar can't see me ergo I'm fucking invincible - just ignore this enormous IR footprint". really a good idea?
Or am I being a fucking idiot? Is there something I'm missing? Is there a reason why you can't put ONE dickhead with a thermal camera at the head of your possible threat direction (a valley, say) and a telephone line to possible targets.