Clone-A-Giddy® edition
Clone-A-Giddy® edition
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What happened to this beauty?
R8 H8
The bipod ruins everything. 0/10
You should chop that bad boi to 13.375”
I'll keep it 16" for now, might get second ar with 11.5"
What a depressing start
in terms of what
$200 FP Perst 4 gen 1 on mk18
bully me
How necessary is it to make divots in the barrel for the gas block screws?
Are ACOGs kill?
Should I just get a good LPVO instead for my 14.5”?
Are the TA31RCO-M4s good to go or are there better ACOGs models?
Zero, it's only useful for centering the block over the gas port with supreme autism. If you want to secure the block so it can't go anywhere, you should pin it.
not necessary but its fairly simple to do and gives your gas block a little bit of extra security.
ACOG is one of the best choices. Extremely durable, very light, daylight bright reticle and battery free, powered by nuclear radiation and the sun. Understand though it's not a precision optic.
Yes, since 2019 all ACOGs expired and no longer function.
It was actually nice until some tripfag felt obligated to post in it.
Thanks friendo, I’m not a precision shooter. Just trying to decide if I’d regret not getting a LPVO since they are the “new” Hot-ness.
Join lpv gang
Choose what you want
If I wanted to build an AR SBR, would 300 Blackout be a better choice than 5.56? Especially if I wanna get a can for it.
Yes. 300memeout is phenomenal from a 9” barrel with a can. If you can afford it, go for it.
Best part is, if you SBR it, you can put a 5.56 upper on there later if you want.
Naturally. I haven’t used either so I’m coming from a place of ignorance. Just wanted to see what other people’s opinions are here. The aimpoint is gonna go on my SBR in work so I want a magnified for my 14.5”.
Do you prefer your nightforce or the ACOG? I’m gonna piggyback an RMR
For a 14.5 acog.
If you get a 16 lpvo.
Or acog
Better yet. Always acog.
I dig it
acog always a good decision
I built an 8.5 .300 meme and it's great with my Omega.
Should I get a qd or normal thread on supressor? Never bought a can before and figured my first should be for my ar
qd for sure.
Any specific recommendations? Under $1000 for the qd flash hider and can would be nice, but not a hard line (not including tax stamp tho)
Should I get a Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6 as a hold over until I can get the Razor 1-6 instead? Or is the Strike Eagle not worth it and I should just save for another while to get the Razor? Or should I go full poorfag and get a Primary Arms 1-6? I have heard bad things about them, however. I'm asking here because there is no optics general. It's not even going on an AR, but I figure you guys are the best to get opinions on.
definitely qd.
there isn't much benefit to direct thread, unless you were planning to install it on one gun and never take it off or shoot it unsuppressed .
razors are going down in price
im biased but i really like dead air's keymo system. easy on, easy off, double row of lugs for extra security, and they sell the mount by itself to replace other qd mounts like sico. also, it only goes on one way to increase poi shift predictability.
if youre the 300 blk guy above, a 30 cal can is worth considering. you can use it for both 30 cal and 5.56. it will be a little bit heavier than a dedicated 5.56 but the flexibility it offers its worth the tradeoff imo.
Just looking to supress m193 out of a 16". Keymo system looks nice, so you need the flash hider, adapter, and a silencer co supressor? I might need to save up some more since that would be close to $1500 all together
I have a strike eagle 1-8 and like it
if youre only getting one can for the foreseeable future, trust me, consider the 30 cal can. but yes, can and the key mo mount.
depending on the can
and then a $70 muzzle device, so around $1170 before stamp.
another thing to keep in mind, supposedly form 4s will be added to efile sometime this year. what this means is possibly dramatically lower wait times. if you buy it now and do a form 4 through the mail, youre looking at atleast 12+ month wait.
im not saying wait and efile (bc who knows if itll actually happen this year) but again, its just something to consider.
i cant add, $1070. or just forget the kymo and use the asr.
Sorry if this is a dumb question but what do I miss out on by just using the included flash hider/muzzle break mount?
Thanks guys, Cog it is then.
ACOG is forever based.
Don't buy into the highspeed faggot LARP meme of QD being superior. Like, turning the thing is SO FUCKING PEDESTRIAN, I HAVE NO TIME TO TURN MUH CAN WE GOT HOSTILES DANGER CLOSEE333
Don't spend money on something with the intent to replace it. You'll only lose with s Strike Eagle, it won't hold any value. Poorfags will expect deep discount for used, or they'll just buy new. You can't win there.
It’s nice when it’s hot and you need to remove it, for whatever reason, to have QD. For most people that doesn’t matter.
Just don't forget to carry your 3/4 inch wrench and shims/crush washers so you can reinstall your muzzle device after you pull your can off at the range as needed.
Best in the thread so far.
Different user here. You will miss out on twist on/off and a more durable mounting system by not going with key-mo.
I've had my ASR mount module replaced once due to worn collar springs since since 2015 but the argument can be made that is still once too many. Those springs the culprits behind the complaints for ASR mounts. I think its worth noting that replacement module was free under SiCo warranty in 2016 and I haven't had issues since.
ASR isn't perfect but it does bring some benefits to the table when it comes to options. Unlike key-mo, ASR is not limited to full size mounts that add 2" to barrel length, has factory mounts for 1/2x28 30 cal that is common for hunting rifles like my 30-30, and while I don't use them factory ASR mounts come in a variety of european thread pitches if you own rifles that suit them ie. G3, FAL, etc.
Personally, I feel that Griffin 's Plan-A is the more attractive non-SiCo mount system as they offer similar mount variety as ASR but the twist on-off benefit of key-mo and arguably a more durable option than either since there are no moving parts at all for a taper mount.
At this point though any non-ASR system I switch to will cost me several hundred in muzzle devices alone which is why I have not done so. If you want to do it, I suggest doing it sooner as opposed to later to avoid that reinvestment into muzzle devices.
Keymount brakes come in 1/2x28, 5/8x24, 3/4x24, M18x1, M18x1.5 though.
1/2x28 keymount is for .224 bore only. If you don't have hunting rifles like myself or are in a state where you cannot hunt suppressed it is a non-issue which is why I mentioned my personal use of it and it being a consideration for me.
>1/2x28 keymount is for .224 bore only.
Incorrect. The bore through the 1/2x28 keymount is something around 3/8ths of an inch.
I stand corrected after searching now. When I looked at key-mo when it was released that was concern. I don't know if they changed to only 30 cal bores on all their mounts or if it was just misinformation at the time.
My personal gravitation would still be to the Griffin system for their variety of mount types and sizes if I were to change.
Thread over muzzle brake style mounting, especially like griffin, does not always stay tensioned, and those fine threads on the brakes/fh really need a thread protector if the can isnt mounted.
My shooting buddies haven't had issues with their TBAC mounts that are of a similar design, nor have I seen walk-off with direct thread cans like an old TREK on rifles. Pistol's yes but I think that is more due to nielsen devices adding additional forces that are not experienced on rifles.
Of course, my buddies and I just may not shoot in a manner where these issues are encountered.
Cheap solution if its a concern, similarly important looks like it protects the taper which is what actually determines lockup and sealing.
Daniel Defense or M&P 15?
So with the advent of pistol braces, is there any reason to go with a longer 14.5 or 16” barrel unless you’re trying to focus on shots out past 350 yards? Seems to me that most people that don’t live out in bumble fuck are well served by a 10.3 or 11.5 moreso than a 14.5/16.
11.5 is where it's at.
Yes. Superior ballistics.
I just recently got a reciever set to build my first pistol.
But when braces inevitably get banned like bumpstocks did, I'll still have my 14.5 p/w
I’m just happy we don’t need to be worried about buying short barrels anymore since pistols are a thing.
And if shit goes south, you can do whatever the fuck you want.
11.5" or 12.5" if you're going to be running suppressed a lot of the time. Otherwise just go to 16"
Thots on hodge rails?
They go well with a combat proven and dependable EOTech.
Are you a poor that can't afford one? I thought /arg/ was only full of rich people.
Absolutely not
There are a handful of people that have any real money
No sir, I’m just saying that a good pair for a quality rail is an equally high quality and dependable optic! And with that in mind, the only one that comes to mind is EOTech! The only optic trusted by the most elite special forces units all over the world.
12.5" barrel build
Aimpoint or cog?
Where did you come up with that notion? There are maybe six or seven people who post here that don't have poorfag builds.
COG is always the right choice.
20” barrel? Cog
her is a nice mega oooops i mean hodge rail for sale.
And most anons have no AR's.
Stop posting your boyfriend's dad's gun's.
Look at those shitty irons screws.
Wife's son's guns*
>be hk
>make $300 set of iron sights
>billet from a solid piece of steel
>folding with multiple sighting methods
>fully adjustable with extremely positive clicks
>Then just use some left over mp5 rear sight phillips head screws
nice hk cope
Why is /arg/ so anti sig red dots? I mean it is just a rebranded holosun.
I must be missing something, the asr break looks like the sico supressor twists on then locks with the teeth on the bottom. Can you expand on the difference between the qd methods? Durability is something to have in mind
Holosun a shit too
I really fucking hate HK.
I’m sure their shits alright, but they hand out bullshit to US and act like their hot shit. They are the biggest bootlickers there are.
>inb4 poorfag
Proof? They seem to be good from testing videos.
Because fuck sig
HK is alright, but the last good gun they made was the usp.
But why, they are cheaper than holosun.
What has Germany given the world?
Answer: Nothing. Two world wars. Bunch of bad shit.
What about Belgium?
Fucking waffles and SCARs. Hk BTFO
heckler and cope
Sig is a shit company ran by shitty people
Look up their CEO
>They are the biggest bootlickers there are.
I'm not really in the mood to explain why your anger should actually be directed at the German govt so im going to give you a :
t. Poorfag
They maybe justasgoodas for you. Value judgements are not universal. What do you think this is, a one size fits all world where there is just one path to having a good gun, success in life, god, taste in whiskey?!
>Sig is a shit company ran by shitty people
>Look up their CEO
Oh well I have sig parts coming for my AR also.
Is it true you went MOA over MRAD for your Viper PST?
New-ish gun owner here. I have yet to bag my own AR, and I'm not looking to blow $1,400 on a pre-build at my LGS. What was your first AR? Is PSA any good? What brands should I stay away from?
How the hell do I put one of these together?
Mk23, kassler rippchen, spaten, and paulaner
I know the German government is shit. I’m well aware of their retarded export laws, which is why they got sued for selling guns to Mexico.
I do not care for their social media attitudes of “cops r numbr 1 ur all jellous”
Bunch of arrogant pricks. You aren’t the cream of the crop, there are plenty of other options for comparable shit.
I’m only poor because bills are a bitch.
Eat your sauerkraut.
>I'm not really in the mood to explain why your anger should actually be directed at the German govt
HK could move its engineering department stateside, bypassing needing frau merkel's approval to sell guns. HK is just as complicit as the german government