When you get these Antifa and BLM riots sweeping through towns and cities...

When you get these Antifa and BLM riots sweeping through towns and cities, why don't we see more shop owners bunkering up in their stores with rifles and shooting anyone who breaks in? They've got a secure location, their opposition is poorly equipped and ill disciplined, and they stand to lose their entire way of life is their shop is robbed and destroyed. It can't be illegal to stand your ground in your own store, right?

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Antifa only sacks stores in liberal cities. They are unironically goon squads for the American Democratic party.

>It can't be illegal to stand your ground in your own store, right?
the areas BLW/Antifa riot in, it usually is. So is owning just about any gun that would be useful in stopping rioters

that's why they riot. no one can stop them.
if they did that shit in montana, there'd be a lot of dead niggers and whiteniggers in the street.

hahaha hahaha
>thinks the Dems arent using the black poor to disarm the dissident middle-class
shop owner would go to federal homosexual education camp

1) Not many gun owners live in cities
2) Cities probably have strict gun laws making guns that are owned ineffective against hoards of rioters/looters
3)No one wants to have to deal with the headache of killing someone and go through defending themselves in court better to just let the store burn

Because these riots are only tolerated places like California where defending property is a legal gray area. Anywhere else, the police would take care of the problem.

Corp stores are owned by a CORPORATION.
Its actually a tax write off.
The Mayors get an ear full by Boards that I promise you have way more power than a
Mayor. AND...the corps are laughing because they get insurance $$$$$$$.
And free advertising. Theres alot involved.

Mom and pops don't exist in down town cities my man. There are no ACTUAL owners present.

these bank windows and starbucks and bookshops that are getting trashed and smashed.

the owners are a board of share holders. They are SUPER fucking rich. They don't care. Its peanuts

Antifa are the janissaries of the FBI and ZOG. If you defend yourself against (((their))) foot soldiers, you get 400 years in prison like James Fields.

What this user says. I worked retail for a few years and corporate places instruct you that if you see someone shoplifting and they're already on their way out the door, just let it go. The legal repercussions on both you and the company if you do anything are worth way more than the stuff they're taking. Corporate owned businesses either make enough money that loss of merchandise/damage to property isn't even a scratch and they can sometimes make insurance claims over it.

Mom & pop shops get fucked by looting/theft, but you only really see those places in strip malls if they're in metropolitan areas.

there's some talk that Trump will finally designate them as a terrorist org.
About fucking time.

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If you're lying in wait for people to break in, in some states that will fuck you over legally.

Antifags typically set dumpsters on fire and attack the elderly at random so not much need to go roof korean.
BLM protests typically trash black neighborhoods so they are really just destroying themselves

Because we don't actually live in a country that advocates for individualism, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You are not allowed to defend yourself, only the police are allowed to take life. You will get arrested, your property confiscated, your weapons seized, your marriage fail, your social life crumble and be in financial ruin as you sit in a county jail for a year or two until you are given the opportunity to defend yourself in court where maybe, just maybe. You get your manslaughter charges dropped and get told that you "won" the case and did in fact conduct a defensive shooting and will not be spending the rest of your life in a gul-prison as your lawyer presents you with your half a million dollar bill.

God bless America

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Should people who shill for civil war along with the St. Petersberg Internet Research Agency be tried or treason? Give reasons for and against.

>When you get these Antifa and BLM riots sweeping through towns and cities

That's literally not a thing that happens.

If you'd ever worked at a owner-operated shop you'd have gotten the exact same lecture. Trying to grab a shoplifter will end up with them owning the store.

I want a civil war so I can kill the commies that are trying to subvert this nation.

The kinds of shithole urban war zones that BLM and Communist Terrorists trash are usually shit anyways, very few non-corporate stores for them to ruin.

>So is owning just about any gun that would be useful in stopping rioters
>2) Cities probably have strict gun laws making guns that are owned ineffective against hoards of rioters/looters
Bullshit. Even NYC and Cali don't ban Mini-14s and Mav 88s (r-right?), those are perfectly sufficient for property defense even against a large mob.

You could do that today.

>living in a faggot infested liberal shithole where this is actually the likely outcome

>I want a civil war so I can kill the commies that are trying to subvert this nation.

Sure so you want a civil war that will cause chaos in the USA and you hear a lot about that as its very heavily shilled by the Internet Research Agency of St.Petersburg, which I operated by a government hostile to the US and its population(they also shill this as a great idea to leftists). Do you think leftist traitors who shill for civil war along side the St. Petersberg Internet Research Agency should be tried an prosecuted and jailed or executed together with you, or separately. After all what you are both doing is called treason.

>these Antifa and BLM riots sweeping through towns and cities
Is that an actual issue now? I've stopped paying attention to the news when NPR shills for Clinton then takes three years to bitch about Russians shitposting online deciding the election...

>Muh Russian troll farms

Isn't this thing dead by now?

Anywhere BLM niggers are rioting, there aren't going to be many mom and pop stores. It's going to be chains and franchises, and the employees of a T-Mobile store and a Subway aren't hunkering down to protect shit.

Just roll down the metal shutters and they can't break in.

For it to be dead would mean it had to be alive in the first place... Follow the ching chong paper stacks....

>wanting to fight the enemies of your nation is treason
come on alphabet boy stack up on my front door at 3am and see what happens

you're correct, but I'd be labeled a white terrorist and they'd try to use my actions as a push to disarm more people.

m8, you honestly don't want that. Many of the people i work with, and associate with are fascist, racist, or extremist. That think like you do and celebrate such violence against liberals and blacks.
But they don't know i disagree with them, and don't celebrate innocent people being killed.
They don't know that the SECOND anything resembling mass violence or a civil war breaks out, I'm going to do the right thing, within their ranks. Its not going to be pretty for anyone.

Fuck that, I will personally restore this nation as the new Roman Empire with my legions sacking all major US cities. I will lead as a ceasar reborn and restore glory!

No, even Trump acknowledged their activities.

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He's all talk, unfortunately

too bad you fascists are cowards and back down at every opportunity

If antifa is classified at a terror org, is that not just a defacto letter of marque?

hell you retards cry when a kids size milkshake is thrown on you and you want to try to fight a civil war? cope harder

Montana is effectively fagged over by libturds. Don't even pretend.

>those are perfectly sufficient for property defense even against a large mob.
sure would be
but the law wouldn't be on their side at all. even if the rioters had guns of their own and fired on them.
those places are fucked. the rule of law is "hope for the best, do nothing but run and hide, and probably die like a bitch" not defend yourself.

we'll see. he's still doing something... unlike 99% of other politicians.
let's hope so. I don't think you'll go to jail if you kill one of them tho...

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>just finished watching Mr. Sunshine
>come on Jow Forums and see this
Talk about unexpected coincidences.

I live in the country now, son, but I lived in many of cities before I moved to the sticks and I ALWAYS owned tha FUNS! Everybody that I knew in the city AND the country owned tha FUNS! Gun owners are everywhere, even in your pussy-ass nanny sate Newark, NJ. The loud mouth of the media make it sound like only inbred southern country bois own tha funs, but make no mistake, the law-abiding arms owners ARE the majority, from coast to coast.

I'm not saying kill innocent people. When your friends in Antifa put on their black masks and start beating people with bike locks for disagreeing with them, they're no longer innocent.
You're also not innocent, you're a cowardly traitorous shitbag and I hope when you go to do "THE RIGHT THING"(tm) that you get ventilated immediately.

Insurance/ paper work. Easier for me fill paper work for all the damages than the hassle of me capping some one.

>)No one wants to have to deal with the headache of killing someone and go through defending themselves in court better to just let the store burn
This. Most store owners are likely to have insurance, and it's probably easier to just claim the damages.

>I live in the country now, son,.not OP, right when you call some sport, you become a huge faggot and lost the arguement for that alone. GG faggot.

Unfortunately I'm not going to be ventilated, because my initial actions will come from a place of trust and familiarity. It'll be quick, silent and ruthless. Encourage peace and deescalation, because its not going to be as one sided like you think it will be.
Also, I'm not antifa and strongly dislike them.

You'll be the first to be thrown into Caesar's collosium.

Actually id be more worried about right wing groups causing more shit than Antifa or BLM. All deaths from domestic terrorism within the year has been from right wingers.

You'd have to catch me alive first, which isn't going to happen.
This. Its all optics to rally the Presidents low IQ and low information supporters.

who the fuck are they? Google is telling me some odd shit i don't believe.

Confirmed first to die in boogaloo

prove it.


>Gun owners are normal people
>Fantasize about killing people

This is why you will, in the end, 2A will be removed.

Except for maybe Oakland or Berkley riots are rare in California.

Right-wingers tend to be (1) dumb and (2) heavily armed. This is a dangerous combination.

>within the year
I can already tell you fucked up without even reading the link.

>The Atlantic
Nice source there kid

We can go back further, too.

What year would you like to go back to, because after the 1960s the right has been ascendant when it comes to terrorism in the U.S.

>who the fuck are they? Google is telling me some odd shit i don't believe.
ANTIFA... waiting in front of the StLouis courthouse on the BLM verdicts from 2017.

Attached: antifa.png (500x413, 89K)

from a politically neutral stand point you have way more reason to be armed in case a right wing extremist attacks you than you do a left wing extremist.

>Everyone I don't like is ANTIFA

yes and no

Russia does indeed have troll farms
so does the US
so does China
They're pretty cheap, most countries have them

Literally CIANIGGER propaganda (not even hiding about it).
Another jewish run source.

>within the year
>posts 2018 info
>lets go back farther
You're either a time traveler that hasnt looked at a calender yet or you're actually hardtarded.

Your last chance to get ready is after Trump's reelection. There isn't going to be another Republican president after that.

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Communists and oligarchs aren't people, they are parasites feasting on us.

>I'm going to do the right thing, within their ranks. Its not going to be pretty for anyone.

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>ignores the statistics in favor of a simple word discrepancy

>Sure so you want a civil war that will cause chaos in the USA and you hear a lot about that as its very heavily shilled by the Internet Research Agency of St.Petersburg, which I operated by a government hostile to the US and its population(they also shill this as a great idea to leftists). Do you think leftist traitors who shill for civil war along side the St. Petersberg Internet Research Agency should be tried an prosecuted and jailed or executed together with you, or separately. After all what you are both doing is called treason.


Oh, so Russians allowed 36 million illegals into the country which have started replacing hte native population and overwhelmingly vote for Democrats and want free shit?
kys faggot. just kys.

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m-muh russia

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That would be an executive action. In other words, if he didn’t do it his first week in office, it’s probably not going to happen

Oh yeah, between the local self defence laws and the financial cost:benefit it absolutely wouldn't be worth it. I was purely rebutting the people who say you can't own a viable chimpout defense weapon in those areas.

Daily reminder to report Jow Forums shit.

dont give them attention

*mixes concrete*

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