Committed to a mental institution twice

>committed to a mental institution twice
>cant get a gun license

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just don't get committed next time

what are you up to fren?

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you don't need one. go buy a gun

Unless you were involuntarily committed, which is actually pretty hard to make happen and usually not the case, you're quite possibly in the clear.

Look it up and see if it's the case, you might be surprised.

System working as intended.

>Frog poster
>Committed for mental health

Sounds about right.

Don't get your hopes up but I think you can

As well you shouldn't.
you are mental and you belong back in a mental house where you can get the treatment you need

I get your point about mental health and guns, but it's surprisingly easy to get locked up in some places. I'm not OP, and I've gotten locked up because they thought I was depressed. It's really dumb.