The sks is an assault rifle now bois.
The sks is an assault rifle now bois
Clearly the answer is to ban semi autos
Reminder there won't be confiscations. They'll erode gun rights until all we have are bolt action rifles that lock up for an hour after every shot to stop murderers
I was saying this for years: surplusfags are unstable, degenerate scum and cannot be trusted. We will soon see yet again that this was another ((( Soros ))) false flag perpetrated through ((((( NUGGET ENTERPRISES )))))
yep, itll be so gradual no one will resist
That's the only logically consistent argument for banning guns like the SKS, Mini 14, etc.
But we all know it'd never hold up in court.
I dare the author of this article the explain how the sks was derived from the sks.
*from the ak
You forget the part where AR-15s are the most popular rifle in America and that many people have them already.
doesn't mean anything if no ones wiling to use them