should militaries have a minimum height restriction?
Should militaries have a minimum height restriction?
That would be a minimum height requirement.
It would be a restriction for maximum height.
No. If you can do the job, pull your weight, and carry the load, you’re good to go.
Yes 5'10". No exceptions. You are allowed to lose three inches with age.
Yeah 5’8” or over isn’t allowed. There is absolutely no advantage to being taller or bigger except in hand to hand combat. Soldiers should all be ottermode, as long as they can carry their stuff. Smaller target the better
>not wanting to send manlets to die in combat to improve the country's gene pool
Lankfags btfo'd2
t. Neverserved
Nope. I’m a tall dude. Wanna know the guys who get smoked last? Dead average 5’10” to 6’1” dudes. Tall guys like me who aren’t lanklets and can actually tuck some weight burn too many calories and we get smoked quickly. Small guys have Napoleon complexes and injure themselves a lot.
Small or tall, if you can do it, then who the fuck cares.
Manlets make the best tunnel rats and as mechanics and technicians fit where larger troops cannot. That's valuable in any service.
The man that taught me to shoot was 5'4. You could not give me all the money in the world to engage that man in a fire fight, even at 76 years old, he would end me, and I've done two combat tours.................
no, that would lead to dysgenics
not to mention that there are plenty of jobs suitable for midgets in the army
yes, lets send our genetically superior to die in pointless wars
After his return to the front, he was wounded in the throat by a sniper's bullet. At 6 ft 2 in (1.88 m), Orwell was considerably taller than the Spanish fighters[74] and had been warned against standing against the trench parapet. Unable to speak, and with blood pouring from his mouth, Orwell was carried on a stretcher to Siétamo, loaded on an ambulance and after a bumpy journey via Barbastro arrived at the hospital at Lérida. He recovered sufficiently to get up and on 27 May 1937 was sent on to Tarragona and two days later to a POUM sanatorium in the suburbs of Barcelona. The bullet had missed his main artery by the barest margin and his voice was barely audible. It had been such a clean shot that the wound immediately went through the process of cauterisation. He received electrotherapy treatment and was declared medically unfit for service.[75]
lanklets btfo
ITT manlets cope
Historically, manlets have been some of the best soldiers. They're a smaller target and have more options for cover and concealment.
If he was a manlet he would've been domed.
Most spec ops guys are like 5'8 " sub.
I’d say closer to 5’10” to 6’
t. Medic who was assigned to the directing staff of a selection course back in the early 2000s
You certainly type like a boomer who's served through three tours.
nah, 5'10-11ish
Are they even short? This seems like more perspective of the shot than anything
>can't fit in tanks
>can't fit in most aircraft cockpits
>can't ruck as much
>take more calories
>are easier targets
Being a lanklet offers zero tactical advantage. 6 foot and under, and 5'8 and over.
Lol I'm 5' 8" and one of the taller guys in my infantry company. Infantry is for the manlet.
Height offers very little advantage in modern warfare. If you want just tall guys, then I hope you're okay with not having many pilots or tankers.