I know you guys hate modernized ak platforms how do I roast this fag for wanting to build this gun...

I know you guys hate modernized ak platforms how do I roast this fag for wanting to build this gun, since you guys are the experts

Attached: UxVIj7g.jpg (3024x4032, 2.36M)


Attached: 1315337587_preview_20180228193429_1.jpg (1920x1080, 407K)

>ar stock

Not your personal army faggerino

Asking for advice how I can roast him you ain't gotta do shit

is that airshit zenit?
I thought they only made that 1st gen handguard with the rail on the right side

>simulation use only
its airsoft, who gives a fuck

ahhh PTS
having a knock off zenit, but OG US Palm looked fishy along with the other cheap shit

>removes triangle stock for some ar shit
>no bakelite mag
>no bakelite grip
>no russian wood handguards
>no russian toot toot
>probably some airshit side rail
>no zenitco

Attached: 20190629_150858SMOL.jpg (4032x2268, 3.97M)

>not buying russian larping parts that arent any better than american made shit because you cant larp like a character from videogames in an impoverished country

the only good thing on that is the krink break

Because it IS airshit. Look at the mag retard

All those gay parts and still using that muzzle from stone age

Let him build what he wants. It ain't hurting you.

Shit dot.
Odd choice of keeping that one brown piece on upper rail.
Bubba top rail completely covers the iron sights.
Why does the uspalm mag say sim use only?
No idea what that stock is. Looks odd on an ak. Atleast he made it a folder.

You put him on a grill duh

Do you know where you are?

If you're gonna modernize an AK, do it minimalist and without a bunch of rails and perforated tacticool metal shit on it.

Attached: Yugo AK Modernized.jpg (1632x918, 508K)

are you trying to insult him or give him a hardon?

AR furniture on AK's is UGGO

I don't mind modern shit, just not AR crap

Modernized Aks are ok if they're done right, like this one.

Attached: poopoo.jpg (597x237, 25K)