Are cats demons?
Are cats demons?
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Demons? You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? Perfect organism it's stractural perfection is matched only by it's hostility. A survivor, unclouded by conscience, remorse or delusions of morality.
They understand that cuddling with humans is peak natural selection.
Pretty much everyone in the animal kingdom knows that human pettings is the best.
d-did they remove the venom spurs?
I doubt the little guy would attack the food bringers.
No, they are just cunts
>furry hilda
why boner...
>Are cats demons
No, cate r fren
Twig bit Hilda and now she must live the rest of her life as a deerfox furfag. You can hunt her if you want.
now i need a duckcat
Savannah cats are supposed to be super friendly after the first few generations.
Largest (mostly) domesticated cat around.
The ones with a lot of serval are often bilingual, so they meow and chirp.
Racoon are fucking demons
>Hilda on Jow Forums
Hello from /co/
Stay classy /co/
>Fucking anthill tiger
I've seen one in SA. They are fucking unbelievably cute little furballs.
And this comes from someone who dont even like cats that much
San Antonio?
South Africa, m8.
They just look like normal house cats, same proportions and stuff
That's kinda what makes cats cool pets: They're only as domesticated as they choose to be.
well yeah, we didn't domesticate cats like we did dogs. When we started storing food, it attracted vermin. Cats showed up hunting the vermin. they adapted to being around us and we let them be as it was useful. they domesticated themselves which is why most cats still have good survival instincts.
yeah, cats have no problem living in the wild.
As dumb as cats seem at times, there is something very impressive about them as predators. They are built elegantly, capable of jumping extremely high, retractable claws, precise pouncing and killer instincts. Domestic cats kill mice and lizards just for fun. Cats mirror their larger counterparts so well, it's crazy to think we managed to get them to stick around.
Cheetahs are pretty cool.
I think we should properly domesticate them.
I believe the cats that humans domesticated ( in the way that explaines), were not nearly as big (or aggresive as a cheetah, or a puma, or a lion). I can't remember the ancestor of the common cat, but it wasn't some monstrosity.
Angels sent to teach us.
Might be a female
Pretty sure only the males are venomous
When I was in Iraq there was a shitload of stray pets that people have left behind. Packs of stray, aggressive dogs looking for food and eating human bodies are common.
But for some reason, the cats I've seen seemed to do much worse. The dogs seemed hungry, the cats much more so. And there were much less of them. I would have expected it to be the other way around.
Yeah I remember that thread. Fucking tragic. Not gonna read that again though. I remember the dude said he was drunk and about to spill the beans about the death of his cat in too many posts. Someone said he's going to make it a collage. Good that someone did.
lets also keep in mind that cats are banned in places because they can and will drive local species to extinction. numerous countries including the US and UK attribute declining songbird populations to be atleast partially caused by local cat populations.
Dogs are probably stealing kills from the cats.
Probably. Haven't seen a single gerbil, except one very small dead mouse that was run over. Snakes, scorpions, spiders, ants, dogs, cats, but no gerbils.
I heard the region is famous for it's hamsters. Haven't seen any.
Cats are ill suited for the terrain and local wildlife. Dogs have a better social structure for hunting larger prey to feed the whole pack. small cats tend to be solitary hunters.
Cats are pretty cool, I’ve had way less bugs in my apartment since getting one
Thanks for the explanation.
The cats over there were very timid and easy to scare. I kept scaring them away when I saw one because I've seen the way Arabs treat animals, and I felt better thinking they'll never get close to one. One time we were hanging out in a yard for hours and there were cats watching us from safe distance. I put a very small bit of Tuna on the ground, and they were so hungry that they immediately forgot all fear and raced for the Tuna. Spent the rest of the time petting them. Cats are great, no matter where.
There are some things that don't translate well between cats and humans.
For us, eye contact is considered polite.
Small cats, on the other hand, are both predator and prey animals. If you look at a cat in the eyes for a moment and then turn your head away from them, that makes you look less threatening to them. This is why people who are allergic to cats always have cats coming up to them.
If you really like a cat, look at them in the eyes and very slowly close your eyes, keeping them closed a moment. That's what people often call "cat kisses".
Cats are much smarter than they let on. They are smart enough to act dumb on purpose, smart enough to make complex plans like pissing off another animal to make it attack yet another animal (for the instigator's amusement), smart enough to understand cause and effect, solve puzzles, understand complex mechanisms.
It's astounding how smart some of them are, simply on an evolutionary level, they don't need it. They're effective enough hunters that their intelligence isn't really warranted, and so most cats appear lazy and stupid.
They make puzzles for cats, these days, where they get a treat if they solve it.
Cats (big cats included) are not pack animals so they seem autistic and rude to us. They're just not oversocialized like dogs where they'll basically cuck themselves for you. They're more rational and don't see the point. A cat is pretty independent and can survive on it's own eating rodents and bugs. A dog would need a pack because it hunts things that are closer to it's own size.
Domesticated cats however are more evolved to survive by becoming close to humans. They're actually not even supposed to meow. Meowing isn't a thing in the feline kingdom except for domesticated cats. They're supposed to stop meowing when they're no longer kittens because they no longer need to call their mom, however domesticated cats keep the ability to be able to get the attention of their new moms (owners).
I've always been naturally able to understand cat behavior, what eye contact and posture means, why they act in one way or why.
Dog behavior used to be a mystery to me, I didn't like them. I understand them better now, and it made me like them even less.
my ex bought one of those for her cat, it never gave any fucks about that thing
>uncle had giant serval because eccentric weirdo
>bounced around house wrecking shit
>needed expensive raw beef
>nobody wanted to go near it because claws
>city orders him to get rid of it because exotic pet law
>fights it for years until the fucker dies from eating poisoned meat
And that's why exotic pets are retarded
I'd love to have a Caracal, the look amazing, but I'm well aware that I'm ill-suited to take care of it.
Same reason I don't get a new cat. I was twice in the situation to think I could get one and keep it forever like any other normal person but the first time a big travel opportunity came in between, the second time I basically became a drifter. Both times I found very good new homes for the cats, but doing that shit a third time would be way too much.
>but I'm well aware that I'm ill-suited to take care of it.
Just keep them away from skooma
You’re a racist, not all khajeet are thieves and addicts. I bet you think all Orcs are mindless monsters. I’ve never had a negative experiences here in the Summerset Isles. You need to be more tolerant and let other races into the empire
Kek, based cat
>I bet you think all Orcs are mindless monsters.
Yup, damn milk-licker
Cats aren't demons silly, they are kings.