How can the $500 million dollar per unit stealth boondoggle meme plane even compete?
How can a fat turkey plane with NO GUN replace the A10 in the CAS role?
*BTFOs the F-35 at CAS*
Other urls found in this thread:
By precision bombing in unsanitized airspace, and carrying a bigger payload using pylons in sanitized airspace.
But the A-10 is objectively shit at CAS, and is responsible for more blue on blue incidents than any other aircraft in the CAS role.
>tfw launches several guided mortars from 25km away instead of "brrting" 250 shells and hoping one hits
everything you typed was wrong. we're all dumber for having read it. kys.
who enabled wifi in mccains casket?
Actually the B-1B lancer is responsible for the most blue on blue when it performs CAS
>speed kills
LockMart SHILLS detected
Fuck off and stop trying to ruin the greatest warbird that has ever taken to the skies
A-10 forever
You can't do CAS with a meme plane that doesn't have a cannon and that the paint falls off in bad weather