*BTFOs the F-35 at CAS*

How can the $500 million dollar per unit stealth boondoggle meme plane even compete?
How can a fat turkey plane with NO GUN replace the A10 in the CAS role?

Attached: 719FjDhASfL._SX466_.jpg (466x311, 21K)

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By precision bombing in unsanitized airspace, and carrying a bigger payload using pylons in sanitized airspace.

But the A-10 is objectively shit at CAS, and is responsible for more blue on blue incidents than any other aircraft in the CAS role.

>tfw launches several guided mortars from 25km away instead of "brrting" 250 shells and hoping one hits

Attached: hatchet-orbital-atk-1200.jpg (621x414, 30K)

everything you typed was wrong. we're all dumber for having read it. kys.

who enabled wifi in mccains casket?


Actually the B-1B lancer is responsible for the most blue on blue when it performs CAS

>speed kills

LockMart SHILLS detected
Fuck off and stop trying to ruin the greatest warbird that has ever taken to the skies
A-10 forever
You can't do CAS with a meme plane that doesn't have a cannon and that the paint falls off in bad weather