Is this the most brutal ‘mog in military history? Croatian soldiers on the left, Italian on the right

Is this the most brutal ‘mog in military history? Croatian soldiers on the left, Italian on the right.

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Recruiting terroni was a mistake

Functional economy on the right...

Those are Italian soldiers...

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Well, yeah. Next to Croatia, Italy is an economic superpower.

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Is it even possible to recover from this?

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Jacob Naken (7ft 2in), captured near Calais in 1944.

Well the polacks let our guys fuck their women with all the new bases we have there

Forgot pic

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Here is your amerimutt, bro.

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Nowadays being taller in the army only makes you a bigger target

Poles would be lucky if that's only as ugly as any bastard spawn would be

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That's not a mog if those women are leeches and prostitutes, which is what most military guys go after.


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>literally all americans in the photos are nonwhites
why did they let it get this bad?

The classic.

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They are not sending their best

I can clearly see that

That's the guy that was shoot down over Serbia during ZOG aggression...too bad he survived. If i was Serbian and the guy fall out of the sky next to me i would do a memorable gore video.

These are pog units.
Nonwhites go to the noncombat units more often than not. I was 11b, and a lot of lifer sergeants were some kind of spic but the rest of the battalion was about 80% white.

last time you posted this it was the other way around

Further proof that Estonia is a zionist colony

How so? Because they let a Jewish USAF officer come and visit?


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>Well the polacks let our guys fuck their women

Remember, there's a reason for that.

Normal people aren't into one night stands with Amerimongrels. I'm betting those are pro whores from Romania and trannies.

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fake news

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