I can't stand it anymore

It's all so depressing


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Supreme court when

Like a year from now maybe

who cares how you feel

It's from Cali though, what do you expect? Really surprise it took a judge this long to rule that.

>Huueeee let me bitch about my situation and not do anything about it
At the very least protest or yell at a politician. Fucking do something faggot, this is what the 2nd was made for. Call me a glownigger for all I care, it's just a deflection that pussies use.

Your either a faggot retard, no guns, or no guns antifa tranny in need of grenade dilation.

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>Cali judge


Cali cope

wow so triggered too.
wash the smegma off your dick.
you might feel better

he gets flustered easily

What the fuck are we supposed to do?

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But self loading rifles kill far less people than handguns.

Oh wait, niggers. I meant niggers, not handguns.

Dangerous and unusual

Used by every major PD in the country
Used by every member of the military
Used by thousands of hunters
Used by thousands of sport shooters
The most popular type of firearm sold today

Can a judge be any *more* wrong? I'm not even going to get into how a .223 suddenly goes through buildings when it's semi-automatic. JFC.

>Jow Forums will still blindly defend minorities despite causing this
This is hilarious.

When have gangs ever used rifles to the extent that it is considered their weapon of choice?

>complying with unjust laws

this. how you feel doesn't matter. no one cares about you feel. actions are the only thing that matters

you are incapable of action.
you bitch like a girl too

It's boring.
It's tiresome.
It's overstimulating
I'm lethargic
I'm apathetic
I don't care
I'm just waiting until they come.

>you are incapable of action.
so are you. what have you done?

Iirc the overwhelming majority of gun violence with organized crime is with hand guns.

And? What are we supposed to do about it? Hating minorities doesn't make them go away or make them vote pro-gun. Nothing can be done about it so shut the fuck up.

*Blocks your rights*

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i hate america

i dont like the notorious ARE GEE BEE
but a couple of weeks ago(?) she did an interview on NPR and she's at least ameniable and respects her fellow justices, even kavanaugh and gorsuch.
she is vocally against adjusting the number of justices and stacking the courts, even if it is in her favor.

she seems to be someone you can actually at least talk to and respectfully disagree with and she won't support completely undermining you because she disagrees with you.

Will this not go through the 9th circuit court first though? I'm not expecting much, but her ruling appears so broad and sweeping that it could be interpreted to mean every owner of a semi-auto long gun in the country is currently a federal felon for owning an unregistered machine gun.

K doesnt want that, they want reeeee muh rights as i define them, insert [exclusivity justification].


She doesn't believe the American people should own semi-auto firearms. She doesn't want you to own semi-auto guns. She wants to take them from you. She wants to take them from the people you know and love. She wants to disarm you and your family. On the surface she can act as reasonable and respectable as she wants, but someone who thinks that way you know deep down they are human garbage.

Im not a lawyer bud sorry, im just saying as the supreme court stands it may be in gun owners favor to push it all the way.

Go away.

*drinks the blood of an aborted child for immortality*

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It will be appealed to the 9th before it can go to SCOTUS

i don't blow up on people just because i disagree with them.
you will have people who think all guns are bad and as long as they respect my opinion on the matter and are able to maturely talk about it, then i see no problem.

Most supreme Court justices are really sharp and forward thinking. Party matters very little. They interpret and make decisions on that.

Seriously, read a few. Supreme Court is one of the only parts of the US government not fucked

>as long as they respect my opinion on the matter and are able to maturely talk about it
user, have you ever interacted with a leftist in the past 5 years? Tell me what it was like.

Immediate nerve strike.

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>I respect people who want me jailed or killed should I refuse to surrender my lawfully gained property
ok retard

i have definitely talked to people who are against guns that don't sperg out when they find out i own guns.
you'll find that MOST PEOPLE are not fucking insane. I know it is legit hard to believe sometimes if you get sucked into the internet and really only exist at work and home, but it's true.
I don't say that to be insulting either, I get it. But the "trump derangement" people are only the norm in specific places and they're basically irl Jow Forumssters where even people who agree with their views cringe at them.

getting real fucking tired of this shit bros

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afaik RGB doesn't want me jailed or killed
at worst she probably wants a gun confiscation but i don't know.

all this said, she has never tried to undermine the court's decisions and gone on some crusade to say how wrong her fellow justices were in her opinion. she writes up a dissent and moves on her with her life.

You must live in a rural area in a red state. My experiences are the polar opposite of yours. That's what I get for working in a city, but the majority of people live in cities.

>RGB doesn't want me jailed or killed
>she probably wants a gun confiscation
Do you know what would happen if you opposed gun confiscation, user?

Hispanics seem salvageable
Those here legally at least

Reminder that judges have absolute power. When their sentence is handed down it takes another judge to overrule them. They do not have to rule in accordance with existing law.

I've lived in multiple places and done multiple road trips across the country.

The northeast has some of the most insufferable cunts in its cities you can deal with but overall the vast majority of interactions are fine. Not that I go around demanding people discuss politics so I can scream SHALL.
You'll find most people live in a grey area where they're legit ok with gun ownership but are fooled by the media into thinking that weapons are totally unregulated and men in trench coats are selling machine guns on the street corners all over the country.
They've been lied to and are not enthusiasts so aren't going to have any experience with reality. Most people don't think too deep on any political topics.

Back the blue, borther, they're just following orders

Most people aren't insane, most people dont have enough mental energy to sift out all the bullshit and end up believing nonsense.

She doesn't write the laws bro

>her ruling appears so broad and sweeping that it could be interpreted to mean every owner of a semi-auto long gun in the country is currently a federal felon for owning an unregistered machine gun
How exactly does a non-appellate federal judges ruling work? Once she issued that ruling, does it now exist at the federal level until struvk down?

Could a douchebag cop arrest some guy who married his ex-wife for felony gun possession of an AR15, even knowing the DA wouldn't bring charges, just to give the guy a shot at catching Hepetatis in a jail cell while you have to wait for your lawyer to get a judge to ask for your release? Asking for a friend.

Right, she just writes how the law works

Nuh uh everyone ever is black and white so we can yell endlessly at each other over the internet.
Im being sarcastic please dont yell at me

Even so she represents everything I oppose and exemplifies the judges who believe they are philosopher kings who rule by fiat rather than by law. I'm now wondering if there are cases of the conservative justices ruling in favor of something they disagree with morally/ethically (except roberts since he seems to love doing that) or if it's only Ginsberg and the wise latina and their ilk for whom convieniently their rulings always correspond to their personal beliefs.

Likely after the NYC decision. If it goes our way enough, it might finally state that the 2A requires strict scrutiny. If we get that, we will be EXTREMELY well positioned to fight a multitude of anti-gun laws.
Even if it doesn't got that far, if the law is still struck down, it could set the precedent that the 2A also applies outside the home, which some people have tried to argue it hasn't because the majority in Heller wrote about the 2A in the frame of it being uniquely important inside the home.

Just following orders is not an excuse.

sure kid

this retarded

He's baiting
Almost every thing on this site is bait now

doesn't deny being a crying bitch.

>2A requires strict scrutiny
Be still, my beating heart

Literally their job.
Are you merely pretending to be retarded?

Seconding the NYC case going to be ruled on and ruled on hard. Not only did they unconstitutionally fuck people for years, they also then, when confronted with it possibly going before SCOTUS, immediately repealed the law.
>Hah jk jk guys, no need to review :^)
Which is fucking insane. I would be furious if I were a justice. It's the kind of weasel bullshit that no democracy should have regardless of the context. May as well pass laws banning free speech, allowing unlimited warrantless search and seizure, etc and then just repeal them every time otherwise if you're the government.

Fucks sake.

what you just described is NYC in a nutshell.
absolute scum

That's how it goes though. Texas passed that requirement that all Abortion clinic doctors must have admitting priviliges at a surgery ward knowing it would be ruled unconstitutional. But they also knew that before that happened in a year or so they could force the shutdown of nearly every clinic in the state providing the service that wasn't within driving distance of a major hospital.

Statists gonna state.

so you just came here to abuse people?

True but look at post awb sales figures. Shit will rebound hard.

What a retarded cunt with predictably stupid incorrect conclusions about firearms.
You're fucking stupid and wrong about something should override "hurr I'm a judge".

Yes, I think NYC's actions in this case have uniquely positioned SCOTUS to rule with some serious prejudice against NYC for their antics. Several times now they have attempted to get the case ruled moot, and the most recent attempt involved them dragging their submission out even longer than the court normally gives (This was called out in the plaintiff's submission). Additionally, they fucked thousands of people over the years with this law, so no argument can be made it is a small or narrowly tailored law, as it it affects everyone in NYC, and arguably everyone in the US because traveling through NYC is not protected.
I hope that the SCOTUS recognizes how bad this law actually was, and that the only way to remedy this is to apply strict scrutiny, or else this will happen again, and again, and again as each district court applies their own tests to each law.

What's the name on the case, by the way? And also, now that the law is off the books, can the plaintiffs even bring suit anymore? Won't they be lacking standing? I thought that was a requirement.

I guess you glossed over nutjobs like souter and stephens.

While some really weird divisions pop up on strange lines with many decisions (like 7-2s and 8-1s) the big name cases far too often are strictly partisan.

It's a precedent to make legal rulings, not a law. She's basically laying the groundwork for California to outright ban and confiscate semi-auto rifles.

It will get challenged in the 9th Circuit as lawmakers in California chomp at the bit to pass more sweeping firearm regulation, probably the worst and most overbearing we've seen yet. Failing an appeal by the 9th Circuit, or the SCOTUS, gun owners in California will probably move, cuck out and turn their shit in, or bury it all in the desert. If a legal precedent is set and stands, more blue states will follow suit and pass harsh firearm legislation. I can't really guess what happens after that.

>What's the name on the case, by the way?
New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n, Inc. v. City of New York (No. 15-683)

>And also, now that the law is off the books, can the plaintiffs even bring suit anymore? Won't they be lacking standing? I thought that was a requirement.
The defendant has to apply to the court to moot the case, basically saying that the conditions that caused the grievance no longer exist and so the case should be thrown out. However, the court must approve that. In this case, that is not likely to happen because NYC can very easily make a new law doing the same thing. This is called "Capable of repetition, yet evading review". This was used in Roe vs Wade, because the woman had her baby during the case, meaning she no longer had standing to sue with regards to abortion, yet babies gestate for 9 months, far shorter than the length of time it takes for a SCOTUS case to go through. So they granted the case to be reviewed anyway.
Examples pertinent to the 2A apply to, such as if a government refuses to grant licenses to purchase firearms (if you live in such a hellhole), and then when a case is brought they give the license. Eventually, a court will see the pattern and then apply this standard in order to prevent the government from wriggling out of the case. In much the same way, this applies to NYC, as they no doubt would go right back to the old law as soon as the case was dropped. Their intent is obvious and the court is not stupid.

Oh, and for further reading regarding mootness, see the wikipedia article

California is speed running breaking violating every right. How long until they just start gunning down people in the streets to show them why guns need to be outlawed.

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> Stephens
Remember when he said DC v Heller was the absolute worst decision during his tenure, like he didn't write the majority opinion in Chevron v NEDC or Gonzalez v Raich, ehich both were directly responsible for who knows how many bullshit prison sentences. God damn, I still get mad that the reporter who heard him say that didn't grill his ass on either, let alone his disent in Johnson v Texas.

Ironically, I bet you the hispanics that support gun rights are the ones who illegally hopped the border to get away from the cartels.

If my ass was from Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, or Chile, anywhere with a history of bullshit Caudillismo (that we maybe put in power but hey, not my generation), I'd damn sure want as many armed citizens and checks and balances as I could get. Motherfuckers used to break guitar players' hands for playing protest music.

yeah i never understood this either.

Welcome to totalitarianism

I can't believe a legal scholar actually printed that.

Just waiting till one of you retards up and blows a judges head off with a 58 Springfield for meme.

>in her

Stopped reading right there.

>Implying Jow Forums will do anything other than whine.

Stranger things have happened.

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This is a dog shit thread because SCOTUS rulings already preempt this. Read a fucking book.

It's an open secret that most of the judges get along and even become friends despite their political differences.

Here's an image of Scalia and RBG having fun in India, even though their political views with wildly different from each other.

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>taking a 2A case post-Heller
pick one

Like Woody Harrelson's dad.

The 9th Circuit will; without question, vacate and dismiss this ruling with prejudice because it's a tremendous act of judicial activism that directly flouts the SCOTUS. The lower courts aren't stupid and they're well aware that their days of narrowing from the bottom vis-a-vis Heller are numbered; and with the court the way it is now no one trying to push for control wants to invite SCOTUS review of anything that could have far reaching impact on gun laws, let alone something that could tempt a conservative leaning SCOTUS to come up with a strict-scrutiny standard and subsequent test for the 2A. There's a reason NY back pedaled on that transport law so fucking quickly.

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I mean, they both earned their place at the highest rungs of power, most likely free of consequences for all but the most egregious of crimes. I'm sure it's easy to stay detached when you get to play the game of deciding what is and isn't a right for the commoners.

>How long until they just start gunning down people in the streets to show them why guns need to be outlawed.
Have you already forgotten about garlic fest?

the darkies are just pawns. getting mad at them is getting angry at a symptom of a bigger problem. even the jews aren't the absolute root cause.

we are slaves and it's all an act.
we are allowed just enough freedom so that we don't revolt. the more people they bring in that don't care about freedom or liberty the less our keepers have to allow.

B-b-but shall not... and some other shit!

They accepted a case challenging NYC's transport and storage laws