SA 80

what is wrong with it why does everyone hate it?

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Unreliable trash in all circumstances, over costly for results in refitting, fixing, etc. Good riddance.

You can't buy them in America. I've only seen one for sale here in the last 25 years and that sucks.

Kills you if fired left handed (no guns brits will lie and claim every 1st world military trains you to shoot right handed)

Weighs as much as a L1A1/FAL rifle (Noguns brits will lie and claim this is somehow an advantage)

Furniture is made out of shitty ABS plastic that breaks under heat

Smugfag brits will claim this is the best rifle in NATO when in reality their gun is inferior to the fucking FAMAS, which is at least ambidextrous.

Was. It's fine now, just heavier than other service rifles.

it is shit.

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Old reputation damaged it, even though they work a-ok after HK upgraded them. Much like the M16’s reputation.

Other than that they aren’t the topic of discussion ofter due to the only people with experience with them are britfag veterans.

The majority of people that actively shill for them on this board are probably lolnoguns british airsofters. Generally speaking they’re good guns, they do what they’re meant to do and nothing more, at least that’s what the britfag veterans say.

I thought HK fixed like 90% of them after 2001?

not even HK could fully FIX the damn thing.
It's just a lot more tolerable than it used to be.

Fair enough. I met one dude who was a Brit ex serviceman, he said they basically did the job and that was that, which i gather is the general opinion on them. I imagine they'll be phased out for 416's by the end of this year.

>The majority of people that actively shill for them on this board are probably lolnoguns british airsofters
Yep. It's really easy to spot Britfags.

>You can't buy them in America.
i dont even want one
but this is a major downside

ngl though i'd probably buy one if the price was right.

is heavy
shit trigger
shit ergos
stupd ass sight mounting system, at least early on. also how tf do you even use a SUSAT properly? god it looks stupid. (i've looked up how to use it i still think it's stupid)

maybe they've made them lighter but i doubt it. people don't care about soldiers and rifle weight except soldiers.

While the SA80 is not perfect, the A2 is more than sufficient. Jow Forums hates it because it's British.

you know i just thought about it some more and whoever makes them would probably make some good money selling them over here since people would buy them as a novelty.
it's not like they'd need to buy extra mags or anything for them.

missed opportunity right there, I imagine.

Same with the FAMAS, I'm sure a lot of people would love to own one, but the French really hate selling military stuff to civilians.

I wouldn’t say that. Lee-enfield’s are well liked on this board, I say more-so than the 1903.

>First variants were SHIT quality, heavy and stupid bullpups
>HK fixed variants were still heavy and stupid bullpups

Modern SA80s may not be the total trash the old ones were. But the reputation is fucked beyond repair, even if they may be somewhat decent service rifles now.
Still they are heavy for a 5.56 rifle and bullpups in general are subject for debate.

>bullpups in general are subject for debate
Only for retards who like to argue about opinions. Objectively, the differences between conventional and bullpup are negligible for a service rifle.

The modern l85 is not really a bad rifle per se but it's kind of heavy for what it is.

I've heard brits say it's more accurate than average but literally every country has their "I met soldiers of "insert nationality here* and we shot each others rifles. Our rifle was so superior it wasn't even funny!" nationalistic fish story
It's mostly blindingly mediocre and that's kind of where the ire comes from.
British airsoft kids seem to regard it as the second coming and shit on every other nation's service rifle.

what other weapons does Jow Forums hate because it's british?
Jow Forums is pretty agnostic as far as weapon origins. unfortunately, most countries suck at weapon design so there are very few places with anything worth talking about.
khyber pass gets a pass because their shit is at least interesting.

It is still british equivalent to M14 but at least M14 worked.
Brits are just more hard headed to accept that that gun desicion was bad and gun is piece of shit.

arent they really proud of it because it's a "homemade" design and therefore a british weapon so they really, really want it to work out?
regardless there are better alternatives and they should just get the fuck over their attachment to this thing and build their own AR15 or some shit.

I too watch Forgotten Weapons

In the current iteration of the A2, not much is really wrong with it, and even after using AR style platforms Im still a big fan of the A2. Might as well list off some good and bad points before some sperg starts screeching about why the L85 is shit cus he used it in CoD one time.

Good points:
> accurate
> balanced well with weight
> hardly any felt recoil
> Elcan LDS is a great optic, backup RMR is good too
> short overall length, very manouverable in vehicles and OBUA
> handles dust and grit pretty well, robust
> fairly easy to maintain and keep running even in harsh environments
> stoppages are very easy to identify and deal with
> all drills can be done with just your left hand, right hand never has to leave the pistol grip

Bad points:
> heavy for what it is (weighs ~7kg with a UGL)
> not properly ambidextrous; left handed shooting can only be done with the weapon canted over slightly, only done in OBUA
> carbon seems to gather pretty much everywhere making armoury cleans a load of fun
> some of the HK parts are made of a harder metal than some of the internal parts, causing unnecessary wear and tear
> system lets in more shit than I would like

Just for reference ive put tens of thousands of rounds through A2s in some shitty conditions, i.e bog/swamps, mountain, hot and humid, hot and dry.

It was shit when they introduced it, but they have ironed out the problems now and it does the job.
>am I talking about the M16 or the SA80?

The only real criticisms are that it is heavy and has shitty ergo's. But on the up-side you get a carbine size but with a full length free-floating barrel so... meh. Pro's and con's and whatever. Regardless, this thread will be nothing more than bongs blindly defending it because its theirs and mutts blindly attacking it because it isnt an M4.

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M16 needed only little bit better ammo, gas adjustment and cleaning kit.
SA80 is still shit after polishing

>M16 got many many men killed because of its flaws
>and required a re-build
>SA-80 required a re-build
>SA-80 is thus worse

>is still shit after polishing
Because you say so?

> still shit after polishing
Because youve clearly had so much trigger time on one as opposed to regurgitating stale memes.

M16 didn't need as huge rebuild as sa80 and comparing sa80 to m14 is kind compariso.
If it was working sa80 that was adopted then comparing it to m14 would be pretty accurate and it might have even gained same kind of "cult" following as m14

We don't really hate sa80
We hate how bongs refuse to admit that in form that it was adopted it was hot garbage and even after upgrading it comes out only as bad as M14 was as a choise of new gun.

You'll miss it when it's gone.

> refuse to admit that the form it was adopted in was hot garbage
Ive literally never seen a Brit say the A1 was good.
> making a comparison between a 7.62 battle rifle that got phased out in vietnam with a 5.56 bullpup that is still in service after replacing a 7.62 battle rifle
Im struggling to understand your point here.

Nope. They are gonna be around a while, the A3 variant is being rolled out as we speak.

It's imperative that the British Army has a machine gun with the magazine in a funny place. The Bren, Sterling, the SA80.

>Objectively, the differences between conventional and bullpup are negligible for a service rifle.

Let me explain simply....
Bad choise when there was much better options

>this m14 nigger and his "because I say so" argument

>ohai senpai.
>y-you were expecting some reliable rifle?
>sorry, its just me, SA80

> better options
You mean why not spend a shit ton of money replacing all of our service rifles that would have little to no tangible benefit over what the A2 provides in terms of warfighting..?

>this trips nigger and his "trips of truth" trumping everything

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what anime is this?

Hes not wrong. On the larger scale, the minutia of a service rifle dont matter as long as it can accurately hit targets out to 300m, is reliable, and is robust. Commanders arent going to plan operations around the fact that blokes take 0.5 seconds longer to switch to full giggle compared to an M4.

Britbong here, the A1 was undeniably unreliable and deserving of some degree of criticism, A2 and A3 iterations are massive improvement and have proven their reliability, any criticism made towards either variants is honestly nitpicking at that point. For some strange reason Jow Forums seems to hold some blind grudge over the rifle platform regardless of how many people in the gun community commend the later variants for their reliability, so I’m as puzzled as you are OP.

>are massive
are a massive*

Remember that 50% of this place is no guns, 99.999% of the board has never fired a round in anger or seen combat, and most view other firearms as 'well if its not exactly the same as my favourite AR/AK it must be a piece of shit'. Tie that in with the stale memes and the lack of knowledge about the L85A1/A2/A3 and this is where you end up. Kiddies who have less firearms experience than RLC drivers spouting stale memes about a rifle variant (A1) that hasnt been in service for a decade and a half.


I'll have you know, not only have I shot various guns and even own some, I watched the forgotten weapons vid on the sa80/l85 and am now an expert on the weapon system.

It works and that's good enough considering how little service rifles actually matter as long as they're not falling apart. Personally I think the UK should have opted to adopt the FNC under their own licence like they did with the FAL, I mean why not they already sourced most of their firearms from them at the time.

Not to shoot myself in the foot but I myself am a noguns, nonetheless I’m incredibly knowledgeable and can say that dumping a couple rounds from your generic semi-auto AR down range doesn’t make you a certified firearms specialist, and I can certainly say that they know next to nothing about the SA80. So while I’m unfortunately an addition to your point I agree.

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What were you in? You have knowledge on the A1, A2 and A3, were you serving for long?

I mean SA80 should never been adopted because of how shity it was, even if it worked as well as later versions.
In that I see it just the same as M14 adopted because desingned and produced in home land not because it was any good.

It's a right dog's dinner mate, the dog's bollocks are constantly knackered, the tankslapper is completely ballsed up, it's knickers are in a bunch and the twitching nora doesn't work half the time! It's unbe-fucking-lievable it really is.

I like the SUSAT scope

Jup is called that

I haven't served, I can speak on others behalves though, and plenty of people outside our Army with practical knowledge of the rifle know better than to blindly criticize it for something that was fixed nearly two decades ago

I assuming you'd only ask this question in earnest if you didn't know anything about it.

The people who actively criticize it know nothing about it

It's not comparable to the M16 because the M16 got worked out pretty fast and the A1 model was solid, while the SA80 was still dogshit by its A1 model, and it wasn't until the A2 where it was acceptable, but at the cost of weighing as much as a battle rifle.

Jow Forums threads about anything British is usually horrible shitfests desu.
Anything discussing the Chally, QE, SA80, god forbid the whole tempest-thing...
I think its just a perfect storm of people who really hate the british for some reason, combined with brits who really cant handle the bantz.

>people who really hate the british for some reason
Because they're contemptible.

Uh, so quick note here but the British naming convention is that the first model of ANYTHING is the A1. Its not like the US system where the first REVISION or modified design is the A1. There was no "L85", it started with the L85A1. The L85A2 was the first design revision, which makes the British A2 equivalent to the American A1 designation.

I agree with you about the SA80 family in general being plagued with shitty problems and being a worse gun in terms of iterative development than the M16 though, because the Bongs took way longer than the Americans to get their service rifle up to a semi-acceptable standard.

We’re really not but think what you want retard

I dunno about this one specifically but aren't bullpup triggers always spongy and shitty? Jow Forums is really in to whining about triggers.

I think you're contemptible

>hate the british for some reason
Because Britain is the least Jow Forums nation ever. They're terrified of pointy objects.

Hideous, English, unreliable, easy to drop mags, overly heavy, right handed shooting only, literally nothing good besides relatively short
Same but not as unreliable because it wasn't designed by anglos

And anyone else who isn’t a shill thinks you’re a fruitcake

Not an argument, anglo pig

By that logic everyone also hates all the cool slav and chinkshit we cant get.

>hurr durr I think everything on Jow Forums is about gun ownership so I discard things doublely as Jow Forums like military gear and service weapons
And here come the strawmen arguments made by people who know nothing about the rifle other than 3rd hand hearsay, while making their Anglophobia and seethe just as apparent

Bongs will still defend SA80
It was garbage and now it is less garbage but it is still garbage when compared to most assault rifles and bongs no matter what will defend it.
Must be something in the water, I heard they still have different tap for hot and cold.

Yep here come the shills

Still not an argument

>thinly veiled anglo bully thread

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Calm down Nigel. bongthreads turn into shitfests because of the assmad seething (You)s that you hand out.

So how much do they pay you per hour?

Oi is that hatecrime guvna?

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How long before spoon ban there?
You should just admit that if something is garbonara then it is.
Denying it only makes it worse
If your gun worked from the beginning it would be remembered just as shity rifle that worked but now it will always be remembered as shity rifle that didn't work.

Yeah sure whatever, I’m gonna watch Netflix and go to sleep, then prepare for my holiday, while these shillposters never leave their chair and waste their life

It's just too easy. It's hard not to bully them.

Out of curiosity, what grand lobbying group do you think is paying people to mock the english?
I am not trying to argue here, I am just looking for a job and getting paid to laugh at brits sounds great.

I don't think it is right to laugh at people who are still stuck in 1800s mind set.

>pic related
Sorry but you’ve just revealed how lower you are, have fun fapping to furry porn with your 4incher, I’m gonna go to sleep, of course simply stating this garuntees a response if you haven’t already instantly given one to me on another post of mine seeing how you have nothing better to do with your day but what the fuck ever
You didn’t answer my question, see And judging by your broken English it’s becoming increasingly apparent

People hate the british because they cant handle the bantz. We all know America has also done some really stupid things like pressuring NATO to adopt .762 over an intermediate cartridge, UCP, the M14, and the idea that the m16 was self-cleaning, but Americans can accept that and move on. The British are so insecure that pointing out they had a shit rifle forty years ago and still have a subpar rifle is enough to get a rise out of them.

I've literally never even seen or heard anyone try to defend the l85

I should probably point out that any (you) you give me out of desperation to have food probably won’t be read, I have more interesting things to than stress myself out arguing with shills and retards who are desperate to either mouth off at me over things they know nothing about or earn more hourly, anyway have fun being lifeless degenerates, peace.

It is impossible that hatred of the British could be completely natural

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I thought you were going to go to bed. Having trouble falling asleep with that impotent rage against anons?

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Bad teeth
Cold and hot tap
Evereyone on island hates english
Thought control
How much did I miss from how to anger bong list?

The SA80, apparently


Ive had talks with UK personell saying "it used to be utter shit, but now its usable/decent but heavy", but never heard a brit praise it in any way. Ive shot it a few times along with the FAMAS and found both to be fun and decent, but then again im used to the G3 and 416

carbines are cuties

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> least Jow Forums nation ever

> literally owned a 3rd of the world
> invaded 70% of the countries in the world because fuck you thats why
> slaughtered savages in the millions with musket, rifle, bayonet and sword
> literally won a war in 6 minutes by shelling the cunts, and then made them pay for the shells after
> so metal they still do bayonet charges against people with automatic weapons and win
> the sole reason why english is one of the most spoken languages in the world

Jow Forums wishes they were half as Jow Forums as the UK was/has been.

>we're really not
Yeah, you'd say that.

>was/has been
Aye there's the rub. Modern bongs are the least Jow Forums of any nation.

> never heard a brit praise it.

Standby then. Im brit infantry and I like it, even after shooting a whole host of different rifles like AKs, ARs, G3s, G36, SLR etc etc. To the point where I would take it over pretty much any other service rifle because Im used to it and know its ins and outs. Its pretty accurate, its quite robust, and its reliable. If I was taking something to the range id take something more fun and gucci to fuck around with, but going to war id happily have an A2 over most other things.

> inb4 people get butthurt that someone who has actually used it likes it because it flies in the face of their memes

Debateable, our military isnt germany tier, and there is a small but very well renowned culture of long range shooting and marksmanship here. That said the average civvies views on firearms is contemptible.

Its also arguable that America is the least Jow Forums its ever been, what with NFA, hughes amendment, places like Cali going full retard etc, and the general anti-gun vibe thats being pushed. Again, debateable. Maybe the world in general is just getting less Jow Forums. Hence why we need some blokes in short shorts with SLRs to go repatriate Rhodesia.