The Beretta, Spanish for a very smooth rabbit, is perhaps best known for being featured in the second terminator movie. The 92fs was officially adopted by the US military in 1981 and became known as the m9a3. It was the military's first magazine fed sidearm and became an instant success. Widely popular with all the troops, it was affectionately given the nickname, the 92fs. When shown a Beretta on his deathbed, John Moses browning said, "damn, this is better than any of my trash."
The beretta 92fs
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Could have done a lot more OP
Due to the gun's sheer size, the shockwave it produces has been known to tear clothing, knock unaware men over, pull fillings from teeth and cause divorce.
The magazines, more accurately known as clips, can be loaded from the top only with teflon coated hollow penetrators, a special type of ammunition specifically designed by the CIA to penetrate police body armor. This ammunition, around which the Beretta 951 was developed, is favored by police for its ability to pass straight through charging dogs, leaving them alive but paralyzed.
don't forget weapon of choice of the best gril
>very smooth rabbit
>cock-eyed barrel alignment
>cast metal
>ridiculous grip size
It's a piece of shit. Colt had a barrel bushing in mass production back in 1911. Why did Beretta neglect it in their design? Because they are corner cutting retards and so is the US government.
>The magazines, more accurately known as clips
10/10, post more.
>ridiculous grip size
Manlet cope LMAO
Berettas don't lock up on the muzzle at all. The barrel rides on rails in the frame and locks up in the slide because the barrel doesn't tilt like camming-action guns do. A Beretta barrel is never supposed to touch the slide, so why would it need or even be able to make use of a bushing?
Just bought one yesterday. My second one. I fucking love these guns.
>*never supposed to touch the front of slide
>hurr it's likey me favorite animey
We're talking about real guns here, moefag.
Wat do if you have small twink hands?
Twink handed boi here
If you’re a poor buy a used 1911
If daddy’s paying get an HK
Reddit is two clicks that way buddy
Giggle while giving oiled hand jobs , what else would teink hands be worth
Know your place and accept your inferiority, handlet.
This reminds me of some shitty article I hate clicked on about the SKS that the onion fest or whatever got shot up with. They kept calling it an AK varient and trying to meme it into being super scary but it was just cringe.
>telling someone on Jow Forums to get out because anime
>probably a neckbeard themself
The famas. After the design became popular in the early 2000's with the growth of the hit videogame, halo, French designers set out to design a real world replica. The design was a hit, eventually being adopted by the French military. The magazine in the rear of the rifle lended itself to the French military (and national) doctrine, "always retreat, always surrender". By being placed in the rear it was easier for French soldiers to reload while backing up. Today, the famas design has proliferated and all firearm designs since are heavily influenced by it.
Garbage. 1911 is a better choice for non beta take my little hand clowns.
Should I get a 92a1 or m9a1
M9 doesn't have "READ INSTRUCTION MANUAL BEFORE USE" and "FIRES WITHOUT MAGAZINE" rollmarked all over it.
My question is more specifically about the a1s because my understanding is that the 92a1 isn't a 92 fs, but a 96a1 converted to 9mm. Where M9a1 is just an m9 with a rail
M9a1, or spend a little more for an M9A3 or Langdon LTT.
The 92a1 has dovetailed front and rear sights and a two slot pic rail. The warning labels are dumb, but I don't pay them any attention. Plus mine is Italian made, so it's got a slew of SN's and proof marks all over it too
Buy one with Vertec grips or buy thin grips such as Wilson Combat's or from Ernest Langdon. I'm a manlet and the thin grips do it for me
Because he’s an idiot who doesn’t into firearm engineering or even just basic logic
Usgi mags for $10 a piece worth it?
M9a3 vs Wilson combat brig tac vs ltt? Want a duty gun not for competition
you can get them for 8 dollars or less from psa
What about Beretta's aluminum grips? I haven't seen any real comparison besides offhanded comments saying the aluminum ones are thinner than the stock rubber(?) ones
>very smooth rabbit
>Colt had a barrel bushing in mass production back in 1911. Why did Beretta neglect it in their design?
Link? I can't seem to find it on their sight.
*site, not sight.
ive sen them as low as 6 dollars on sale
and sometimes have free shipping
For the beretta retard
I actually put thicker wood grips on mine and love it. I wish more pistols had big grips.