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New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:

Previous thread: Befriend boomers and get a gun club membership just In case edition

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I remember seeing that post, thanks for the chuckle OP.

First for F for user, but also lets all pray for the best for him to win this battle friends.

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F I hope he gets to keep his funs

christ this fucking guy

find any gun club in the province
get a credit card
sell blood
pawnshop the laptop he's posting with or something
sell the mattress he sleeps on
become member ASAP
fax that shit to CFO as hard as possible

godspeed you stupid man there's always a way

nth for cangen airsofters! who else?!

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Jow Forums is 18+ bud

Seriously, you can get a membership for like a hundred dollars for a year, how hard is it to scrounge up that much cash?

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im 34 and enjoy airsoft??