What kind of military boats can you buy to lose things from?

Start watching at 3mins.


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I've said it for years and I'll say it again, because it's going to be the year it happens. Republicans will back major Federal gun control legislation to try and save their skins in 2020. The outrage is too much for them to not capitalize on.

Hope it never happens, let's make sure to speak loudly about it at them to ensure they know they are pissing us off at least.

They 100% will. The GOP has become a politically opportunistic platform that just channels stupid people with propaganda into voting for them so they can keep propping up corporations and expanding the public-to-private tax dollar siphon. The second their political calculus tells them that they're going to gain more moderates and independents than losses in the base with guns they'll push for it.

The Republican party has no principals or values anymore more, just greed.

Yeah fuck both parties, it's over. Get them while you still can.

I've been saying that for a long time, and nobody listens to me.

Nice posts, leftypol

>t. /leftypol/

>Republicans will back major Federal gun control legislation to try and save their skins in 2020
lol, you havent been paying attention to the Dem primaries have you? Republicans have nothing to worry about.

Trump is known for his deals so he'll probably offer something up that pleases both sides but also requires both sides to make sacrifices. He'll probably ban further production of assault rifles but in exchange we'll get something awesome like nationwide CCW and silencers deregulated. I know it's not great but if Hillary won they would have banned every gun by now so losing just assault rifles isn't that bad. I'll vote for him next year because any other democrat will just make out gun laws look like the ones in Mexico. I trust Trump on this one.

>Republicans have nothing to worry about.

-t. guy still catching up with 2018 mid terms

Attached: compromise_v21.jpg (600x2560, 272K)

>2018 midterms didnt go well
Blue ripple is hardly anything to be proud of.

>in exchange we'll get something awesome like nationwide CCW and silencers deregulated.
Who do you think you're fooling? When have we ever gotten anything in return for lost ground? The whole history of conservatism has been one of capitulation, of failing to conserve anything.
>but if Hillary won they would have
If Hillary had won, gun owners would have finally grown some much-needed balls. Trump is the absolute worst thing that could ever have happened to the gun rights movement, because he lulls gun owners into a false sense of security.

>When have we ever gotten anything in return for lost ground?
FOPA, it got rid of loads of bullshit from the 1968 Gun Control Act (and others).

>one of capitulation, of failing to conserve anything.
He says ignoring the fact that socialism has been a thing since 1920 and America has largely avoided it

>Historically favorable Senate map for Republicans
>Barely pick up two seats, retain two more under questionable circumstances; still pops as a 4.5% swing in favor of Democrats
>If you told a Republican strategist in 2015 that Republicans were only going to pick up two seats in 2018 they would have told you it was the biggest party embarrassment since Bush lost reelection
>NRSC had to shovel money into the fire in fucking Texas
>7 State legislatures switched party, Democrats gained 4 triumvirates, and picked up two state super-majorities
>Moderately Republican favorable house map that saw Democrats pick up 41 seats largely in districts that went for Trump, representing a 5.4% swing and all against Gerrymandered impetus
>Largest historical swings in 80 years

It wasn't a ripple guy, Republicans fucking drowned under historic turnout.

Buddy, if you need to convince people it was a big deal. Then its not a big deal. You got a bumper turn-out and nothing *real* to show about it.

No one is sweating.

For someone "not sweating" you sure are taking a lot of time to deny objective reality.

>FOPA, it got rid of loads of bullshit from the 1968 Gun Control Act (and others).
That was more than a whole generation ago. America is very different than it was in 1986. Back then, Reagan had just won a 49 state landslide, something unimaginable for conservatives today.
>He says ignoring the fact that socialism has been a thing since 1920 and America has largely avoided it
The word socialism, like fascism, is now devoid of meaning. It has become little more than a grunt of disapproval.
If you think Boomer conservatism can hold out forever, you're living in a fool's paradise.

>i denied anything at all
The words you are looking for is "dont care". You arent going to get that turn-out again in 2020 and mid-term results didnt change anything.

>That was more than a whole generation ago.
You asked for an example where we gained more than we lost. You got one.

>If you think Boomer conservatism can hold out forever,
Look at the most popular voices on the right at the moment (you dont know them, because you are a leftist). That shit is dead and buried.

All Trump has to do is say something mean about AOC on Twitter and everybody will literally forget the shootings ever happened.

>If you think Boomer conservatism can hold out forever, you're living in a fool's paradise.

This guy here.

Simultaneously, Boomer ideals of liberalism can't hold out forever either and the shoe could have very easily been on the other foot. A Clinton election would have seen Democrats having the same generational problems highlighted. Just look at how hard her own party is putting Pelosi through the wringer right now and how popular young upstarts like AOC are with a growing progressive wing. The only real difference is "What is the Democratic Party going to look like in two cycles?" vs. "Is there going to be a functional Republican party in two cycles?"

The slow, protracted death of Boomer era politics is hitting both parties, it's just hitting Republicans a lot harder.

*ding* *ding* *ding*
He has figured it out. Funnt isnt it? In the past presidents had to start a war to get a distraction, now you just need to say some wild shit on twitter.

His ability to craft the reality that his voters live in is quite remarkable--I can respect that.

>rural and suburban retards
How predictable. Next stage of your argument is "racism".

>Look at the most popular voices on the right at the moment

Like who, Ben Sasse out of Nebraska, hardcore critic of current GOP policy?

It's also pretty telling that all your points are hand-wavey nonsense that you're going deliberately out of your way to obfuscate with bullshit like "you dont know them, because you are a leftist" because you're afraid of actual sunlight and numbers.

>they back gun control to get votes
you think mitch mcconell types are going to GAIN votes by promoting gun control?
fuck no.

the people who are for gun control are not going to ever vote republican and the people who vote republican are already voting for republicans because of how absurd the democrats are now.
most people vote straight 1 party or another im pretty.

>slow, protracted death of Boomer era politics
How young and ignorant do you have to be to think that political ideologies are static or that what's happening now is somehow unique? This is not the death of anything, it's the normal evolution of political ideology overlain with the normal ebb and flow of fringe political movements.

>Next stage of your argument is "racism".

I don't see how anyone can, in good faith and intellectual honesty, deny Racism is a massive part of Trumps individual platform.

It's not like it's hard, borderline propaganda has been brainwashing conservatives since the run-up to Reagan.

No, we have seen this shit before.
>Nixon -> Carter -> Reagan cycle
People reacted to Reagan like they did Trump. Democratic party will swing far left, auto-correct, and swing back to the center.


But it's not because Republican ideals and dogma, at a fundamental and systemic level are being rejected by a majority of the population. There is a reason the GOP is so heavily invested in the Judiciary and to a lesser extent, the Senate. It's because they know that the very dogma that makes up their political philosophy is being nearly whole-sale rejected. Probably the only two platforms they have that are even remotely popular are being ostensibly pro-gun and anti-abortion. Pretty much everything else covering their social, economic, financial, and international policy is unpopular with majorities.

The democrats fall for it just as hard. That's how he's so successful, because he keeps the dems perpetually outraged about the issue of the day they completely forget what they were outraged about previously. And the media just eats it up.

Like the last time he badmouthed AOC and her buddies, everybody were too busy pretending being angry about his tweets that they didn't realize he basically neutered asylum laws while they weren't looking.

He knows he can make the dems completely forget about issues inconvenient to his campaign pretty much at will.

>I don't see how anyone can, in good faith and intellectual honesty, deny Racism is a massive part of Trumps individual platform.

Nope, main stream voices, the ones the normies listen to. Carlson who replaced Hannity as the talking-head-of-choice, for example. I am not a overly fond of Carlson, but compare what he talks about to Hannity and you see a distinct change on the right. I dont like either, but they indicate the evolution happening on the right.

The people that matter are on the ball. The House is gearing up and staying on target with the things that enrage him on a personal level like his Taxes and the courts, despite being Republican stacked at this point, are increasingly hostile to him.

>were too busy pretending being angry about his tweets that they didn't realize he basically neutered asylum laws while they weren't looking.
*ding* *ding* *ding*

It's because of California. No California and Trump won the popular vote and the majority.

>The House is gearing up and staying on target with the things that enrage him on a personal level
Yes, I am sure petulant behavior in the House - as apposed to actually running the country - will ensure electoral success for your party.


Lol what a mong, polling has showed that the generation coming up behind the millenials (currently jr. High to early HS) is generslly pretty conservative (more libertarian really), which is fairly unprecedented. Fools have been stating Repbulicans/conservatives are dead or dying since the denocrat monopoly of Congress from 60s - early 70s and then again in the mid 90s Bill Clinton, and yet here we are.

>If we just exclude the most populous state in the Union because I don't like them I get the result I want

So can I talk about hypothetical where Texas turns blue or just exclude them from the data entirely? Because that makes just about as much fucking sense as what you just said. You don't get to exclude 37,000,000 individuals representing more than 10% of the US population because their data tilts your sample into something you don't like.

>the voting patterns of one state are indicative of the mood in the country at large

You're an idiot.

>as apposed to actually running the country

House has passed more bills this session than they have in 23 years. Not their fault McConnel nukes everything in the Senate.

>Gen Z is conservative


Oh man, you are fucking deluded. You get your information from Breitbart?

>House has passed more bills this session than they have in 23 years. Not their fault McConnel nukes everything in the Senate.
>meanies in the senate wont swallow our poison pills!
You think we are idiots and dont see what you are doing?

No... raw numbers ala popular vote are, which by the way went to Hill last election and which California contributes to. Again, I'm not the one who is, no shit, arguing we need to exclude the largest geographical grouping of US population from a data set so it can say what I want it to.

>raw numbers ala popular vote are
Not if you exclude Cali you fucking, smooth brain. That is the entire point of the discussion.

Yes, I'm sure the completely clean 9/11 first responder bill was riddled with poison pills.

>Yes, I'm sure the completely clean 9/11 first responder bill was riddled with poison pills.

So, again... your basis for excluding ~13% of the US Population from this data set is because when you include it the numbers don't say what you want to hear? If I'm wrong about your intention here, please correct me and I mean that. But from everything I gather your only problem with Cali is that it tips the numbers out of your favor and you don't like that.

And if you want to argue about "the mood of the country" and disproportionate representation lets talk about how Wyoming is granted as much representation in the Senate as California.

Yo... did you seriously just argue that cost was the poision pill for the party that has completely exploded Federal Spending and Deficit in the name of a public-to-private money siphon over the last 20 years?

>voting patterns of one state is indicative of the mood of the country
You seem to struggle to grasp a very basic concept. Lets simplify:
>people in Idaho do not vote the same way as California
>this is relevant in our political dispensation.
>where the popular vote is irrelevant
>and state votes are relevant
>Thus: Citing the overall popular vote as being indicative of general change is retarded as the outcome of the vote is changed by one state.

>b..but republicans also spend money!
Jesus Christ, what a predictable fucking pleb response.
Go look at who specifically torpedoed the bill and their voting records.

>lets talk about how Wyoming is granted as much representation in the Senate as California.
A balance specifically engineered into the system by our dearest founders to prevent the tyranny of the majority.

>More people voting for X vs Y doesn't mean there's a preference for X on a total scale guize!
>By the way, I'm arguing that we need to exclude this state because when you include it the thing I say doesn't matter doesn't say what I want it to say

-t. You, the fucking retard

If popular vote doesn't matter why would you even bother bringing it up, retard?

>why bring it up
I am not him retard.

You are arguing "change is coming look at the popular vote" and I am telling you that is fucking retarded because one state is blowing it out of whack. Next you will be going on about purple Texas or some other asinine bullshit because you are fucking political tourist here to shill some shallow agenda because you feel you can change this ocean of piss into a blue lagoon.

Lol you are a fucktard

Not him, but texas will turn blue in our lifetimes.
Just look at the demographics and their voting patterns.
Unless something drastic is done, this will happen.

Understand, in this thread people are ignoring the fact that NRSC had to spend Millions beating Beto back in Texas this cycle, and he's only going to come back harder and faster this time around since his Presidential campaign is giving him a much expanded platform.

1911 of truth

>Just look at the demographics and their voting patterns.
Maybe you should take your own advice and look at them
>over 40% of hispanics voted R in the mid-terms
>in a Trump presidency

Its not going blue. Cruz is a broken candidate who also got out-campaigned and out-spent by someone who, despite being a fucking clown, ran a solid campaign. Look at the Governors race, Abbot won by over a million votes compared to Cruz who won by 200 000.
>hence: muh purple texas is asinine bullshit

>still fucking shilling

>You asked for an example where we gained more than we lost. You got one.
And your example proved my original point, which was that we gun owners are not going to gain anything politically. Trump betrayed us, and nothing is going to get better until he is gone.
>Look at the most popular voices on the right at the moment (you dont know them, because you are a leftist). That shit is dead and buried.
What on earth are you talking about? In case you haven't been paying attention, Republicans lose badly among younger voters. The GOP is living on borrowed time. By the time the Silent Generation dies out, the GOP will be numerically overwhelmed.
This. Trump is the president of empty words. All talk and no action, all hat and no cattle, all style and no substance.

blue wave.
no record seats gained. republicans held strong in the senate, which is not normal.

>which was that we gun owners are not going to gain anything politically.
Except we did gain, specifically.

>Trump betrayed us
You are either a shill or an idiot. Bump-stocks was a hill no-one was going to die on.

>Republicans lose badly among younger voters.
>making entry-level political arguments
Republicans have been losing badly among the youth since the first real nation-wide polling began in the 60's.Yet your prediction has never come to fruition. Maybe because people arent ideological automatons like you and their voting patterns change with age.

>This. Trump is the president of empty words. All talk and no action, all hat and no cattle, all style and no substance.
He says about the man who has political outmaneuvered you since before he stepped in office. He just took an axe to asylum laws and your base barely noticed.

>Except we did gain, specifically.
Yeah, 33 years ago. The point being that it's not going to happen again.
>You are either a shill or an idiot. Bump-stocks was a hill no-one was going to die on.
And you're not going to fight on any hill. All you people do is capitulate to the left. Grow a fucking spine and fight back for once in your life.
>voting patterns change with age
Actually, people tend to get more leftist as they age. It's just that older generations start out more conservative.
>your base barely noticed.
What "base" are you ascribing to me? I'm not talking about asylum laws. I'm talking preserving our gun rights.

>that posting format
>>>/reddit/ you fucking tourist

>The point being that it's not going to happen again.
>pretending extensive firearms regulation was not passed in the 1960s
>pretending most of it was not removed in the 1980s
>and then put back in the 1990s
>and then removed in the 2000s
Whats it like to have absolutely zero historical perspective?

>And you're not going to fight on any hill
Oh no! We played the game like they do and now we are cowards! Fuck off with your freshman-tier idealism.

>Actually, people tend to get more leftist as they age
Objectively and demonstrably false.

>What "base" are you ascribing to me?
Leftist, democrat, tranny, shill. Whatever it is you are not one of us.

I have never posted to Reddit.
>pretending most of it was not removed in the 1980s
Most of it wasn't removed in the 80s. FOPA put limits on how often the ATF could inspect dealers, but it did not repeal the larger system of licensing.
>and then removed in the 2000s
The only major federal gun law which was removed in the 2000s was the ban on certain models, but that expired because of a sunset clause. It wasn't actively repealed. Once a gun law gets put on the books, it's very hard to get it repealed.
>We played the game like they do and now we are cowards!
No, you didn't. Your own party betrayed you, and now you are unwilling to admit it.
>Objectively and demonstrably false.
Prove it.
>Leftist, democrat, tranny, shill. Whatever it is you are not one of us.
I'm none of those. I'm a gun-owning, liberty-loving American who is fed up with Trump's empty words and broken promises and wants to see real political action to preserve gun rights.

>we have to make compromise(give things up) to the communists
>that's just how it goes in the current year +4
t. future boer


Look at that faggot cop on the left...

Your kind of people said the same shit about bump stocks faggot

Are you a literal homosexual or do you just enjoy the statist dick in your ass?

What deals exactly is he known for

Largest swing that effectively did nothing?

>People tend to vote more leftist as they age
Care to back that up with facts little man

registered sex offenders should legally be allowed to own machine guns

prove me wrong

Conservatism is liberalism with the brakes on

>you should be legally allowed to hunt sex-offenders on horseback

Prove me wrong.

Illogical damage control.
Look at the facts , they’re right there

>Oh man, you are fucking deluded. You get your information from Breitbart?
This is what I don't get either. Minorities are overwhelmingly Democrats according to Breitbart (which is unedeniably true), Gen Z ist heavily if not majoritarly minority according to Breitbart (which is again undeniably true) -> Gen Z is conservative.

Don't people see the glaring contradiction?

Because things get blurry with 3rd generation hispanics.

1st and 2nd overwhelmingly clear data but 3rd gen not so much.

You haven't been following politics for very long have you?

What do you mean by blurry?


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Nope but good psyop campaign. Glad to see my tax dollars aren't going entirely to waste.