If guns get banned why not make flamethrowers?

Improvised napalm squirt guns are:
>easy to build
>easy to feed
>extremely dangerous
>impossible to regulate
Flame thrower thread

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Because if guns are banned I’ll be shot in the street before I have time to worry about it.

Not if you got one of these

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Because you’ll never use them on your oppressors and just meme about “le boating accident” on Jow Forums but with a homemade flamethrower instead of a gun

>i'm the bad guy?

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Real talk: Why hasn't anybody tried a mass killing with a flamethrower? Making one in your garage doesn't seem hard at all and you can make nigger-napalm by dissolving styrofoam in gas and motor oil. The only real dilemma would be finding a way to carry enough compressed air and fuel effectively. Using a flamethrower also makes more sense if you're killing people out of pure hatred and not for being an attention whoring mutt edgelord. I'm morbidly curious to see what would play out if an aspie was let loose with one at a pride parade (in minecraft).

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You're glowing pretty hard here

flamers are support, not junglers

If they actually cared about killing people. 50% of mass killers are glow ops and 50% are useless human beings who barely managed to get out of bed. Bold of you to assume that they would do something smart (or something that doesn’t support gun control).

>a mass killing with a flamethrower?

It's been done. Germany and California



Because that requires effort. Most shooters buy an AR15 because its the gun they saw on the news and then turn around and have their day of reckoning the next day

memes write themselves

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Because guns won't get banned, and if they do it won't matter. Furthermore, flamethrowers require getting up close and being very overt. Furthermore, fire damages infrastructure very badly. Furthermore, fire can easily go out of control and burn down an entire neighborhood.

If guns get banned, people are just going to make their own guns in their basement with plumbing pipes and scrap metal. A bootleg .22lr precision rifle that's 1moa is leaps and bounds more useful in a conflict situation than a flame thrower.

>Furthermore, fire can easily go out of control and burn down an entire neighborhood.
You make it sound like this is a bad thing.

Basically what happened in the jap animation studio

>Seifert intended to ambush the girls on country roads, stun them and then bring them home on his moped trailer

I want to find a flamethrower that I can shoot for a good 2 minutes. Like maybe having it fed by a giant stationary tank in the back of a pickup.

Is it possible?

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They'll ban all weapons and means of self defence. They want us to be like Briton.

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Google flame tanks. They were a thing during older wars.

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well can you make one at home I mean


burning aerosol sprays would probably better than these squirt guns

I want fempyro to drop my tiny body in her smelly boot and then put it back on and wear it all day long

im in the conceal carry blowgun camp

normal arson with a bunch of gas is easier and probably more effective at getting a place to go up in flames very quick, trapping people and resulting in more deaths
The aussie shooter brought gas cans but didn't end up using them
I'm surprised more crazy fucks don't drive around at night with a bunch of molotovs in their car trying to set as much shit on fire as possible so firefighters are overwhelmed


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if you have a tank lying around in your backyard yeah

>get something like pic related
>plop it in a car
>attach pipe leading from pic relateds exhaust pipe to outside of car so you dont holocaust yourself
>hook it up to a big barrel of homemade gaypalm
>enjoy your flamethrower drive by on a pride parade in mine craft. i wonder if theres any internal components inside one of these things that would fail particulary quickyl when exposed to solvents at high pressure (rubber O-ring and seals etc etc?

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oops lol

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>pic relateds exhaust pipe
That's lewd, user.
>ywn have a flame-spewing loli hooked up to some kind of napalm sodomizer in your car

Molotov cocktails are cheaper and most spree killers don't think things through.

Main issue with liquid flamethrowers tend to disperse after a dozen yards.

If you have to ask, probably not.

Molotov’s don’t have the potential to ignite as large of a surface area and don’t do much aside from property damage according to riot footage.

Any one of these with a high enough capacity to make like a miniature Churchill Crocodile

Turning a pickup truck into a crudely made one of these would be ideal

Attached: Churchill_Crocodile_01.jpg (632x332, 60K)

just buy one of these dude

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>napalm by dissolving styrofoam in gas and motor oil
that doesn't make real napalm, that just makes extremely flammable playdough (wayyyyyyyyyyy too thick). early napalm was just mixing gasoline with coconut oil.

have a bump
i am interested

you forgot:
>heavy as fuck
>a competent one will run you $600+
>10 second lifespan
>low range
>stationary ones are fuckhuge
still fun as fuck though

>Real talk: Why hasn't anybody tried a mass killing with a flamethrower?
Grenade launchers are also fucking nato.