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New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:
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i recognize this location
Reposting once more because autism *...when buying new things that are above the dollar threshold for being impulsive purchases*
Guys fuck me, I really need your help.
I'm way too fucking autistic at commit to a decision here.
Here's my blog:
I want to buy a vz58. I want a beaver barf furniture set in the redish early production colouration, and I want it for the best price.
I spoke when the manufacturer this morning CSA via Google translate and they told me all barf furniture is new old production from the 80s as nobody makes it anymore. But the newer stuff is really dark, almost black.
They said they sent us (Canada) a run if "retro" rifles that have gray receivers like the old military coloured ones. These retro ones have open sights instead of the current production with a hooded front site.
What would you guys prefer?
Open front sight vs hooded front sight?
I feel like I would prefer a hooded front sight so that I wouldn't accidentally bend over of the blades if I bump the rifle? Is this retarded?
I'm thinking of just waiting for a sale for the all black polymer furniture model, then trying to source a lighter color Beaver Barf furniture set later if I can find a set around $150 or less.
Also I want a bayonet eventually in matching Beaver Barf.
So what should I do:
1) black furniture model with closed front sight and source a redish set of Beaver barf myself.
2) settle for one of these "retro" models and get a really dark set of Beaver barf, open front sight (undesirable I think), no csa logo machined on the receiver like the new ones, and in Gray for $160 more.
I'm getting so frustrated trying to decide I'm actually considering forgetting about this rifle for now. Having OCD like this makes my life hard but I just want to be sure about discussion.
Pic related is the dark Beaver barf that's currently available.
just do option #1 so you can bee urself
Idk anything about hooded sights, mines open and it's fine. But I warn you, the buttplate, and various fittings from the polymer furniture DO NOT fit the beaver barf/beechwood stocks. I ordered the parts kit separate for mine. So you may as well buy whichever stock configuration is cheaper and save maybe a few hundred bucks.
Just fucking kill yourself. Jesus Christ.
>tries to scare others with jail and calls them stupid for their actions
>posts Restricted guns with their serial numbers legible on 4chins
what did this big brain poster mean by this?
What are the .223 vz58’s like? Do they take regular mags or are the .223 mags hard to come by? Kind of want to get one since I already have an SKS for x39
Oh hey the edgelords are finally dead
anyone posting "you better comply" are nothing more then leftist implants and rcmp posters.
Probably died sucking eachothers cawcks
is there any evidence they were actually edgelords? personally i think the real murderer killed them after making them drive him, then he killed them in the woods near gillam and torched their car
>legible serial number
Fucking lmao are you fucking retarded
The serial is on the plate in between the rails not on the slide you nogunz faggot
BASED. Non compliance is our weapon, don't believe the soon to be rcmp and shill posters saying other wise like the other thread. We've been discussing PEACEFUL noncompliance since May and all summer.
Picture related, how to fuck over Canada post and the federal government by peaceful non compliance
8km away in dense bush? If they were framed it must have been that one legend who capped some chugs disappeared innawoods up in northern B.C. that time
man the rcmp are really desperate to unburry or get some bodies out of their meat locker and claim its them
if October Goes sideways : the Day of the Envelope first, then have the bugaboo
posties, rcmp. watch out. DAY OF THE ENVELOPE DRAWS NEAR
also not to sound rude, but the ricky and morty shit is kinda cringe
>th-that's totally not the s..s..serial under the extractor, h-hehe.. stupid n.nogunz
cope harder little guy
reposting my glorious ribbed dildo again, just once tho
What in blue fuck is that?
What did nogunz mean by this
Also if its so legible and not the words "made in USA" cut into it then feel free to post my serial ITT
Also post guns
fine ill post another again fren
its a Dominion Arms 556 20 inch version i got at a good deal, second hand, barely fired
this was the user posting about waiting for it and it came in yesterday, i officially have an R thats not a tok
Norchinko handguards literally use onaholes painted black as their handguards.
>tfw no full maple
oh fuck i cant unsee it now user, how can i even look at my ar15 now the heck why you did this to me
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Try not to relieve yourself with the handguard.
nobody cares spergo
Take your meds
Bro you gotta fuck your AR now
>cocksleeve that also keeps you safe
Why does this upset you
jesus, i didn't know jews could grow that big
I-I-just met her yesterday guys, it would be unprofessional if i stuck my weenie inside her now, she hasn't even had range time with me yet, i plan on bringing her in a couple of days to the range, i'm just letting her settle in with her Russian and other Chinese roommates.
What a gent user. Fucking on the first date are for low lives.
Reminder that Wendy Cuckier hates anyone with a gun, law abiding owners or not.
Is this what OCD is actually like? This sounds Fucking horrific
She's a paid shill who works for CGI
What a fucking bitch.
BASED and non-degenerate pilled
Why don't our organizations sue her for libel and slandering our collective community.
Nice user
so what are the actual odds of Trudeau winning again? say they only win a minority - will we be safe until the next election?
so uh.. is anyone slightly concerned about the direction this incident might take?
We’re semi boned unless conservatives get a majority, but we might be able to fight them off another 4 years with a minority. I think our greatest friend is the shear number of guns and potential non-compliance at this rate, conservatives aren’t exactly winning hearts and minds but I’m not giving up hope.
No, because even in a liberal minority the NDP go along with any anti gun laws. its CPC majority or bust. CPC minority is -OK- but they wouldn't be able to unfuck anything such as c71
No we would not be safe.
NDP and greens will back any anti gun legislation
Even the local police, and the mayor admit that restricting gun ownership is a fruitless endeavor. Gangbangers removing themselves isn't entirely a bad thing unless they hurt innocent bystanders or miss their intended targets.
I am constantly worried about our rights and freedoms being eroded away.
I hate the fact that otherwise law abiding citizens feel the need to break the law to feel safe.
I also hate that everything is so vague
There was a suggestion of it on retardit, but another owner suggested it might be far reaching.
the toronto star also edited the article.
what if the NDP/green lose all their seats and it's a liberal minority with an almost entirely conservative opposition?
Wouldn't they be in shit to tho for distributing then?
Don't be a dinkus.
That won't happen.
Owning guns in Canada is not a right, its a privilege. And when those up in the ivory tower decide that we should have something, they will pass a law whether we like it or not.
It's ironic that her constant insistence that I'm a murderer actually makes me want to murder her. Holy fuck I'm livid. Why can't women and bugmen just leave us alone?
It is a right, just one the government doesn't recognize
why not? the liberals completely died for a while and had almost no seats, i don't see why it couldn't happen to the ndp, all those seats they have in quebec could go back to the bloc
Because women are unable to do anything of worth so they just nag at different levels.
*hits the crack pipe*
Slightly but whatever its not like it would be impossible to buy another stateside
rights only exist as an idea, in reality no one has any rights
That is one comfy pic
Saying no one has any rights is the exact same as saying everyone has rights. It's useless abstraction
rights are an abstract concept
its my right to have state enforced GFs and as many guns as i want
>makes me want to murder her
Then she'll be a martyr and then the calls for a full gun ban will get even louder.
Everything in life is a privilege user. The question is do you fight for it or let others fight/deny these privileges?
what if i hired a bitcoin assassin to stab to death instead
*injects 4 marijuana*
Bro what if we *snorts pot seeds* join the liberals and gunpill them from the inside
that's not what i said at all, stop bullying me
This is making me think now. If people believe rights exist, do rights act exist even though they're only conceptual and not extant?
*actually exist. I am retarded and can't edit and I don't want to delete my post and write it again
im sorry user, i didnt mean anything by it pls dont be sad
OK then the bloq votes for the anti gun.
REMINDER: this is a BULLY FREE zone
>want Quebec to be independent
>want to bans guns
how does this work
What if I want to bully stupid fudds and boomers?
This user gets it.
based. weapons in civilian hands is human right that many places refuses to acknowledge
How do native Canadians feel about their entire nations population being smaller than Tokyo?
How about nobody bullies the user whose buying the vz58.
is that tucker??
The government does not determine your rights. Humans always have the right to choose.
People are annoying and stupid
It really fucking looks like based Tucker
Gonna take more than one more bomb to finish us all off, at least.
Fuck me, is that NR length? I can hear my wallet shaking in fear from across the room.
Its more then just guns, although my personal hot spot is guns.
And if you are a law abiding citizen why shouldn’t you have the option to own guns, and once you own them what gives the government the right to take them away?
Even if they are full giggle, who fucking cares?
This is one of the reasons I believe that there should be some mandatory military service.
where can i buy a fixie for my based58?
yea that is NR
did you only just find out that vz58s exist?
It's another anons I just saved the pic from a while ago.
is this legal?
Agreed. 1 year min service should have been manditory.
onahole-ar15 user here, when i get some lar15 mags, do i need paper work saying they are lar15 mags? do the horse police get mad if i have them even though they are legal?