Ask Iraqi vets anything

Did I kill people... that's what you want to know

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Oh, I'll start softball. Branch, MOS and rank?

No it isn't.

Did you rape people?

Why are you such a boot?

Nope. But I've seen women get raped

Na, real talk why don't Taliban convert their rpg heads into anti infantry ones if they're still mixed results when it comes to armor? Just strap some shrapnel on it.

Eas around 2011. Save your boot stories cuz.

Do they rape little boys over there?

Are there large open air arms bazaars there? If so, what sorts of shit can you buy?

Same thing for exotic animals?

Do you know Larry Drummond?

Are you still here?


What went wrong? According to the original plans for the war, most US forces were supposed to be out of Iraq by Christmas 2003, after having stabilized the country and installed a new government.

Why did that plan fail?

>iraqi vet
What is it like living in a shithole?

Any stories bout the e4 mafia? Howd you smuggle your benzos?

Do you like monster zero ultra?

How many of your cuckold friends died for Israel? lmao

Why didn't you kill more people? Gay?

How did you know I was from Detroit?

yes. call all the phones again.

Does the N-word still fly over there?

Do Iraqis have multiple wives? Could you buy an Iraqi wife and smuggle her back to the states if you liked dusky inbred women in veils? If the answer is no, would the answer become yes if you converted to Islam?

>blowing up a dam and expecting the water to stay on the other side

This concept has worked 0 times in recorded history

Can I get fries with that?

Did you kill people?

How accessible were guns and ammo over there obviously for civilians, also see any actual goat fuckers?

What the fuck, OP. This is literally the only question I want answered.

Did you get a real job?

Any tips on desert fighting?

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What's it like to be poor?

Korean feet or Japanese feet?

How often were IEDs & Snipers for you and the guys you were with? Any notable incidents involving either one?

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>How many of your cuckold friends died for Israel? lmao

The arabs killed by Jews and Americans become their slave servants in Heaven for all eternity. This is not as useful as it may seem as several arabs together are incapable of killing each other eventually

Why do you love the cock?

Did you ever hit an IED in convoy?

The only reason I ask is because you had to have major TBI to think anyone gives a fuck about you or your stories to make a whole thread about it.

Do you regret giving the best years of your life for Israel?

US government officials specifically said that US troops would be greeted as liberators.

Not him, but 11B here. OEF 09-10. My best friend was a real socialite, talked to everyone and everyone loved the dude. Just so happens he made friends with an ODA guy in SF while we were on the main FOB for a week or so refitting the trucks. Apparently SF gets sent downrange with a big bag of medications including shit like tramadol and klonopin. Apparently the dude doesn't touch the stuff so he gave it to my buddy, who took it back to the FOB. We were high as fuck on tramadol and benzos for weeks. There's nothing in the world like parachuting ground up tramadol and klonopin, then going on guard and smoking hash while you watch the sun set on a country full of people who would love to see you dead. I've never experienced anything like that and I probably never will again. It was fucking indescribable.

Did you be a good doctor to the little doggies and aminals out there? I want to become a vet when I grow up too and look after little cute animals.