Racial Gun Laws

Should negroes be allowed to own firearms? Most gun violence is perpetrated by negroids as well as most violent crime in general.

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Plus, we can't claim self defense if they aren't waving their Taurus around


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idk, but the gubbamints didn't want them to, and all the gun control BS we have today is a result of action from the 60's

You really think the founders intended the slaves to own firearms?

They intended everyone in America to own firearms. Women, children, slaves, toddlers, visiting Frenchmen, everyone who might need to fight the Man at some point.

>Most gun violence is perpetrated by negroids

With mostly unregistered and "black market" guns. I have absolutely nothing against blacks who carry legally.

You can be white, black, yellow, red, purple, brown, jew, christian, muslim, hindu, buddhist, spaghetti monster i don't give a fuck.

Shall not etc.

Sage because your shit glows.

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but blacks weren't considered people, so
>the right of the people
didn't apply to them

I’m going to get banned again for this but whatever fuck jannies

No. Hell no. In fact, they shouldn’t be allowed to do shit here. Free white men of good character. That was the intent of the founders, that’s what this country was supposed to be. A nation built by white men, and to be cared for by white men. Without the stupid emotional choices made by women, or the retards of the darker complexions.
Giving everyone else the right to make decisions here, and opening up citizenship to those other than the free white men of good character is what fucked this country.

Anyone that says otherwise is a fucking idealistic idiot that has no idea what makes a nation strong.

You should not allow niggers to live in your country in the first place.

Your kind of thinking resulted in the 1968 gun control act. Fuck off, we're not doing that again.

That's the one nice thing about gun control in France: it keeps the (legal) guns out of the hands of the "diversity". Whenever a nigger or a raghead comes to our range to ask about membership they get told that we're full.

Yes leftypol there were black colonists

>Should men be allowed to own firearms? Most gun violence is perpetrated by males as well as most violent crime in general.

We both know that doesn't happen, shitbag

>Should negroes be allowed to own firearms?

>Most gun violence is perpetrated by negroids
It's a mysterio why those who are born into a poor socio-economic cycle and have no opportunities turn to gun violence, theft, and robbery.

Everybody gets guns. I don't care if they're niggers or Jews or retarded. Human rights are inalienable and apply to all humans, regardless of whether or not you like them. If you disagree, you're a tremendous faggot.

Most get their guns illegally anyway and even more would with racially based laws.

Yeah shut up surrender monkey

If dark skinned people did not have guns the levels of violence in the USA would drastically lower. Darkies and brownies with firearms is like monkey with grenade.

>private club tells someone to leave

Yes. The U.S. has this too. A private club that offers memberships to use private property isn't the exact same thing as a business.

The ones in the north did.

people who actually think rights are given by god are the dumbest fucks imaginable
suddenly there's no law enforcement, what prevents anyone from putting a bullet in your head and stealing your god given guns?

You’re off about the wrong thing.
Gun rights? They shouldn’t have rights.
We can not support this massive welfare state with those fucking leeches on our system.

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Found the communist

It really does. Same at the ranges my brothers go to.
You do that, nigger

The founding fathers did not like negros, did not give a shit about negros. That “white men of good character” clause was in our immigration and citizenship laws until after the civil war, when the fucking idealist retards got ahold of things and started making dumb ass decisions. Even Lincoln didn’t like niggers, but he wanted to win the war and did what he had to do.

No leftypol you aren't agitating republicans to be a party of racism

>suddenly there's no law enforcement, what prevents anyone from putting a bullet in your head and stealing your god given guns?

No it doesn't, you won't even stop muslims running around screaming 'death to france' in the streets

Let me guess, OP, you're the kind that will call those who say "The 2nd Amendment only applies to muskets and similar arms" dumb. Yet you advocate for something equally stupid and that assumed what the Founding Father said is rigid and unable to change with the times. That those who were once treated like slaves must always be because things in the US are not allowed to change from the day of its inception.
Long argument, made short; South should have picked its own cotton.

It’s not racist you inbred moron. It’s the truth.
On average the blacks and spics drain more from the economy than they put into it. Weakening the country and putting more stress on the shoulders of whites.

And those whites, somehow still manage to come out on top and they are the only ones putting more in than they take out. Yes, even the meth heads. Math is fun.


I’ve seen you deflect shit and pulling no you’s in so many threads but you have yet to post your guns you faggot

So long as they're being legal and responsible and all that, I guess so. People have a right to defend themselves.
But really, I wish they'd all just leave.


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Then why not just pay reparations (amounting to ten years pay in the African nation they have the most ancestry from, so like $5000 each.) Then deport them?

You're still advocating for keeping them here via usage of laws that are proven not to work anyway. Nigger tier logic, friendo.

Why would a glownigger not want niggers to own guns? They want our guns, niggers have them anyway, their shit is never legally obtained

Jow Forums is willing to meet grabbers more than half way (women and minorities)

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How are these two things even remotely related?

My god given guns are there to counter their god given guns. The Constitution isn't a list of laws, it's a list of human rights that all humans already have, and that the gummint agrees to not fuck with.

PROTIP: free blacks were a thing during the era the constitution was written in.

Jefferson freed his slaves because he wanted them to be citizens.

Naturalization Act says no.

>Human rights are inalienable and apply to all humans

too bad those laws change not only country by country, but state by state, county by county, and even city by city. Some powerful natural law you have

>no opportunities
I was with you until that. They have other opportunities, it’s just easier and funner to be a gangbanger

None of those quotes mention citizenship though. Why do you want a significant portion of the population to be disarmed? Why do you want to set a precedent for disarming large groups of people?

I’ve been wanting to deport them. What in that hinted at me wanting to keep them here? Reading comprehension must not be your best subject.

Fuck paying them reparations. Fuck paying anyone shit. We give Africa so much fucking money, so we should load them back up on ships and send them back. We could have it done in under a month if we got our shit together.

For the record, controlling them worked fine when the methods used were hoses and ropes.

All citizens should be allowed to own firearms

No retard. We don’t go and take their guns, we go and take them. Cargo containers get loaded onto ships, and sent off.
We can load like 2 mil per ship. With about 40 million blacks, that won’t take long. Throw the spics in there too. Fuck it.

Get the fuck off our board
If they are responsible gun owners and citizens then
regardless of their race

Freeing slaves does not equal wanting them as citizens, you conflating faggot. The age of slavery was already over in the west by 1800. We should have deported the niggers to south America. But the 2A was only supposed to ever apply to blacks. And Jefforson made it very clear that though he wanted blacks free, he never wanted them in America. Literally read the quotes from my image, they have sources too.
You cannot grant citizenship to people who literally are not there. The fact that niggers were in the colonies was the fault of the English, while us Americans wanted them gone. Why do I want the most violent, unintelligent, and entitled "people" on earth disarmed? So we can ship them back to Africa you fucking idiot, what else for?

Niggers shouldn’t be citizens.

Glad to see you’re following along.

Correction, meant to say the 2A was never supposed to apply to blacks.

shove the whites in there while your at it.

I don't want them to be a significant portion of the population in the first place.

You can tell a lot about a persons character by how they treat animals.

I’ve seen more niggers and spices treat animals like absolute shit. And even going out of their way to kill them. Abuse is common even towards their own niglets.

Explain to me how I’m supposed to see these people as my equal? Much less as anything more than mud on my shoe. Unnecessary cruelty is the hallmark of a beast.

Whites built this nation and are the only reason why it’s still afloat with the excessive welfare programs and maintaining the security of the entire free world. You fucking inbred.

Really convinced me with those hot opinions.

>Explain to me how I’m supposed to see these people as my equal?
they arent
you are their inferior
not your race

>Freeing slaves does not equal wanting them as citizens

It literally did though.

Manumission was always practiced in the United States. Black US citizens were already a thing when the constitution was written.

>Should negroes be allowed to own firearms?
Of course, old timey racists thought as you do, and this very question is the foundation upon which our rights are under attack today.

Last I checked that wasn’t supposed to be a convincing argument? It was an invitation for discussion.

Seriously, you fucks need to learn to read.

You Yanks done goofed up back when slavery was abolished. You should have shipped those negroes back to Africa. And now watch the mess you have created.

>when you are this deep into the brainwashing

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I’m sorry for your loss. It must be hard being that fucking stupid.

You think anyone is going to take you seriously claiming you know what races are superior because you're watching the shit ones abuse animals?

Please refer to the earlier graphic of the economic impacts to the US economy by race.

Then go fuck yourself because you’re probably too fucking stupid to understand it.

What have you personally accomplished in life?

Be honest.

It's ok if black people own guns. They can be upstanding citizen like any other race when it comes to our 2nd amendment rights.

Niggers on the other hand...

>everything is made of cotton

Why do you think Liberia exists?

Lincoln, though a fucking asshole tyrant, had one good idea. He had sent two ships full of nigger back and was preparing a third when Booth (a confirmed Portuguese Jew LARPing as a Confederate to false flag us) popped him.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL MEN are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, the pursuit of Happiness, and owning a fuckton of guns. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Threads; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

The history of the present OP of thread/42289297 is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over this Board. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has been a Massive Faggot.

He has moved the Goalposts in a failed attempt to be perceived as an intelligent individual.

He has no valid points besides "Muh Niggers."

He has attempted to defame the Founding Fathers and ignored the fact that several Negroes were free Citizens of the United States.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. An OP, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Faggot, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Leftist brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of boards.4channel.org/k/thread/42289297, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this Board, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Threads are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the Faggot OP, and that all political connection between them and his Faggotry, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

kewl a sources-less infographic probably from whiteneet.net

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Lmao. I could say I’m a lawyer, or I could say I’m a heroin addict and no one would have any idea.

I know what I am. I know who I am. And I’m quite content with the life I’ve built thus far. Your statements are that of a defeated person that has no idea what the fuck they’re on about.

To illustrate that niggers can't into functional society?

only whites should be disarmed

Yes you dirty Jow Forums nigger, what do you not understand about shall not be infringed? Doesn't matter if you like them or not they deserve a chance to protect themselves against criminals, and the state.

Over what means do you ʃay this nonʃenʃe? Does not ʃeem like parchment & paper, nor publiʃhed on the printing preʃs, nor any other method applicable to the time of our nation's birth. What gives you the idea that your ʃpeech through this box powered by lightning iʃ protected? Has the proceʃs of turning on that apparatus reʃulted in your own electrocution and brain impairment?
The Declaration of Independence from Great Britain originally had mention of condemning ʃlavery, it was taken out to prevent a point of conflict from thoʃe trying to work together to make this new country. Yet the text ʃtill is clear: "All men are created equal..."
That conflict over racial ʃtatus and citizenʃhip v. ʃlavehood was fought later on and to a deciʃive end on both the battlefield and in the Congreʃs. The ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments are to be as honored as the 1st & 2nd are, or else none of them ʃhall be honored.
The Conʃtitution was made with a clear proceʃs for amending it and that hath laʃted for centuries, as has this nation - Yet you wiʃh to preʃerve rights & protections as if they are ʃet in ʃstone for which persons they apply to, while alʃo ʃaying that your modern technologies and ʃstances deʃserve protection deʃspite being foreign to the thinking ways of 18th century.
I ʃay you ʃhould ceaʃe being a homoʃexual.

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Google it nigger. Who cares who assembled the data when the information about taxes paid and services used is readily available on government websites. All this shit is public information, you’re just too fucking lazy to compile it so someone did it for you.

you sound like the kind of faggot who watches blacked unironicly
refute me when you post your timestamped guns

What don't black people just go back to Africa if things are so hard for them in America?

Nice try, ATF
dont you have a false flag to stage?

You probably believe you waz kangz and shieet, but other people are brainwashed...riiight

They would actually have to work and be responsible to succeed over there

They did. That's what Liberia is.

fuck off back to Jow Forums

>A great way to ensure you have nothing AND have to overcome steep language and cultural barriers


Yes, but why don't the rest if them go also???

they have no real cultural ties to their ancestors and most dont even really know what part of the continent they descend from.
thats why we got so much "WE WUZ"
despite the fact that most American African slaves brought from west Africa.
Its not as easy as just hop off the ship and things are gonna be all peachy for them. Africa is very culturally segregated.

We're all Africans, so surely they wouldn't have THAT hard of a time. Africa is also such a bastion of culture and civilization, so I expect some new friends would be welcome.
Imagine the beautiful homecoming.

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I’d be on board with going into Africa, and building them their own little abode. Maybe South Africa? They need competent capable people, the neg-African American fellows are that? So it seems like a match made in heaven. And boom, then they can control their own shithole. And leave us the fuck alone.

But surely it would be better than living amongst racist white people? Then they wouldn't be oppressed anymore. They wouldn't be held back by institutionalized racism. They'd finally be free to seize their own glorious destiny. They could make Wakanda great again..!

>racist white people
at least the vocal ones are actually very minuscule in number.
All they know is western society and frankly they probably wouldnt cut it in Africa.
Better to work at something here then to uproot and live the hardest possibly life across the world.

We should be encouraging pro-firearms "culture" amongst EVERY minority group, as a means of preservation when they're the majority.

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