The NRA is a terrorist organization

According to faggot ass california

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Yeah, I posted is on another thread. They want the feds to say so too. I hate the NRA. But It's like family: I can talk bad about it all day, but you libs better not say nothing.

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> resolution
> nothing binding like actual criminal penalties for affiliated local businesses or members in city limits
Oh you wussies. Go big or go home.

Good. This hyperbolic crybaby nonsense doesnt help them.

>promote gun ownership and incite gun owners to violence
yah you haven't anything yet buds. just you fucking wait till you try to take some ptsd ridden veteran or crackhead's gun and they freak the fuck out on

>San Francisco

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I joined the NRA (after I had joined GOA) not because I believe in them, but because I enjoy existing as the left's bete noir.
In other words, yes, I am pissing money away and lining LaPierre's pockets out of spite.

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are they gonna say it causes cancer too?

99% sure that all the politicians bitching about the nra use armed security or keep at least one firearm in their home. Rights for me and not for thee. Fucking atrocious

But user, they're more important for our democracy!

Jow Forums not gonna do it. But if they want to fuck with San Francisco’s someone needs to meme more homeless people going there. Maybe demand free Gibbs from Silicon Valley. That’s what will probably kill off Antifa one day. They started demanding rich Hollywood and Silicon Valley types to give them free money. BLM was killed off after they start calling Israel a racist state and demanded too much money from democrats.

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As long as you acknowledge it. Besides, modern problems require modern solutions.

Foreigner here. For the last ~10 years I have had to travel back and forth between the US and my home country. I have to visit two plants, one in Georgia and one in Cali. What is amazing about your country is how much change there has been in the last 10 years. When I first started the only real difference between Georgia and Cali (apart from weather and money) was the accents and food, maybe peoples hobbies too. But now, its like travelling between two different (hostile) countries.

The worst part is that 10 years ago San Diego used to by the highlight of my annual trip, it was an awesome place. But now I try to spend as little time there as possible. The people there are horrible and the city is like a joke of what it used to be.
>also: last time I was in S.D a homeless man threw a cup of piss at me because I wouldn't give him a cigarette.

The way people speak about other parts of the country reminds me of what my dad told me about how Czechs and Slovaks would speak about and treat each other before we split.

spite politics are pretty cancerous and you shouldn't do things like that.

>That’s what will probably kill off Antifa one day.
Those homeless junkies ARE antifa

You're pissing your money and freedoms funding these rats though.

ayyy lmao

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they have a role to play, just like GOA. Supporting both is the patrician maneuver.

Whoa man, that $2.3 million lobbying budget sure is scary and bad. Who gives a fuck about the pharmaceutical companies spending $300 million, am I right?!

why tho

Have Black life matter been designated a terror group yet?

probably not because no one cares about BLM anymore

because the NRA appeals to a section of society that GOA never will
>fudds and other such moderates
They also have networks and lobbying infrastructure that GOA will take generations to build.

Supporting both is logical.

>Those homeless junkies ARE Antifa
Even Antifa will figure they were getting dinner scraps. Wait until they start showing up at rich leftists homes demanding more money like BLM was doing. Silicon Valley and Mainstreams turn on them overnight. The same thing happens to occupy Wall Street. It’s like communists beating other communists with communism.
>Have Black life matter been designated a terror group yet?
BLM all but dead now because they started to turn on rich far left celebrities and woke CEOs.

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Left-wing groups can never be called terrorists. All terror is right-wing by nature. Saying otherwise is whataboutism and bothsidesism.

>No mention of the socialist gun club
They had one of their members shoot up a bar known to host trump supporters, then issued a statement on twitter saying they support direct action and refused to denounce the attack.

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not sure if bait or sarcasm

hes trying to feel like a victim

A bit of both, but I have actually seen leftists argue that verbatim. I'm not shitting you.

I know this is pasta, but I can't remember who originally said it.

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>some retard said it once so its real!


It was from some lefty mom blog iirc

Then the GOA's perfectly kosher, I assume?

this is like that "only white people can be racist" stuff

Such is the modus operandi of the progressive. He never holds himself to his own standards, because that might make him less than righteous.

the GOA at least tries to revert shit. im sure eventually they will become the new NRA and be shitty but at least now they're doing work.

procure vagina

women's sufferage was a mistake

It was the Connor Betts, the Dayton shooter this past month. Looking for an archive as socialistra deleted their tweet defending him.

Tbh I don't see how we aren't going to balkanize

wtf i hate my own country now

Yeah, they were. The FBI even put out internal warnings regarding “Black Identity Extremists.”

Because national politics is just theater and all the major leaders are part of a little club that put on a song and dance for everyone while actually working towards a common agenda.

They know it's all bullshit and that would never fly
They do this kind of shit because it gets self righteous useful idiots all hot and bothered
They wouldn't risk their power by actually doing anything that could land them in hot water

Bitch, 150 years ago our presidents used to have armed fights with people that called them names. Now they just tweet a few times and go play golf. Calm your ass down.

While I agree with this I think they may be playing things up a little too much at this point. It's like that kid who has to one up everyone else and ends up with alcohol poisoning, or in a ditch after an auto accident.

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imagine if the LA riots happened today and how freaked out 4channers would be

Found it. Google seems to be fucking around again, I was getting nothing related to my search.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Don't be that guy

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They're just riling up the spergs in order to pass stuff like red flag laws because having a mechanism for skirting due process is a major power grab and that's all they want: power.

Use duckduckgo or startpage
Google manipulates and hides results while collection your personal info

ikr? The 90s had way more shit going on.

I was literally taught that in a couple (((college))) gen ed courses. It's crazy the stuff they're pumping into kids these days.

it gets worse when you realize that kids are paying thousands of dollars to be lied to about a subject that, even if they were being told the truth, has nothing to do with the world of work.

Yeah, that's pretty damning. Send a tip to the FBI.

DuckDuckGo serves Bing results. When Bing censors a search by refusing to return certain results, so does DDG.

How many people have they murdered?...

Does this mean I'm part of a domestic terrorist organization now? Cool!

Here's hoping

Can we go back to having 49 states? California can fuck off.

Ive been reading that, but this past week is the first time I've noticed. Things that used to be on the first page of results are just fucking gone.
I think it's time for me to ditch all Google products.

Buy greenland, sell california. turni PR into an amusement park

Several cops in Dallas

>implying the FBI isn't as corrupt as the rest of Washington D.C.
>implying the SRA isn't meant to be another militant wing of certain political organizations
You have way too much faith in institutions that have proven themselves to be untrustworthy.

Kroger is demanding people don’t OC. the dystopia is here

omg that thing that almost no one does is banned in krogers

>I think it's time for me to ditch all Google products.
Probably a good idea. You can use stuff like hooktube to get around not using youtube as well, if you like youtube.
Project Veritas did a pretty interesting expose on google a little while ago. Worth a watch.

So muskets only?

Kroger has been slowly raising their prices and offering no equivalent exchange.
They can suck a chode.

>Project Veritas did a pretty interesting expose on google a little while ago.
I've followed most of their stuff since O'Keefe torpedoed ACORN. The federal bureaucracy is littered with un-ironic marxists and Google has become an evil empire of technology. An evil empire that is actively censors people with "wrong thing" for its own twisted political and ideological goals. It's only going to get worse if the current trend is allowed to continue.

Oh, and there it has been proven there is an underground network of elite pedophiles that are in powerful positions across the globe. Orwell and Huxley were dead wrong. Spengler and Evola were the ones who were the closest in their assessment of how things will devolve. Anybody who thinks this is sustainable is fooling themselves.

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>Anybody who thinks this is sustainable is fooling themselves.
I feel the same way, but some days when things feel really bad I have my doubts.
But most of the time it looks like the US us balkanizing pretty quickly and things are heating up. I don't think that its sustainable, but my greatest fear is that the powers that be are so powerful that they could just smooth things over or keep it going just long enough.
I just don't know...

>it looks like the US us balkanizing pretty quickly and things are heating up
That's pretty unlikely. The major cultural conflicts are divided on urban and rural lines as opposed to regionally. Unlike the Civil War, where the Union and Confederacy were geographically distinct regions with self-sustaining cities and farmland, there's no clear borders for a modern split to occur, if it ever did.

If we did I feel like it would just be the west and east coast as separate countries while everywhere else was still America. As kentuckian I have more in common with Idaho,Texas and Louisiana than I do the east and west. I dont see any reason why we would split

San Francisco, not California as a whole, but whatever SF and LA are practically the state's government.

>but my greatest fear is that the powers that be are so powerful that they could just smooth things over or keep it going just long enough.
With the current rate of decay this isn't going to happen. There is no way you're going to smooth things over after the past three years of current events. Epstein's death and Red Flag laws will do more to kick the hive than anything else imaginable. Faith in institutional power is at an all time low, for good reason.

>I just don't know...
Nobody does, but everyone is on edge. All you can do is plan for the worst, hope for the best, and live your life to the best of your ability. Understand that the world we live in is a fragile bubble that can pop at any second.

If conflict does break out, its going to look much more like the Spanish Civil War. It will be an ideological clusterfuck with matching battle lines. I'd expect major metropolitan areas to be put under martial law or attempt to become city states of their own. If they try the latter, they will attempt to exert control over surrounding populaces that want nothing to do with them. That is where things will get very ugly.

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bit of a stretch

What a bunch of fags

Trips of truth
Do you have any idea where you are?

It's not a joke the meme of all terrorists are right wing seems to have deeply affected the FBI up to the top. That's how we get retarded shit like Cesare Frank Figliuzzi the former Assistant Director for Counterintelligence at the FBI believing that lowering flags on August 8th is a neo-nazi dog whistle

>Nobody does, but everyone is on edge. All you can do is plan for the worst, hope for the best, and live your life to the best of your ability. Understand that the world we live in is a fragile bubble that can pop at any second.
Very true user, very true.
I knew it, but thanks for the reminder.

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>Bitch, 150 years ago our presidents used to have armed fights with people that called them names.
Those were men of action, far better men than those in public office today. I FUCKING WISH my local state congress speaker would pull a knife on a cunt, guaranteed vote right there

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Fuddboomer ass shit

It's the internet. All this shit has happened before and will happen again, but until now most people didn't know. On top of that the 24/7 media cycle went from "here is able bunch of stuff happening all over" to a handful of stories that get the most eyes being repeated over and over.
Every crazy person of any walk of life gets mad, does something, and everyone points at the circles of the venn diagram that makes a person a person and writes off whole groups
Movements start, people organize, petitions are signed. 1000 people who agree with me can't be wrong, nevermind the actual population is hundreds of millions.
So more people hear, more react, more get convinced only they are right
Yet it's all just perception

Reminder that SanFran is literally a massive shithole.

kek, I was thinking the same thing
>Arkansas, brand new state (six months old at the time)
>be speaker of the general assembly
>get insulted during a session
>stab insulater with a knife in front of the entire assembly, killing him
>get off on self-defense cause muh honor
>take jury to the local tavern and pay for their drinks along with the drinks of anybody else who happened to be there
>get paraded around the streets as a hero

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Tell me about the boomers, why do they use the ellipse?

mine is great, the sipp section always has sipps on sale

>If conflict does break out, its going to look much more like the Spanish Civil War
I suspect any potential violence, assuming it occurs, will end up being a number of isolated flare-ups involving separate groups that end up being painted as individual terrorist attacks in the media as opposed to actual armed conflict.

sauce me up fampai, iqdb has failed me

It's great to hear they are moving on to important issues now that they've cleaned the shit-filled streets and found houses and treatment for their 129,523 vagrant junkies. Great job, SF.

So, how many violent criminals convicted for shootings every year were NRA members?
Considering most are blacks in chicago et al, fucking zero.

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>Domestic terror org to SF
Fuck, I want to join now. Registered lifelong member even.

If everyone joined the NRA that would send a huge message to MSM and the san francisco board.

It was a different time

A better time.

The NRA is a leftist fudd org anyway. The decriers on media you see are to make you feel good about yourself when you give the NRA money "out of spite". Every major infringement has been helmed by the NRA. Hughes, NICS, 94 AWB, etc

Stay on your retard containment board
Because they aren't one
Pretending that the nra does nothing shows your ignorance
Thats because you're dumb
Nothing's going to happen
Found the weakling