Meanwhile in Stellar Conflict 2219 Jow Forums

Previous Thread:

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So before I begin the thread proper I'd like to get some administrative things out of the way.
We, or just me depending on who still cares, are transitioning to a monthly format as these are somewhat of a niche thread. Secondly I'll add this thread to the wiki if it gets off the ground and going. No point adding it if I'm the only one here.
That about wraps it up for me. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to say something.

So I set up a Stellaris game with all the major factions, turned up the aggressiveness to the max, and let it play itself out with only AI in control for a couple hundred years. It was a tiny map, but even so my computer slowed to a crawl since it's not built for gaming, but by the time I called it quits the following had happened:
>the Tianese declared war on the Martians and UAF, and they were defeated. The UAF turned the Tianese into a puppet state.
>the People's Republic of Mars grew through expansion and warfare to control roughly 1/3rd of the galaxy, becoming the most powerful state in the game.
>the Pilgrims, Martians, and UAF formed an alliance, while the Plutonians and 4th German Reich ended up allying with each other
>the Germans controlled the least territory and had the smallest population, but had a disproportionately strong fleet and defensive fortifications relative to their size
>the Plutonians and UAF became the most technologically advanced factions with the fall of the Tianese
>the Pilgrims did not control much territory or have very large fleets, but they had a high population density and a strong economy

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Neat. Maybe I'll try that when I get the time. I got a good computer and haven't played Stellaris in a bit. Maybe if the regulars show up we can all do a game together. I'm pretty trash at stellaris though.

Oh yeah, if anyone has space engine post screenshots I can use for OP images. Unless you want me to use the same few OP images in rotation.

We're currently back in our home port in Vega after a mission from the Navy to get scans of black holes, supergiant stars, and other unique stellar objects. No planets with anything interesting on them, just a bunch of small, airless rocks and iceballs. Good for mineral resources though. We also found some gas giants with several moons. One of them had at least 25 satellites. Our secondary objective was to ferry supplies to fleets in the border systems. Stuff like food, water, ammo, and fuel. Standard logistic stuff, fairly boring.

Never forget the year we sent the jews to an alternate dimension and saved humanity once and for all

Last time i tried that my game ended up with the german empire getting into a full on galactic war with both the uaf and the neutral stations and the religous factions split and forged into a united faction but all got wiped out by the leviathans...

So a total Plutonian victory then.

They died as well first by the german empire then the planet was taken over by the Martian empire then retaken over by the germans then the leviathans came and fucked the galaxy up entirely in my playthrough but funnily enough the germans and the uaf were the only two factions remained til they got wiped.

Y'all think the ISP rangeban is in effect over at operatorchan?

I honestly don't know. Maybe? And I don't know how dead they are. It looks like they're not entirely dead. Not a fan of no catalog though. Call me a pleb but its just to convenient for me to switch.

Just did a quick check and it looks like they're good. I guess, if we want, this could be the last thread here but I'd only do it if the majority wants it.

You using mobile? Go over and make some test posts with mobile phone internet and do that airplane mode reset trick and see if you can post and it counts as different poster then come back with screenshit results.

We tried to raise awareness about gookmoot blatant abuse of the permanent rangeban on isp abuse but it didn't work apparently so I'm asking you to try that out and see if it works. If it does then you can make a thread here once it archives or dies out over there but we have to figure iut what archiving or what version of desuarchive they use.

Gookmoot is a fucking asshole

>conquest underground alien colony on titan
>end up with a harem of qts and end up getting transmitted super aids

Man, learning to shoot and lead for every different planet we land on is a pain in the ass. It's a good thing TrackingPoint finally built a new scope that can compensate for gravity.

Trijicon makes better stuff but it is way more expensive.

Space bump

HALT! You have identification papers and license for that space bump!?

Y-yes, herr commissar!
*hands over documents*


Looks like everything checks out here and seems you have recently renewed your work visa documents without the need of the Kaiserreich Visa Administration Office, which is good.

Proceed as you would and get back to work. Remember, Hard work is Happy work!

Wait..... it looks here that you are about to run out of your happy pills and you seem to forgot to check out the form here for a refill, let me just inform the office of this and check this off so you will get your next happy pill refill directly delivered to your work cubicle and at your current work place.

Glory to Kaiser!

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Any of you fags have experience in salvage? I'm looking in to getting a licence and don't know what to expect. Like have any of you found caches of weapons or drugs or anything like that or defective security systems?

You guys are still here?
I thought this general shut down many weeks ago.


Were still here, just had to changed it to monthly due to gookmoot hard stance on not removing the permanent isp rangeban unless we go over to operatorchan.

We dont know if they even have desuarchive or have the same isp rangeban effect like this place has.

Good luck man, I'm always lurking here for this kind of generals. Hope you guys continue, I'm gonna reread the wiki.

Thanks man. Appreciate it.