/meg/ - Military Enlistment General

T-Bar edition


>IRC Channel
>implying anyone uses IRC
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For Forces info, obviously.

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of saigamarine's SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff. Good site for Marines info too.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

French Foreign Legion recruitment website, for you criminals, autists, and mercenaries.

For info on the Australian Defense Force, and how you can shitpost on the world stage.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke???
tl;dr: Long hard school, to do shitty work, and the job prospects are a lie.

Info on sf86

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Bogpill me on Coast Guard divers

Strongly considering doing 27D in my state’s national guard. Worth it? Anyone done it? I’m interested in the legal field and wouldn’t mind going into it in the civilian sector at some point.

when is too late prior to your ship date to change mos in the army

How many get caught for lying about drug use during security clearance background checks? Anyone have any stories/experiences?

Don’t quote me on this but I think you can’t really change it after the reservation is made, unless you just refuse to ship and manage to find a recruiter who’s still willing to work with you and restart the process.

This, but probably no one will work with you after you pull that.

If the MOS you want is in really high demand, just try asking your recruiter. It's probably too late though.

He will most likely be able to find another army recruiter most likely at a different station a few miles over.

If you have the chance now though you also have the opportunity to instead go Air Force or Navy but keep in mind it's going to be hard for you to get exactly what you want since you've already bounced once. Consider your options and who you know.


navy can roll you out with a different rate if the ship date is sooner then the contract you already signed but pushing it back is more difficult for them. atleast thats been my experience they are pestering me to take jobs with earlier ship dates that i dont want to do.

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Posted in the last thread:
>What the fuck does going out in the field as a 35F or 35M entail? Do you just get a truck ride to the SCIF and sit in there during field time? This 35F told me that his unit hits the field 6 months out of the year but I'm not sure what exactly you're even doing during that period.

Good lord. How's her face though?

hey for any 68w's is there anyway to increase chances of getting into a infantry platoon? im perfectly fine with being in a hospital but that seems like something i can get out of being a civilian emt anyway and i'd like to do things unique to the army while im in
also i want to have atleast a chance of getting to shoot

Got a bachelors degree in math and joining the Air Force soon to get into 3D fields for certifications and experience.

What am I truly, 100% in for? I’m married btw

your in for raising your local soldiers and marines new children!
air force couples are based

My wife is not Air Force bucko.

They'll pay for your Law School

What are the odds on going commissioned in leafland reserves?

What do you guys do when you want to jerk off badly?

tell the local medic heal slut to "help" my sickcall with their firm, surgical grip

Prepare to get wet

I pissed clean, blood showed nothing, and there's no paperwork or people saying if I ever took anything. I'm not going to say I'm quite familiar with coke, acid, or speed, but I do have a TS/SCI.

I took that short afqt test they have you take when you first see a recruiter and scored in the 61 percentile. I know it’s technically above average but only slightly which kind of made me depressed cause average people are generally dumb. How accurate does this score translate to an iq score? Does this mean if I took a Mensa I’m almost guaranteed to score a 105? I really want to go in an get electrician experience so do you think off that number alone I could make it in something like that if I work hard?

I don't know how to swim and I've enlisted as 11X. What am I in for when I get to basic?

Just learn to swim?

>How accurate does this score translate to an iq score?
it doesn't translate at all, the asvab and iq tests for different things besides the IQ is a meme to begin with

they teach you

I leave in like 3 days.

Oh great. I don't have a phobia of water or anything, I just never got around to learning.

if you just practice and study a test you get better at it, they dont really show much except *maybe* effort

What would be the best MOS in each branch for a femanon that aren't office jobs?

Got a kid going in
> ASVAB qualified
> College Credits
> Have Primary Physician medical waiver

Kid got shot 5 years ago, needed surgery to patch up diaphragm. He wrestled Varsity for 2 years after that.

ARMY says it takes MEPs physicians 4 days PER PAGE of medical surgery notes.... this would make 120 days for him to be confirmed / denied on medical condition.

this sound right or are his recruiters lazy shits?

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>over 100 pages of surgery notes for pilonidal sinus including pre and post-op
>less than 5 weeks from first visit to signed contract
Sounds like lazy recruiter

Meeting with Air Force recruiter next week and I’m really nervous. I’m married with one kid and I have no idea what job I would want to pick if I make it to enlistment. What am I in for if I make it guys?

Will an intelligence analyst job allow me to make better Arma 3 maps in the editor?

Bruh dis nigga dumb
You mean Marines

What do you guys know about Navy LS?

I signed my contract for HM but do not ship until February 2020. However, I want to leave asap.

Currently, I can change my rating to LS or CS (but fuck CS) and ship the end of this month.

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Trying to find out more on 19K. There's surprisingly little on tank crew stuff out there. Then again its been all about infantry and high speed dudes for the past 20 years so i guess it makes sense.

Any Armor guys here? What is daily life like? Is it any better than 11Bs or a side grade in some ways?

just graduated 19K OSUT last week. at fort hood now and rotating to germany in october

ask away friend

Just be ready for whatever bro. Do as much research as you can, while you can.

>What do you guys know about Navy LS?
thats where they ship all the queers. no joke

Mainly curious about day to day life and other little deets. How is it different from other MOS and what not? Do you switch roles in the crew or are you assigned one task and thats it? What's it like in the field?
Im sure these seem like mundane questions, but outside of a few videos of some loaders or driving around, there isn't much.

Met a cute girl today at a DEP meeting who is LS. Are you sure?

I don't wanna leave in February brah but give it to me straight

theres quite abit to talk about, and honestly im feeling very fucking lazy right now. you want to talk about it over voice or some shit? i can drop a throwaway email and we'll go from there

my bad if anyone els eis lurking

Shipping end of sept ND in the Navy. Pretty nervous, got a contract because Im "mature". Been treading with 40 lbs and fins 3 mins is my best. I can rin 4 miles in 30 min pretty easily so could prolly get the 28 min 4 mile if I had to. Any advice?

>Any advice?
Just keep up the good work user. Some bridges are crossed when ya get there

Any ausfags on?
in the u session they mentioned two sources of information you need to research for the assessment date. what are those

Not much going on in /meg/ tonight I guess?

What do y'all know about Aviation Ordinance & Gunners Mate? Both seem cool. I'm not concerned with what's useful in the civilian world.

>Aviation Ordinance
>Gunner's Mate

Damn it you didn't spell ordnance right. Those are two different words. Maybe you should go Aviation Ordnance.

But why?

Phone posting. My bad lol

You got discord? Dm Foehammerr#4178

I say stick with HM, I may not know your situation however it's likely not worth it to ship earlier for a rate you don't feel as passionate about.

How can I find out if I have stress fracture in my foot?

Any advice on how to get a nigga close to a 12 minute 1.5 mile run?

Everything else i can do but running sucks and i dont know how to get better

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I'm a 3D0X2 who's been in for a little over a year now so I can answer some of your questions. What do you wanna know man

>You got discord? Dm Foehammerr#4178

Sent, hurry and accept

LS is a crapshoot. It's the rate full of flips and nigs. Wouldn't recommend it unless youre into supply shit. If you'd rather be an HM then just stick to that, just keep in mind advancement rates for HM are single digits

I take the PAST tomorrow, wish me luck anons, if I stitch up, I'm fucked

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What’s the most based cyber/computer related job in the Air Force? Which one would you most want to be in and why.

Doctor Is pushing a medboard for low back pain with a herniated disc . I'm starting the process now. What easy to fake diagnosis should I use? I know it's all about range of motion

>LS is a crapshoot

Why? Wouldn't working in an environment with whiny fags and nogs make you stand out and ultimately have better chance for advancement?

Run harder my nigga

The test is ultimately all that matters but to get the EP youll need collaterals if your rate has low advancement and guess which groups of people take all the collaterals. Met quite a few LSCs that don't know shit about the job but piled on the command piss watcher and to catch a predator collateral

Could you please explain in English?

Consistency and time. Try to start running at least 2-3 times/week at least a couple months before you leave, assuming you're going to basic.
For distance, I would do at least 2 miles, preferably 3. That or run for time, 25-30 minutes. The weeks you're at basic isn't really much time to improve your running, a lot of what determines how you'll do is based on what fitness level you came in with, and running takes consistency over months to improve.
I just finished AF basic, and while I'm only a mediocre runner, I was able to get in the 11:30-12:00 range on the evals and final test. Combined with maxing sit ups and push ups that time range should put you at or above a 90. And for reference you run 3 days a week in AF basic. Run days are like 8 minutes of 30 second walk/run intervals followed by a 26 minute self-paced run.

This is all assuming you're preparing for basic.

............can someone explain why military wives look the way they do? And why militaryfags allow this to happen?

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Bored Air Force tech schooler here, will answer whatever about BMT and shit
Transport Systems

If you have any college experience, how does the environment of tech school compare? Also, what AFSC?

So, I'm the cadence caller for my marching formation now, what're some of your favorite cadences to sing?


be the chad
do it
remind your boys what's happening while they train, deploy, or get drunk



Good luck user

dont say shit and they won't know shit. they don't care enough to comb through every aspect of your life as long as you're clean when you piss. i even got arrested for pom when i was younger, and i got through fine.

the only times they take an interest is if you have a history with the legal system, or if you are going for a security clearance. and if you're going for a security clearance, they won't dig particularly hard. if you piss clean and have no prior charges, you're gucci.

asvab is based on knowledge, not intelligence. while there is a correlation, it's not 1:1. you can study for the asvab and get a much higher score.

Whats a T-bar?

t. IT student

AO here. Don't fucking go for AO. All we do is count ammo in the Mags, paperwork, build missiles/bomb buildups. Ad naseum for however long you stay an AO.

Literally don't say shit besides "No." No is the magic word at MEPS. If the Doctor askes you anything about you having a sickness in the past month if you feel depress today, and EVEN if you feel sick that day. Don't admit to shit. When the Moment of Truth comes up during Basic Training, do not admit to anything.

arrested for porn?


how easy is it to get laid while in the military?
by that, I mean - with females who are also in the military, who you meet and interact with.

is the stereotype of military chicks being massive sluts true?

dive in at the deep end. literally.

you will either learn real fast, because your life depends on it, or die.

hopefully it'll be the former.

enlisted or commissioned officer?

1A8X1 but I'm not in Monterey yet. I did go to college but never actually lived in the dorms. Tech school dorms... eh. 2 people to a room, plenty of space to put your shit, you share a bathroom with the room next to you. They're pretty run down and loud as fuck from people blasting music and screaming about Smash Bros or whatever is going on in the lobby. The A/C and power go out on a weekly basis.
I can't speak for other bases/squadrons but ours is extremely chill, to the point where you literally have to hunt down your MTLs and ask them to do a room inspection so you can phase up. And even when they do inspect the room, it's extremely cursory and they basically only check for the "instant-fail" items. Not that it matters because nobody actually gets phase checked, like ever. The only thing I ever see people get nailed for is not shaving before open ranks.

Why do you keep getting this shit twisted? Is it to deter these losers from successfully serving?

try jogging on by landing on the balls of your feet from time to time, you'll absorb heavy shock in the calves and build a kickass stamina that you can then use for heavy ass sprinting on the heels.


I got caught for CP and discharge but luckily nothing legal




possession of marijuana

enlisted. infantry is what I'm going for.

also I have a scottish accent. (I'm joining the US army. I'm a dual citizen)
I like american girls. that's not why I'm joining though.

ah that makes more sense

The thing in the picture that the yellow sticker is attached to. See how the handles look like the top of a "T"?

lol 344th, I miss it there. What’s your language? Spanish here.

So i've been told by certain individuals that I as a UK citizen can get into the US military through a student visa and then heading to a recruitment centre. Is this possible? Does anybody know someone who has done this?

I get that. I didn't know if there was perhaps some lockout lever or something, thanks though friend.

No idea yet, we're gonna check our orders again tomorrow but all it's said for the past several days is 1A811. One of our ropes didn't find theirs out until the end of fundies. I put Korean and Mandarin as my top 2 though.

good luck, if you have any questions about dli feel free to ask.

you'd need to be accepted to an american university or college first.

also, you don't need to do that. just contact a US consulate and speak to them about it. non-citizens can join the US military for 5 or 6 years (I forget which) then they can get citizenship.