How many of you dress up on your range trips

How many of you dress up on your range trips

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is #3 pointing the muzzle directly at #4's face?

all fields

go back to r9k

Everytime, and I can't even tell you how many local range traps I've had to turn down because of my staunch heterosexuality.

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i usually dress like i normally do. skate/band shirt, dickies shorts, skate shoes. maybe a hat.get the same judgmental stares from the boomers that i do in gun shops. assume im some liberal pussy

I dress up a little bit for what I have, but I don’t have the money to buy all of the guns I want and also be a gear queer

I shoot on my own land, so I dress up what ever I want.

I wear Rhodesian camo and a MAGA hat to trigger commie pieces of shit. (According to Karl Kassarda's DEFCON range rules, those two things are banned from ranges he runs).

>How many of you dress up on your range trips
I certainly do, user.

Attached: trapshotgun.jpg (960x1280, 315K)

give me your ass

Maybe a shoulder holster or an OWB one depending on the guns I've brought. Not really "dressing up" more for having a place to put my gun besides laying it down in the sun

So I said something about my "staunch heterosexuality" earlier but let's just forget about all that shall we?

Enjoy being a part of the 40%

I don't dress up but I try not to be an idiot and wear loose clothing and shitty shoes

>Karl Kassarda's DEFCON range rules
Google isn’t giving me shit. I would like to hear more about this

When its hot: tshirt, gym shorts, sneakers
When its cold: hoodie, sweatpants or jeans, sneakers

Just go and shoot. Alot of the guys I see wearing 5.11, gruntstyle, those underarmor freedom shirts n shit usually shoot worse than i do. I did see a guy with a web belt rocking a garand once, that was kinda cool desu

Another mentally ill faggot with airshit
Typical weeaboo

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Deviant Ollam and Karl Kassarda run a gun range day during a hacker conference called DEF CON (DEF CON and BLACKHAT are the biggest hacker conferences in the US). They have a very specific set of rules you must follow and the things I mentioned trigger these two libtard/SJW/commie pieces of shit.

Deviant & Karl are BFFs too:

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train how you fight

Hawaiian shirt, board shorts, and drunk off my ass

>no MAGA hat

Confirmed omnicuck. I'm sorry I ever stuck up for him.

>No Rhodesia references
What a gob hobbling faggot


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Sure, but why do you dress like that? Are you a skater?

I usually make sure i'm wearing closed-toed shoes, long sleeves, and some type of brimmed hat, but that's just because I want to keep hot brass off my bare skin.



That's kinda surprising to see that deviant ollam is a faggot, I had watched a few of his conferences before and thought he was fairly based

everyone who Karl associates with is a leftist/sjw.

spread this.

Oh no. Why you do this?

On the rare occasion my wife's boyfriend takes me out to watch him shoot I wear my "goin' out" outfit:
Calf high socks
Cargo shorts
Message T-Shirt (last one was my "Privilege []" shirt)
And my glasses

I wear a BCM multicam baseball cap that came with the upper I bought from them. Aside from that I dress normally otherwise.

That's not tryhard or unreasonable, right?

He watched too much anime so instead of wanting the anime girl he tried to become one
He’s skinnyfat and ugly, that’s why they wear the mask

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Karl is such a joke at this point.

Auschwitz La Vista baby.

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i would annihilate your ass and let it smokin' with my cum

no he's just gay

I do op. it's required every 6 months
for qual
and that's the ONLY time


You're fine

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Khaki t-shirt, olive belt and olive pants.

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Blame the western media and Jow Forums for destroying the image of Rhodesian

Well I don't show up to the range naked. That's just asking to be burned in sensitive areas by brass.

Skinnyfat and fat aren’t the same you dumb tranny faggot
Clean up your room and get help

Show your face, faggot
Typical tranny covering his mug because all the surgery and estrogen can’t make him pass

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Post dick or GTFO


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If you shoot literally anything other than Glocks that wouldn't be a problem

>What are timestamps
Fucking newfags those pictures are ancient

I know but he’s not “feminine” he’s just skinnyfat and low test

Karl the Kuck

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And some people wonder why we hate this guy.

I tend to drive out to a more rural area so I just make sure to wear some worn pants and boots so I don't stick out from the locals. Besides that I guess I also wear range gloves.

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I tend to wear at least one piece of company-themed gear since that's how I get my range membership.

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> Alot of the guys I see wearing 5.11, gruntstyle, those underarmor freedom shirts n shit usually shoot worse than i do

This is the reason why I'll intentionally wear a keffiyeh and surplus Britbong MTP camo to the outdoor range, to give myself added pressure to shoot well and prove that not everyone in LARP gear can't shoot fish in a barrel.

If they got rid of the females this picture wouldn't be so bad, it would be average security guards.jpg

You will never pass, faggot.

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noice. ive got a tricorn and an ushanka i alternate between during the cooler months. no black powder rooty tooties yet, but when i do, im gonna have a chuckle

That's the stupidest picture in the world.

about what you'd expect from someone with zero historical context. the cops have rarely been friends to the LGBT community.

Where did the cops do it for our saftey meme start?

No he's just a flaming homosexual

Do you bring a spare suit, or are you just extra careful with your lobster dinner?

Border patrol catch a group of illegals crossing the border with drugs.
These four appear out of nowhere.
"Don't worry cabrone, we are FBIs. We will take it from here homies."