Killing myself live on discord

>parents kicked me out at 18
>wasted my money on drugs
>used last of my money to buy the gun i'm killing myself with
>answering questions and going live here
discord> gg/yCtFuH

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Other urls found in this thread: giggling/

Call your parents and tell them you're about to kill yourself

Why didn't you bareback a few hookers

Why did they kick you out?

Killing yourself is the most beta thing ever, don't fucking do it life cuck

Nice discord honeypot you mossad glownigger.


Wow ur life sounds hard OP

Quit that shit man. The whole thing.
I had dozens of situations like yours in my younger life including cops and whatever

Guess what? I'm 37 now, more than happily married, got a somewhat decent job with lots of home office and a good old house with some land.
No matter how shitty a situation, anything can be turned around.
If you off yourself tho it's game over forever. So dont do it pls.

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Where did you find this picture of me?

The fact that you're telling people instead of just doing it shows that you want/seek help, and that you really dont want to do it.

Life gets better, harder but better.. Seek help dude

>Fake invite
>Same thread I've seen on other boards

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you wont do shit nigger

instead of killing yourself, why not just have sex incel?

If you are young and don't have any troubles with life, drugs your parents etc you havent really been young.
That being said nothing of it is a reason to kill yourself. Talk to real persons around you. And DON'T kill yourself. Also because shooting wpuld add to gun crime statistics and you don't want to feed the grabbers do you?

it's clearly someone just spamming the thread all over to get people into a discord.
may unironically be a honeypot just to get a list of Jow Forums discord users. not even IDF/FBI tier honeypot, just someone who is going to log every discord ID that pops in.

If you wanna join the discord then do it in a private browser at LEAST so you're not signed in when you do it.
assuming default settings you can still type n stuff, a temp account is generated

Holy shit one of us actually made it

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The invite doesn't work
It's literally a post for nothing

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Perhaps because he's really thinking about it but wants people to stop him. Fair enough imho. So lets talk him out of it.

With who? His fucking hand?

At least get to your mid-20s before killing yourself.

Oh, you got kicked out at 18, big deal.

go carjack a nigger then rob a bank in a mask. if the pigs get on you then kill yourself.

Go rent a Corvette and go balls out on the freeway. You'll never even feel it flying into a wall at 190MPH.

I could list you five others right now who are Jow Forumsommandos too and have made it. Matter of fact: we meet once a month in my barn, have a few beers and shittalk irl

With your mom.


Go live life before you decide to leave it. What you're doing right now is basically the equivalent of walking into a dennys and leaving instantly because you saw a black person. Yeah, it sucks; but you have to suffer through it to get your cheesy homefries.

use a rope pussy

Put the KSG down Aslan.

Don't do it user.

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Jesus Christ, how new are you faggots? giggling/
There are discord trannies who shill their servers with these suicide note greentext copypastas all over the site. Sage, report, and hide.

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