How do I come out to my parents about wanting to own a firearm? I'm in my 20s but living with them as I save up money and I don't feel comfortable being un-armed. Yeah yeah move out NEET etc, I get it. But for the time being I just really want a gun and my mom is hyper anti-gun, mainly because she had kids in her late 40s and my sister lives there with her son so small children are still running around and getting into everything.
How do I come out to my parents about wanting to own a firearm...
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Move out. Just cause you acknowledge the answer and dismiss it doesnt make the answer wrong. It's their property, if they don't want guns in the house they have that right. Move out and grow up, parents are annoying as fuck I have no idea how some of you deal with them in your 20s. Living on your own is so much more freedom, plus how do you get laid or have a gf if you live with mommy?
Having to pay rent, or being noguns. Choose.
I don't want to get laid or get a gf, I want to save money. I don't really care about what they have a right to do or not, to be honest. If I can convince them to change their minds, I'll do it. My dad is already onboard anyway.
Just have a P80 stashed away, and when niggers break in and are holding your parents hostage, point shoot all of them Red Dead Redemption style.
> I don't want to get laid or get a gf, I want to save money. I don't really care about what they have a right to do or not, to be honest. If I can convince them to change their minds, I'll do it. My dad is already onboard anyway.
The reason you are able to save money is because you live in the good graces of your parents, you little shit. Reality check, if they kicked you out tomorrow for buying a gun without running it past them, where exactly are you and all your stuff going? You have a plan for that?
You can wave us away and say "yeah yeah haha stop calling me a NEET guys", but everyone reading knows you're seeking validation on the internet for your retard plans, do yourself a favor and just buy a baseball bat until you move out.
Why does everyone on Jow Forums want to be some motivational drill sergeant? I don't give a fuck what you think about me, just give me advice on how to change their minds or shut the hell up. Really, people who don't actually answer questions should be fucking shot. Besides, I do work. Rent here is just expensive is all.
And yeah I've been homeless before, it's not that bad.
>The reason you are able to save money is because you live in the good graces of your parents, you little shit
When you typed this, did you think it was insightful? Like, duh.
>Reality check, if they kicked you out tomorrow for buying a gun without running it past them, where exactly are you and all your stuff going? You have a plan for that?
Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like developing strategies for avoiding this very outcome was like, you know, the reason user made this thread, making that an utterly irrelevant observation.
Why so mad? user presumably has a job if hes saving money, so whats wrong with boarding with your parents? If they support him saving cash (I'm guessing for buying a house), then expecting him to also lose 300 bucks a week in rent seems incongruous to that goal.
Because drill sergeants specialize in talking to retards, retard. Anyhow, have you offered to buy a safe to store them in? Is the rest of the house childproofed? If not, that's something you can press. A shotgun is an excellent first purchase to get a foot in the door, helps if you express an interest in sports shooting.
That all being said, she's probably emotionally associating the idea of gun ownership with some sort of fear. Maybe someone snapping, or an ND, or maybe it is just kids playing with guns. How you convince her relies on what that root fear is.
I think some people on this site are baby boomers at heart.
Fair point. Yeah, I have considered getting a safe and honestly that will probably do it. My main worry is that my dad has no guns despite being a huge armchair gun nut and military history buff. If HE never bought a gun, even in a safe, she must be really, really against it.
A. Buy handgun
B. buy small generic combination or fingerprint drawer safe
C. put gun in safe
D. Shut up about it
It isn't hard. your mother is a cunt, do what you want. Stop being a n33t but also get solace in knowing that as long as you will/ if you get power of attorney before they spend all their money when they're infirm all their shit is yours.
Easier to ask forgiveness than permission.
Buy a gun and shoot your parents
Buy a Mossman 88/500/590 with no "assault" features or bells and whistles and keep it and the ammo all locked in a stack-on cabinet.
As long as we're talking guns that get the foot in the door, a single shot shotgun is cheap, as safe as a gun can be, and fun as hell innawoods.
Ur mom gay lmao
He needs to enlist.
Reserve or NG would be enough.
Tell mom he has been properly trained.
Then become a cop after getting through training.
That'll show her.
>Only the Government should have guns little Johnny.
>Well I am the gubernment bitch!
Why do retards come here and ask stupid questions when the answer is staring them in the face.
You have to live with your parents, under their rules. They don't want guns in the house.
You want to own a firearm, move out.
To be fair he was asking how to talk to them about it and maybe change their minds, not "how do I buy a gun and not get kicked out?" or something silly like that
Move out.
Your parents have a right not to store your firearm on their property.
You can make all of the reasoned and emotionally sensitive arguments possible and still not succeed. user's response of understanding the fear is a valid strategy.
Fairly obvious that a safe is required with children around. Still possible that no measure of reason will succeed. Hence stay and noguns or leave to own property.