Hey user, Jessica said you think Caitlyn is pretty, is that true?

Hey user, Jessica said you think Caitlyn is pretty, is that true?

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girl on right is trans, i follow on ig

Yes I want to suck her girly penis dry

The cutest girls used to be boys.

the actual current state of black bois

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ugly nasty ass thots

Please tell me the green haired beast is Jessica

the black girl has to be hiding a dick between those legs for sure.

Is OP from FL?

when I was in middle school I was asked this question by a group of girls and I said "no, I don't like her," lying of course
did I defeat them

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yes, you defended your virginity with honor

why do they all have ugly as fuck eyebrows?

Post your girlfriend

I mean, you can't deny their eyebrow do look a bit off.

Id still fuck his nigga ass

gfor some reason thots think drawing fake eyebrows on with a sharpie looks nbetter than natural eyebrows

How do I deal with such a situation if I'm a male tsundere?

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Would love to rape the two white girls and beat up the nigger. I bet i could do it too.

what age are they supposed to be?
people throw around the man child shit a lot, but these girls are straight up ageless.

they look like they could be anywhere from 17 to 29.
if that isn't woman child, i don't know what is.

that style which I love is common from around 20-29 so you would be right

I'd fuck the hooker in the middle

how to get a tumblr gf? tumblr girls are like the equivalent of robots

I kinda wanna be dominated by middle for some reason

"bro that girl was eyeing you up all night"
Wtf did normies mean by stuff like this? I wasn't bullied because I got straight A's from sports and I bullied others all the time but I never understood any other social cues other than humour. Like when someone fucks up or says something accidentally embarrassing and you immediately sense you can make a joke about them and everyone will laugh more than if you said it in a quiet room.

Can normies pick up sexual attraction cues that way or something? Like if a girl comes up to you and starts adjusting your collar and giggling or steals your stuff and hangs around waiting for you to grab it from her how do you know what her intent is? I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore since girls don't act like that after high school anyway.

they all look like men to me desu

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Which one is Caitlin?

If girls ever initiate socializing with you then you're Chad.

What sort of social tribe do these even belong? I'm having a hard time identifying them with the absolute meme fashion they are wearing.

>hipster? No, that shit is so 2010
>alt/rocker? Not likely, no band paraphernalia in sight
>there's also a black girl (oreo), so it makes it even harder
>too thin and fashionable to be sjw feminists, but I might be wrong

How do I know what these proto thots even are if I can't identify them?

>I bullied others all the time
Brad please go

>since girls don't act like that after high school anyway.

wrong you stupid FUCK

I lowkey still would, just like every nigga out there.
t. not a nigga but still would tho, only if nobody finds out.

If Jessica is the green haired one, yes

They're called art hoes
Good hunting, user

>tfw girls like these make my dick harder than tungsten yet I know they wouldn't give me the time of day and I wouldn't want to be seen in public with one, I just want to destroy them with my dick

Just shoot an orbital laser on me already.

art-hoe: a subset of hipster. became popular around 2014-2015 once "BDSM" was the new trend. centers around "internet culture", "goth culture", and "punk" culture. all of these women look interchangeable and probably all have fucked the same guy at one point.

jesus christ if I merged all of you into one person you still wouldn't have even one personality

No. Just no. Shut the fuck up and stop using hipster wrong.

you can find them at moshpits

usually they are ugly, if they are cute 98% of being in a relationship

[however the 2% though]

why does misusing hipster bother you? it doesn't matter calling someone a hipster is a great insult because hipsters are the most cancerous of normies

LITERAL transnigger

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What are the realistic chances of a light skin latin skeleton like me (5'9", 130lbs) having any sort of sexual contact with one? Aren't they supposed to be very open minded and liberal inclined? Or is that just a pol meme?

Shut up loser I'm a real robot too

You shut up, loser.

The way I'd respond in highschool would be something like:
"Nope, I'd never lie like that."
Then they'd either look at me like I'm an asshole or one or two of them would giggle, while Catlyn would most definitely be offended.

Right is a trans, middle looks like a slut, left looks like lesbo. All look like team Anal on a hipster run. You make me sick with your faggot friends.

When you're a slav but also want to luck kawaii af

especially at moshes

ive had girls grind up against me shit like that i have never personally picked a chick up

but next time i go to one user ill see if i can do better

Yeah whatever nerd, your bike's going to wait for you at the top of the flagpole after recess

God I miss that stuff, no wonder movies glorify high school so much

>Can normies pick up sexual attraction cues that way or something? Like if a girl comes up to you and starts adjusting your collar and giggling or steals your stuff and hangs around waiting for you to grab it from her how do you know what her intent is?
no normies don't really pick up on anything. i'm really good at picking up on social cues like this shit, i just can't use social cues for some reason if that makes sense. like i can read most people like a book, but i'm too awkward to use that to my advantage

You're shy.

Good to know. I like Metal, but what sort of bands do these girls listen to? I'd be willing to go to a couple of crappy ass band concerts if it will get me some art slut pussy, namsaying?

>tfw 1hr from Boston and no car

I'll have one by summer though, need to get my permit and license first ;_;

Lol you're like 15, have fun masturbating for a decade kiddo.

Nah, 31. Just never had a car in my life and never felt the need to get a license if I'm not gonna be driving anyways.

Because it shows you're a fucking idiot who doesn't have a clue.

>actually thinking a woman in the prime of her life is going to want to fuck a 31 year old autist who thinks showing up somewhere is magically going to get him laid.

Jesus, user. What the fuck have you done with your life?

I look 23 though.

are you a hipster by chance? what's wrong with using an insult if it's not accurate?

don't you and jessica have anything else to talk about

>being this delusional

You really don't.

gross they all look like they want me to call them by their preferred pronouns

>what's wrong with being stupid?

Fucking hell, you really are a dumb cunt.

It's not me saying it, most people guess my age between 21-24, not even joking.

you just said because someone used an inaccurate term as an insult it makes them stupid, i.e calling non hipsters hipsters

you just called me a cunt but I'm not a vagina so you just did what you complained about, you stupid hipster

When I was like 5 I already knew I'd get a positive reaction by guessing under people's age when they ask me to.

If people just tell you that out of the blue it's different than if you ask them to guess your age.

oh fuck yeah metal

pretty much anything with a guitar and a semi distorted bass

I didn't say that at all. And you are definitely a cunt. Your photo should be next to cunt in the dictionary, you complete and utter cunt.

People have told me straight up.

>why does misusing hipster as an insult bother you?
>because it shows you're a fucking idiot
you said misusing insults makes you an idiot
also I'd rather be a cunt than a hipster

Imagine cumming inside all of them and having 3 different children like a king.

2 children since ones a man

>implying I wouldn't get her boipregnant in her tite bussy

I was wondering why he stuck out like he did. Something seemed off.

I would cum inside her asshole. Twice

I've never seen more bisexuals than when I come on r9k

>when your so fucking dumb that your forced to steal another culture from the 80s and 90s

god i fucking hate vans

yes, encounters like that never go well and it's better to just avoid them no matter your real feelings.

i don't know, any tip i've ever gotten like that has been a dead end

Yes, that is indeed true.

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Give me dem tits bitch I'ma slap that pussy wet dog raw *gun clocking sounds and woops followed by police sirens*

>gun clocking sounds and woops followed by police sirens

Is there an app I can download that recreates sounds like these and others?

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I'd say absolutely nothing and just walk past them. And I'm not even joking, that's the treatment I give to roasties at my uni.

These are the types of girls that will let you do anal for a $10 gift card to Chipotle

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>Y-yes I do.
Let me guess, they laugh at me right after that? Been there, done that.

Why the fuck would you answer like that?
Can your brain not process the outcome (evidently from your post IT CAN), so WHY?

What's the point in lying? If you say no, they'll prod you until you admit it, then laugh anyway. Just get it over with.

Yeah, I'll bet they're devastated.

>they'll prod you until you admit it
You realize they weren't genuinely interested in your honest opinion, they asked you a provocative question, teasing, to get your reaction.
If you're gonna be honest and say you actually do like one of them, you don't bow your head in defeat and walk away or any awkward shit like that, you do it with dignity and a smile, that's the only way your response could work.
And let me guess, autismo?

my go to was "why are you speaking to me?" then they'd get really angry

No I'm not attracted to men.

I think that's supposed to be Caitlyn.

Yep, thats true.

Who the fuck gets stumped or embarassed by question like that ?

I knew people here are pathetic fucks but really ??
I mean thata what it take to be Chad ?

Fuck you are one pathetic bunch....

based white-race-best-race-bait-poster

> art hoes
> moshpit


how dare u
sey thet 2 my face bich

Where to find girls like on the left and middle?

fuck impregnate kill

my ex looked like that and I couldn't even touch her asshole
My current gf is actually really conservative in how she dresses and she let me stick it up the pooper

you never know until you try man

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>not beating up the nigger with the two white girls

You couldn't even imagine how severely.
Seriously though, I couldn't care less.

Hed actually be pretty fuckable, if it wasnt for the tattoos.
I dont mind like one, or maybe even a sleeve, but every visible part of your body is such a turn off