My conversation with my dad minutes ago

My conversation with my dad minutes ago

>user we spoke to your grandparents and they said they want you to come to Guangzhou (a city in China) to live with them so they can make you normal again, what do you think?
>I'm not sure, I'll think about it
>well it doesn't really seem like you're getting any better, if you're going to be at home most of the time, you might as well try out Iiving. You can go with your grandparents to buy a computer once you're there
>okay I'll think about it and let you know

Well it looks like my family can't take it anymore

Attached: C8AD836A-6F44-41B6-AA0D-4791FC4572D1.jpg (960x960, 123K)

I live in Guangzhou (a city in China) and oh boy is it great

ni shi yi ge shudaizi

that is such an obscure and unfunny meme, why do retards keep perpetuating it

do it user, get an Asian gf

da fei hou zi

this post isn't even funny, so why do you keep fucking posting it?

Attached: Untitled-1.png (620x936, 1.68M)

i unironically considering to visit guangzhou, it shouldn't be very hard since i live on the border with china

you've never been to Guangzhou (a city in China) have you? disgusting

>mfw angry granny tries to eat my pass
>smell it under her wings
>eat the pass
>Mom says I can stay

Top kek.
Guangzhou seems like a gr8 place m8

Do you mean Guangzhou (a city in China)?
I heard it's great

i wish Guangzhou ( a city in China) gets infested by retard robots in the near future and get to read news articles about how the city breaks down in the wake of mass immigration

Ideal mating territory


ni leng bu leng?

nice thread op orginanu

>OP is cute asian boy
Let me have your children

Can someone explain this "meme"? Is it just one guy whos posting this thread again and again? Im actually curious why you are doing this.

it is an initiation rite for people who want to enter the secret and ever elusive Jow Forums

why have i seen this post 10 times already?

He's stuck in a time loop. We're trying to figure out how to break him out. But in the meantime, it looks like he'll be going to Guangzhou.

Dude go for it, If I could get a change of scenery like that I would absolutely do it.

oh shit i didnt know this was a meme

hello newfag, enjoying your stay so far?

wing dang bao huan gong fu wo shi jie gang fou hou dou wo bian dan huo men gong wong xiang dao hu bei weng

bing bong ching chong shrimp frie rice wif eggu roll

finally a guangzhou (a city in china) post again. it's been a while since i saw those

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who the fuck is this guy on the op's pic?

Guangzhou guy
He's my waifu

I'd say this meme has outlived its welcome, but that would imply it was ever welcome at all.

Stop making these threads, or kill yourself. I don't care which.

how about no bitch


Fathers words linger,
Malaise lies thick. prescription:
Depart for china
I got now to Guangzhou and my fate

Attached: 20180214_205126.jpg (1307x1292, 431K)

It's already had mass immigration from elsewhere in China. Now it's part of a huge megalopolis.

Which border with China do you live on?

My city has direct flights to Guangzhou, so I might visit there eventually, but I'd like to see Hong Kong first.

Dude I've seen similar posts like 15 times here, I think we're all moving to Guangzhou with our grandparents at this point. Ain't no one being made normal at this point, Guangzhou is probably r9k city now.

what happens if Guangzhou poster dies and nobody notices
is there more than one guangzhou poster
i don't want to forget about his beautiful face

Seen this post before. What do you get out of reposting it every few months?

teng shi hi huang ha he we

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This thread word for word was posted months ago. Leave.

It's not obscure, champ.

I live on the border between China and Juche Korea.

For all the rest of China's borders (apart from the remote Tibetan ones) I would have believed you.