Why can't white people cook?
>inb4 Italians are white
Why can't white people cook?
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italians are white
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Why can't black people read?
Cold climates have bad cuisines. Not their fault.
Europe has the best cuisine in the world. Southern blacks stole all their recipes from southern whites
Shit bait, but off the top of my head
What the idiot in the picture is trying to refer to is most American whites, who have little to no sense of culture.
yeah the southern whites that were cooking in the kitchens for the slaves they owned.
cmon user. its the other way around
you'd think they'd have better food, since they spend more time inside/near the stove
most of my family can cook. I did go to school with a lot of kids whos mom would try to pass off frozen tv dinner lasagna as their own though.
also, most niggers just over saturate their cooking with too many spices and seasoning. they have no idea how to match flavors subtly, everything is coated in bacon grease, salt and other store brand seasonings.
What the hell do niggers even cook? You cant seriously believe that fried chicken is their invention and thats all they have
But they have less exotic vegetation. Spice derived from vegetables is a byproduct of an evolutionary drive for self-defense against predators; in cold climates where everything is going to die seasonally you don't get such a wide array of those traits.
>italians are white
Why even bother?
Not hwite
Shit food. Name me some good German cuisine? You can't.
I'm fine with this.
HOly fuck are these reverse racism psy-ops getting tiresome.
We get it you a black man you ugly at dem white devils he take your ancestor and maek him a slave so fucking horrid boo fucking hoo now fucking level up you fucking preschool brained ape people
The Japanese are white
>intentionally serve bad food to "ethnic" "friends" so they no longer want to come eat with you, but you can invite them so not to be called racist, but they will be the asshole and decline
reverse racism doesn't exist.
you cant call them niggers for 150 years then get made when they fight back lol
mad** it 4am desu
call them not white, sure
but they should be supported in wanting to keep italy italian
I love how Rob's post is a joke, albeit a cheap one, and everyone here takes it seriously, gets hurt by it and goes "AUUUUGGHHHH NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!!!!" while also being the same people who relentlessly rag on blacks every chance they get. Hypocrisy seems to be a virtue around here.
>ay yo jamal you got dat sweet baby ray's
>hell yeah mane we bringin da HEAT tonite
you are saying we should segregate because there can never be peaceful coexistance?
Chinese too.
>be poor nog
>buy bad, cheap produce and processed shit
>tastes like shit so you have to slather it in copious amounts of shitty store bought pre-processed spices and herbs to make it remotely palatable
>'yall crackas cant cook for sheeeittt! lol!'
Sorry, Jaykwonda, but I'm not going to pollute the flavour of higher end delicious steak with anything more than some light seasoning.
literally two of them kinda look like refugees
this is why i hate white nationalists now, they don't think very hard and don't understand biological science as much as they think they do. (besides, they reject it in favor of religion anyway)
Woh... Im half italian, this is the first Im hearing that Im not white. Wonder why my skin burns when Im outside for 30 seconds
No one has been alive for 150 years. why should anyone have to feel guilty for what people did before they were born? It's out of their control.
It's such a retarded double standard, and if anyone actually cared to stop racism, they would call black people out on it too instead of giving them a pass.
you don't even understand what racism is brainlet?
Dont be dissing sweet baby rays
>Name me some good German cuisine?
I cordially invite you to come to Germany and I will cook you some to the core German meals.
German cuisine, unlike the French, is very hearty and doesn't seek to be art, but to nourish for a day of hard labour. One of my personal favourites is Gruetzwurst, a sausage that is made from a mixture of pig offal, blood, various spices and pearl parley, which in my neck of the woods is cooked and eaten with Sauerkraut and potatoes, though I prefer dumplings. For an outsider this dish looks and sounds unappealing, because it looks like lumpy black broth, but it tastes amazing.
Jaegerschnitzel is another recipe many people love, though I can't stand mushrooms. Koenigsberger Klopse, Kartoffelpuffer, potato salad, Bauernfruehstueck, Labskaus, various forms of ragout (just because the French named it around the Renaissance era doesn't mean it didn't come from the Germans), various sausages, almost every minced meat patty recipes Americans like to pride themselves with, meatloaf, hamburger, Hamburg steak, and various kinds of fish and cabbage dishes that simply don't have a name, or at least that I'm aware of. There are likely tons more, but I've never been to southern or western Germany so I couldn't tell.
Also other white cultures with cuisines: Magyars have anything with bellpeppers, Goulash is amazing.
Slavs have borscht and cabbage recipes that also taste amazing.
The Polish share many recipes with the Germans, especially sausages.
The Scandinavians have Koettbullar and Smoerrebroed and I've only just noticed that I didn't even mention sweet foods and desserts at all.
They just put a lot of seasoning in a pot and boil it.
i dont think any white nationalists actually believe italians arent white, its a meme
Mfw the french cuisine is unrivaled, not even the shitty italians can deny that
Mfw the only other countries in earth with something resembling proper food are asians
Mfw africans think they are anything but the worst fucking cooks on this planet
>be white
>your national dish is Indian
I don't fucking get Americans acting like niggers are people equal to them. I also don't get Western Euros that act like that too. Here (Greece) it's basically social suicide to have anything to do with them. I was at the District Attorney's office a few months ago and she just kicked a woman out telling her she can't help her with her problem. Then she comes at me and the policeman that is stationed outside her office and goes "Can you imagine? She is separated from her husband and now fucks a nigger in her house? With her children in? What a whore". And we both go "Yeah, how disgusting". You faggots would probably be "Oh my god the horror, how can you say these things?". Stop acting like they are your equals you absolute morons, the vast majority of them have an IQ of a retarded person, what are you doing?
I'm half Italian and half German, and all of the 80+ family members on my Mom's side are caucasian, very fair skin and multiple (close to a dozen) have blonde hair.
Also, Italians are descendants of Romans, you shithead. These people aren't real Italians in ethnicity. Caucasian italians (usually men) are more redpilled than the average European or British white by far. Pull the ding dong out of your mouth.
I used to work a lot of my shifts together with a guy with Italian heritage. (both his parents migrated from Italy to The Netherlands) He was so brown, i thought he was Indonesian or Surinamese for a long time until i asked him about it.
>What are Romans?
you've never been called a guinea nigger?
gino the ginny?
its not a new idea.
(i think italians, most of them, are white)
Every sunday we do a great roast dinner or something. We always be cheffin up ribs and other meat dishes and love to eat breakfast and shit. Guess who? two white dudes living in a house mf we eat good this canada im high on crack
bro, smelly my armpits
i fucking smell like garlic
The purest food is salted raw meat. Of course, raw chicken is filled with disease, but good beef and especially lamb are GOD TIER.
If you're a faggot brown subhuman, you will never understand.
Italian in nationality, but not ethnicity. Italians were originally white, descending from Romans.
Is this an american only meme? Because in my country we spice the fuck out of everything. Tho I've been in the UK a few times and their food is awfully underspiced.
From a person who believes every ethnicity should have their own ethnostate: It is entirely possible to define white in such a way that Italians, amongst others, would be excluded based on genetic data, though this very same tight definition would remove slavs and most Germans from the definition of white people, since northern Italians are of Germanic descend. Also Hispanics and Greek would obviously be excluded by that measure too. On the other hand if you draw the circle wide enough you would include western Indians, Persians and north Africans. As such, most white nationalists draw the line just before including the latter, meaning Greeks and Italians would be white too.
Personally I don't deal with notions of whiteness, instead there should be Germany for the Germans, Slavistan for the Slavs, Iberia for the Iberians, Frankia for the Frankish, Suomi for the Suomi, Eire for the Eirish, you get my gist.
Wait are blacks supposed to be renowned for their food? I've never heard of subsaharan African cuisine, including Afro-American
For white American food I know hamburgers and fried chicken
His family came from Sicily, so its likely his heritage is a mish-mash of cultures.
>french cuisine
What's so special about fucking snails and frogs?
you do realize most people here hate niggers right? Only a small minority of whites actually like them, it's all virtue signaling.
>Italians are descendants of Romans
Eh no. Italians are descendants of a bunch of tribes, one of them being Romans.
The French have an awesome culinary tradition, only rivaled by the Italians.
Faggot they taste good. Snails in herb laden oils are fantastic.
You're just a dumb nigger.
A quarter of those words made me want to gag a lil.
Fuck off it's not even close to Thanksgiving to be posting this weak bait again.
Don't, Germany. Just don't.
Eastern European, especially in the Balkans, have some pretty great dishes though.
I don't see whats wrong with that chicken
Its mildly seasoned with a little gravy.
Indian's have the best food though so can't blame them
I myself am an Englishman and my father cooks up a fantastic turkey on Christmas he does.
are these Italians or refugees?
Its Americans that can't cook for shit.
I feel bad for all the euros that get lumped in with white americans
umm sweetie don't you know that sicily was occupied by north africans for 100 years that means that anyone who has ever set foot anywhere in italy is as black as m'tumbe from congo
them dudes look like stanley
>let me tell you what parts of the world are white
>my grand grand grandfather was germanic and it is said that my family had white skin and blue eyes
you're literally doing two 56% memes unirionically
Pure bantz, fucking savage.
Are balkans considerate white ? Bulgarian yogurt with meat , sweet stuff , salty stuff goes well . Shkembe chprba , sbalkan kebapi . Stuffed peppers/fermented cabbage leaves with minced meat . Those are my favourite pretty much .
>*blocks your path*
>"Do you have some a-problem negro? Mamma mia what are you cooking? Is that food or just a bag of shit with some a-spices?"
>*Laughs in best cuisine in the world*
>"ehy meds brother, look at this negri trying to say they can a-cook"
>*Laughs in Mediterranean cuisine supremacy*
>"mamma mia even the Asians that cook dogs and bugs have a better a-cuisine than negri"
White Americans are better cooks than blacks. Blacks think grease and BBQ sauce are the epitome of flavor which is why they always die of heart attacks by 50. "Muh whitey can't cook" just means they didn't bathe it in BBQ sauce like every porch monkey does. It's a shame so many pigs have to die to feed fat ass niggers.
Europeans are white.
>Be me
>Big Middle-Aged Black woman
>Too lazy to cook
>Decide I want to go to a restaraunt
>Invite my Brother, Sister, Mom, Dad, Grandmom, Granddad, and bring my 3 kids
>Give kids tablets so I don't have to talk to them
>After talking with them for an hour, decide to go to Texas Roadhouse
>Walk in without a Reservation
>Be told it's an hour long wait
>Wait anyway
>Flip out 55 minutes into the wait
>Demand a free Appetizer for waiting so long
>Decide we want to be sat at the other side of the restaraunt
>Be sat
>Family takes an hour to sit at a table
>Ask for plastic silverware and a glass of hot water
>Get the most alcoholic drink on the menu
>Ask if they have soup
>They don't have soup, only chili
>Decide I want to treat myself
>Get a 20 oz Filet
>Well Done
>It arrives
>It's too dry
>Drown it in A1
>Eat half of it
>Tell the waiter my steak is too dry and tough
>They tell me that I can't get another one since I already ate half of mine
>They also tell my brother he can't have a full bowl of BBQ Sauce
>I flip out
>Throw my chair to the waitor
>Whole family is screaming at this point
>Demand to speak with manager
>They tell me my meal is free to shut me up
>Stay for 2 more hours after we've eaten our food
>Don't tip our waiter, cause fuck giving people free money
>Go home to collect welfare check
Might as well be a Syrian
Literally all the best chefs in the world are white, niggers take the cuts of meat that any non savage would throw away and cover it with too much seasoning and call it cuisine.
>every ethnicity should have their own ethnostate
>Slavistan for the Slavs
You can't make that shit up.
think again
Belgium got that germanic and french influence in one country
Yes Jow Forums and native americans were white, now go take your medicine.
You'd have to be an inbred anglo to mistake them for refugees.
What's the issue here? Yes, it was an oversimplification, I realise that there are several ethnic groups within the group we call slavs today.
You don't even have to bring in the italians, even the french are enough to discredit that bullshit.
Why do niggers think they have anything to brag about that anyway? What, they think they created fried chicken?
Fried chicken is nigger food and nigger food is low class and cheap.
We don't cover up the flavor of the chicken with needless spices.
Don't listen to the hate, user. German food is incredible
We invented the tikka masala you triple nigger
German, Czech (Bohemian), Austrian and Swiss food is amazing and the ultimate pleb filter
Only retards love muh French, Italian or Spanish cousine
uncultured white swine
Are the French white?
Americans can't cook. That's all there is to it.
Where the fuck do you think nigs got their recipes? Do you think slave owners were just like "idk darkie, you cook what YOU want to cook, surprise me"? Fucking no, they told them what they wanted and the slaves made it.
They didn't even have chickens in Africa.
says the ethiopian.
>Ahmed calling others not white
Muhammad is a faggot btw.
Whiter than you, Mehmet Sanchez.
Baby nigger is mad :^) cry me a river bamboola
Why can't niggers be productive members of society?
t. Mutt
I like when people say "white people don't season their food" cause you know by seasoning they mean salt. When people say that I like to say "isn't there a massive problem with hypertension in the black community?"
>using logic against brainless memes
Ethiopian food is fucking great, thought!
This is actually a good question - I want to take a stab at it. American white people, in most cases, are the product of various Anglo cultures mixing themselves together for many generations. In order for culinary traditions to persist, you likely need:
A) A strong generational family structure / communal living where knowledge can be passed on easily. Americans are fiercely individualistic, and in most cases kick their kids out at 18, and so they don't have this.
B) A family matriarch (or in some cases, patriarch) to run the kitchen and teach their children. Not only were older people with more culinary prowess less likely to pick up their lives and head to a new country, but "go back to the kitchen" has now become a derogatory meme now, and a lot of modern women want no part in it. The rise of feminism has hit white women especially early and hard, and coupling that with their already higher-class, dainty disposition means even lower chances they'll teach themselves how to cook, be taught how to cook, or even want to be taught in the first place.
C) A consistent style, method, or regional method of cooking that everybody in the family is used to eating and enjoys - (Italian, Greek, French, etc.) as well as relatively easy access to the ingredients for those recipes. Because white American families were often composed of multiple Anglo groups, and because they were in a relatively new country, they probably either lacked some understanding on how to make something, had family members that weren't used to preparing or eating that food, or they couldn't get one or two ingredients that they wanted easily enough.
So now, because of all these factors, you've got just a handful of very simple things like pizza, cheeseburgers, generic tacos, and hot dogs. That's white American food.
Are... are you trying to imply that white people don't put a fuckton of salt on everything? Because when I think of white people food, everything is just drenched in salt and butter and nothing with actual flavor.