Haven't done this in awhile so here we go

Haven't done this in awhile so here we go..

>Where do you live?

>What do you want to live?

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>Somewhere else in NY not surrounded by spics and niggers

I hate being a lazy poor spic, well if I hated it I would stop being lazy and poor but I can't change being a filthy spic. Jow Forums didn't shame me, I hated myself before even discovering Jow Forums also I don't go to Jow Forums.

I made that move years ago. Less niggers so that was a plus buts its too expensive here and the niggers are coming here now.


Aww you shouldn't have yourself buddy

>US (Anywhere on the West Coast)

>New Zealand

>somewhere in the fuckoff Midwest

>my grave

>Literally anywhere farther north like Wisconsin so I don't deal with taxes up the fucking ass.

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>Vilnius, Lithuania
>Utah/Colorado or the south of Spain

>Seoul or somewhere nice and quiet in Japan

>south or north Dakota

really hate living by people

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>anywhere in the us even Detroit would be better

>lauterbrunnen (switzerland)

>Queensland Australia
>in the ground


United states
a first world country

>A country free from niggers

>not a shithole

It could have been worse. You could have been living in Brazil. Excecutions happen there every 1.3 secs.

>>Probably somehwere else in Ontario.

>Somewhere in Manhattan


>North Carolina or maybe England

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>Where do you live?
>What do you want to live?
Japan or Australia


Bremen, Germany



How so?
Spics executing people or what?

>Los Angeles


>can't move because my girlfriend works in the TV industry and this is where all the jobs are

>just waiting for telecommuting to become more viable so I can get the hell out of this miserable city

>Vancouver or Toronto, just a big city in Canada

>Military base
>At the beach

>Vienna, Austria
>Haven't decided yet, but maybe New Zealand

>Los Angeles
>New Hampshire

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>>Where do you live?
>>What do you want to live?
Always wanted us and cant decide what state yet.

>in my parents house
>in a small apartment on my own

sad thing is even my meagre dream seems like its fucking impossible for me.