Pussy-havers will ONLY care about three things: LOOKS (height included and maybe even more important), MONEY AND STATUS. PERIOD. Don't EVER let any nigga fool you by spewing out something other than that.
Pussy-havers will ONLY care about three things: LOOKS (height included and maybe even more important), MONEY AND STATUS...
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Hell no. I only care about myself. I need to be sucessful and not rely on a man.
>tfw have pussy
>tfw unironically don't care about status and money
>have a fetish for very short men, but anything below 6' is fine
>don't mind acne, mostly because I have acne and enjoy popping pimples, on the face, back, yknow wherever pimples are
>just as long as you aren't horribly disfigured I've probably already developed a crush on you
>x2 if you have long hair
and the downfall
>I look and act like a man, I have a low voice and lots of body hair and that means that 90% of men and women don't like me sexually because man+vagina=disgusting
thats money you dumbass. and yea, of course you only care about yourself. duh
Not necessarily. You are rude though. Who hurt you?
Stop acting and dressing up like a man. Why can't you be feminine?
who hurt ME? no one specifically, like, no one ever did intentional, direct harm to me in life. i'm not the kind to make enemies.
the circumstances made me think the way i do, though. they made me feel sickened by those pussy-havers.
alright negro, hope you like nasty
im too deep in man, if I detransition, we just wasted 6 years of our lives, therapy (that for 5 years wasn't covered by insurance) name change, gender change, years of support from the school, changing in the mens locker room, mens only gym classes, mens sports (basketball), my brother considering me his best friend and we do man things together almost every day. if I pull out, I disappoint all of my friends, my family, my therapist (who I have specifically for trans people)
so I'll just continue pretending to be a man until one day I kill myself or die
but... you're male. what are you talking about? why you even on this thread?
oh nevermind, i've just read that you are trans.
nevermind, those mentally glitched don't count. forget this thread and leave.
Nobody cares about the trash in your room. Just show your body figure.
>no pics of yourself on Jow Forums or you'll be banned
>DuDe jUSt baN YourSElf kek
if that was really you then I'm afraid you are severely mentally ill. You need help, user.
no, don't tell him-her-... it to that. i'm eating.
Idk, a toastie offered me some pussy to teach her bondage
of course, pussy=currency.
this is why women control the sex market, this is why men pay women to have sex. pussy=currency. women aren't in for dick, wtf? it's all about that LMS.
You sound like a man, are you sure you look like a girl?
I require pics.
so you support transgender people? you believe that mtfs are women and ftms are men? you're the first person I've come across outside of /lgbt/ that has said that
you're right user, I am severely mentally ill just not only in the way that you think
so first this post is saying that vagina people can get dates easily and now this user is saying that I'm too disgusting to look at while eating
Nah user, its all about personality and love!
I meant that as a response to the post, if you know stuff, you can get pussy.
It's pretty much worthless, pussy I mean, but its not that hard to get
Lol brah Chad here this is wrong, actually you just have 2 lift and be confidant, also don't try to go after girls and you will be swimming in pussy in no time bro it works for me
Also don't forget to always bee yourself.
post- damn, you can't post pics of yourself here.
but i'm sure you are attractive to some extent.
That's a reductio ad absurdum though, but since you are beyond damaged I wont hold it against you.
If you too literally 2 hours to groom yourself, bathe and clean up your house you'd have no trouble getting an attractive man to fuck you.
That's an indisputable fact.
You dont have to detransition user. You are perfect as you are. I see you post all the time and I admire you.
look... i don't really "support" trans. i don't think that mtf are women and ftm are men. but, i treat them well as if they were a normal person to me.
and i'd fuck a trans friend of mine (mtf), but i consider myself bi because of that anyway so i don't know if it still counts.
but i think trans people's mind needs to be studied by scientists becasue that shit is not natural at all. like, what the fuck. i do think it's some sort of mental illness or aggravated, extreme fetish that takes over your mind and makes you do that shit (transition). i think non-heterossexualism is some sort of mental, psychological defect of some sorts, because its fucking counter intuitive and irrational. even though i kind of consider myself bi (cause i'd fuck my trans friend, but that's literally it).
alright, it's real fucking cold in my room
I have unironic autism and schizophrenia so if they even managed to fall in love with me, I'd probably do what I did to the last guy I fell in love with, have an entire imaginary relationship and life with him and then try talking to him about the things we did in my head at random, not knowing that it wasn't real, weirding him out to the point that he leaves. also I am incompotent at sex and fear anything coming close to my genitals, I don't shave down there either and I haven't masturbated in 3-4 months, I lost count
I do shower semi regularly though, but I don't know what my house has to do with my personal looks
we are all flawed beings, never content with what we have, thank you for reading my posts, I always assume nobody would actually take the time to read my rants
>people who have vagina can fuck anytime they want but he said i'm too disgusting to look at while eating
well, but that's true. looking at the video you posted alone is too disgusting to eat while doing it. have you watched your own video? blood, dirt, a fucking mess of a house. i can't eat while watching that small piece of wasteland. even worse to eat while looking at the owner of the piece of wasteland. don't you agree? take a bath, wipe that blood, use soap and then we can think of inserting meat sticks inside of meat holes.
Well, I once got to know a girl, she told me she feared me before talking to me.
Idk, I'm not horrible but there's that something that drives people away
You have nice tits what the fuck dude
Mine are squished permanently from binding
here, just wanted to add something
after all, i can always close my eyes. that's literally i have to do. i don't need to care about who you are. get on your fours, i cover you with some big cloth and close my eyes, we're all set to fuck. and make sure to not say one word with that voice of yours, all i need is your meat hole, nothing else.
That's a really nice boob and hip ratio, I wouldn't even mind your voice, that's hot dude.
I was not expecting a tranny thread when I clicked this
whatever man, i wish you could post your pic here so we could end that shit already
>have an entire imaginary relationship and life with him
Call me insane, but I find that really cute.
I wish we could meet up user, you seem fun.
But I am sure we live in completely different places.
I want to disclaimer, I wasn't in a relationship with that guy that I weirded out, I just randomly walked up to him one day and tried to talk to him about some random shit, I think it was about inviting him to watch a movie in theaters with him or something about him inviting me to his house
>hey you got a pouring spout of blood that only stops after a specific amount of time, you can clearly make it stop by wiping it
I mean I know it doesn't look like a lot of blood at the moment but the one I had this morning was loaded which is why I tried to show the trash can
>used to bind every single day for 5 years
>dropped out of school
>for the past year haven't binded unless it was an important event
>went to stores, brothers house, even a party without binding
the power of not giving a fuck
am I really a tranny if I don't actually want to be?
are you mistaking that user for me? disgusting tranny ftm user?
I offer this i.imgur.com/GfEJclk.jpg
you in the united states or anywhere around wisconsin?
i didn't say you could stop the bleeding by wiping it. i just told you to wipe it, i didn't specify when but of course i meant when the bleeding stops.
no, what the fuck... i wanted you to post your pic so i could see that you're not half bad as far as looks go, just like everytime i have this conversation with someone, and then we part ways... like everytime... and well, yeah... u got an ok body, appears to be able to grow a beard and your hair isn't bad either for a guy of your race
Sadly no, I don't live in the usa, and next year I will only travel to Japan.
I do believe, there must be more people out there that would date you, at least I would.
That's a photo from when I was 16 tho.
Now I got really short hair.
Idk I just like that photo.
see? at 16 and you already look like a 20yo guy, able do grow a beard even
stop with "muh i can get ez pussy" because it's obvious you will
people were afraid of you because of your muslim heritage, not because ur ugly
But my grandfather is Italian, it's my Latina mother's fault actually.
Still it's not easy to get pussy, on all my life I got pussy for free only 1 time.
I believe the only thing that actually matters is social skills, because I'm absolute shit at that so I have like 3 friends and they are all my childhood friends.
>i believe the only thing that actually matters is social skills
NO. With the capital N and O. NO.
at 16 you were sorta fit and was already growing a beard. i bet you're average height at least, if not taller.
Penis-havers ONLY care about one thing: LOOKS. PERIOD. Don't EVER let any nigga fool you by spewing out something other than that.
>three things
But that's four things.
here's to (You) now leave
Why are you booing him? He's right
I shave it all everyday, and i was only kinda fit because I was tired of feeling like shit.
Still, like I said, I got pussy like one time in life, while guys that have better social skills, guys that drink and smoke, get as much women as they want.
...she says while you can't walk five minutes without seeing some unkempt hambeast with an average male.
cause they're attractive. attractive people have an easier time being outgoing, because they know they're not gonna get rejected because of their looks. an ugly guy can drink as much as he wants, smoke a fuckton of shit and stay a virgin. a guy who hit the jackpot on the genetic lotto can dress like a nerd, act like a nerd, talk like a retarded autist or matter of fact, not even talk at all and be an awkward introvert and still fuck.
Have you ever been outside? All females are just settling. I have never seen a female with a looksmatch outside of Hollywood.
>Have you ever been outside?
Yes, almost every day and you only see fat girl with average guy, never the reverse. And if you even consider this 'settling' it shows how spoiled women are.
I always see the reverse. Always. I never see a hot girl with a hot guy. Always an average to hot girl with some fat duck dynasty idiot.
It's not a lie. Next time I go grocery shopping I'll take creepshots and make a thread of it.
lies and female. pretty sure those creepshots ain't happening ever, no need to promise em.
Wanna clear some shit up with facts here:
Women in general don't find men attractive for their looks first and foremost. It's a no brainer that a 9/10 man will make panties drop but in general women rate guys around the 5 mark for looks, they're more interested in badges of competence and intelligence which is money, nice car, own house, good job and stylish.
Women always go for valuable men if they're within reach (if the woman isn't a 2/10).
When on a date don't make the woman feel more valuable than yourself but don't be a dick. Show genuine interest but don't get overexcited and sperg like a manchild just because she likes anime.
Don't pay for her stuff either, she has to earn it.
Men are first and foremost attracted to women by looks. Men aren't looking for strong independant women, they're looking for someone beautiful and feminine, fun to be with and supportive. They aren't always concerned with intelligence in women, they would prefer it if the woman had hobbies atleast.
As long as she looks good and isn't a manipulative, controlling bitch then that's all gravy for a man.
Most men rate most women on average of around a 7. That's very generous.
bullniggers OP and I'll tell you why boyo!
>be me
>23 years old
>6'3, 87kg, 17% b/f, Italian
>workout 3x/week, shave, shower, no NEET habits
>sole inheritor to my parents estate, money is pretty much no object
>have connections with top restaurants/hotels, can get shit for free
>co-own family company
>objectively rated anywhere from 6-7/10 by grils
yet I haven't had sex in 2 years, haven't had a gf in 3 years and haven't kissed a girl in nearly 9 months
Where's your false god now? you wanna fucking explain that buddy?
you don't go for it
you don't take it, you need to take it
the pussy
but desu probably liar, no one like this would be here
I honestly wish I was lying. It's frustrating when my friends are like "why the fuck aren't you getting laid more often?" and I don't even have the answer!
The only puss I don't go for are non-japanese asians because I'm not attracted to them. I also don't go for obese girls or girls under 5/10. That's not THAT picky is it?
Do you tell women you have all this stuff? If you do then you shouldn't!
Let them find out for themselves eventually, if they ask if you have a car or your own place just say yea and leave it at that, then ask her some questions.
Also if you lack purpose in life, like a direction/ path then that's very unattractive.
What's your hobbies? What do you love? Tell them things like that.
My God you have all this and you can't get a date... all you have to do is ask them. Literally just say "dance going to get some food with me next week?" And DON'T use your privilage for a free meal and show off.
Not dance.
Stupid autocorrect...
I show off on snapchat but not directly. I also go to uni and study pharmacy, so I have direction in life.
Am I supposed to just ask out random girls at uni? I don't do gay shit like join uni clubs or anything. My only active hobbies are working out and riding motorcycles (not counting vidya and reading). Girls in my class are all no-sex-till-marriage types or they're already taken/married.
What's wrong with that? Men only care about looks.
We'll you won't find girls if you don't surround yourself with them intentionally somehow. Nightclubbing somehwere that plays music you like perhaps?
Do you find any girls that work in your cinema or local shop attractive? Be regular and then start small talk "hah I see you here all the time, how you doing? "
Practice at nightclubs first though, literally just dance and enjoy yourself, pick maybe 2 girls a night at most and whichever one is more receptive just spend time teasing them and having genuine fun.
very wrong.
we do care about personalities too
but since most of girls are either sluts or a bitch or a SJW or even all of them combined, we pick at least pretty ones.
and i am pretty sure you could say the same about men too. I understand
Oh and stop showing off on Snapchat, that shit is for women only. It only comes across as egotistical and narcissistic when men do it.
You forgot about penis size and what kind of car you drive
Noted. I'm an international student, I go clubbing when I'm back in my home country but here my uni is far from the city and the clubs are disgusting compared to back home. I also don't go to the cinema here for the same reason (gross). Could just try hitting on girls at the shopping centres/on public transport (I don't have a car here because I live on campus and am leaving this country soon) etc.
That was actually the last time I kissed a girl, out clubbing back home. She had a flight to catch the next morning (couldve been a lie) so I couldnt go back to hers (sharing hotel room with a friend) and go any further.
Clubbing works but its just sporadic and depends on the crowd. A lot of the time the girls are prude.
Maybe I just have shitty "game" and need to work on that.
As for the snapchat comment, are you sure about this? One girl at my uni actually liked one of my most narcissistic snaps (boasting about my expensive paintings + silk bedsheets + marble floors) and said we should get drinks sometime. If anything I feel like these snaps keep me relevant with the girls I have on snapchat.