>tfw mummy and daddy sat you in front of a TV all day instead of raising you properly
I wonder why I have such bad people skills haha
Tfw mummy and daddy sat you in front of a TV all day instead of raising you properly
I used to watch tv with mommy and daddy bunch of TLC untold stories stuff and a whole lot of crime shows you know forensic files first 48 hours
For daddy I watched stuff like NCIS Bones CSI
All shows like that prob shouldn't have been watching but I guess that prob why I like to look up on serial killers and shit and im some what of a tinker
nobody cares lmao
>mummy died at 12 and daddy hated you
You cared enough to reply
I was raised by TV too but after a bit overcoming my arrested development I am now better at socialising than most people so...
>user you can't go anywhere with your friends because it's dangerous, you have to stay home
>user you can't go to that kid's house because I haven't met his parents
>user you can't borrow the car tonight, just invite your friends over instead
>10 years later
>user why do you sit inside all day instead of going places with your (non-existent) friends?
You cared enough to make this thread Sad!
I don't know how it is in your country, but here a lot of children are given a tablet or a 3ds or sth and told to sit and play instead of going out and doing shit with their friends. It's really sad. And I live in a part of town that's really safe and kids could easily ride their bikes and play outside.
You have shit people skills because that is you. My parents had to pry me away from the tv and forced me to play with the neighbors all the time. I also have shit people skills.
fuck man that sucks, I had a little taste of that but luckily it passed once I was 8, that shit causes so many problems idk why parents isolate their children...
There's necessary caution then there's schizophrenia..
>parents move at a crucial time in adolescence
>all my friends and everything I know is now gone forever
>also my parents were fat and raised fat children, I was not cool enough to make new friends easily
>get into anime and video games
It's been downhill from there.
No i was second poster
Feels bad man
>parents always say they never wanted to "force us" to do anything
Well no fucking shit a kid isn't going to want to play baseball if he doesn't know what the fuck baseball is or that that was even an option
Thanks for letting me play zoo tycoon all day like an autist though
You know who is responsible for this don't you? Why your parents were so apathetic about raising you? Why they never bothered to teach you anything worthwhile or give you a passion to follow? Because they were dirty fucking hippies who fell for the marxism meme.
Nah, they were just lazy boomers
If our parents really loved us they would have found us a way out of this wage slavery.
I never defend parents when people are blaming them. They are at fault for literally everything in their children's lives; they were the ones who wanted to breed crotch fruit in the first place
>having cable
when I turned 12 finally yeah I would just play outside usually still it wasn't until I got internet
You should've learned people skills in school, you autism riddled retarded frog poster.
My dad was actually a workaholic who spent 12 hours commuting and working and gets home to drink and watch sports. He isn't lazy and I feel bad for calling him neglectful but it's true. He made so many promises about going places and doing things but he never had the energy to do anything but work all day. Luckily I learned how to into torrenting and was able to entertain myself. I have no interest in talking to people.
>tfw when I watched ultra violent movies and late night adult themed movies from a very young age
>tfw when my single mother was bi-polar or scitzophrenic or something and would alternate between being apathetic and distant and oblivious, and a shrill harpy ready for combat
>tfw when she would constantly fight with my oldest brother, then when he moved out my second oldest brother, and then when he moved out with me
>tfw when I walked out on my last job in November having enough of abuse and gaslighting
>tfw at 32 I am a dateless virgin with no friends, no hobbies, no job prospects and collect neetbux every fortnight from centrelink
All my dad wants is for me in life is to be a wage slave.. I don't understand
Humans have been slaving since the beginning of time, you're either born rich or work, sorry there's no solution to that no matter how much love unless you pull off being a NEET(which could be worse)
Reproducing is a selfish act. They're not doing it for the good or benefit of the person they're creating.
The only way I could justify having children in this world is if you're well-off and can guarantee that your child can do whatever they want or not have to work at all if they so choose.
>waaaaah why isn't money handed to me???
Unironically kill yourself, faggot.
You are a fucking idiot and have had too good of a life
>born into slavery with few options out
>"it's your fault stop whining and get back to work you fucking useless piece of shit :^)"
yay abusive teachers and bullies yay put my back in front of the TV mommy I don't want to go to school
>say joke
>wait for laughtrack
You misunderstand. Working itself is not wage slavery. Being doomed to a life of walmart and mcdonalds jobs just to live is. A parent should teach their child some skill or the family business or at least instill some passion into a child. Not let them waste their youth on video games and shitty movies.
this literally happened to me, minus the fat and anime
t. shitty parent
Go back to playing videogames, dad
My dads family business was selling fish
Never gave a fuck about that shit, didn't like working there
I don't know if anything forced on me would've helped, did soccer, art, pottery
Didn't hate them but I've never found something I'm truly passionate about.
You need to post a fat person reaction, fatty
>minus the anime
you literally wasted your life on video games and didn't manage to pick up a working knowledge of anime even though you spend all your time on an anime image board
holy shit imaging being THIS much of a fucking loser. I would kill mysel,f
I imagine normies get tired of playing parent before the child is even done being a toddler. Just like with pets they get bored in the first week and neglect them for the rest of their lives.
Shut up!
At least he gave you a job and taught you about acquiring and selling fish. You still obtained a skill just be doing that even if it wasn't a passion.
kys fag
Stop blaming everyone else for your own faults you self important fucks. If you know you have an issue then you can take the steps to resolve it - you choose not to because wallowing in self pity and waylaying responsibility for yourself on others is far more satisfying then self improvement.
>abusive teachers
you go to a black school?
yeah that sucks I just happened to make friends since we all did go to the same schools since elementary but I was really self-conscious about being the poor kid
Nah my situation is my fault. Too many opportunities declined and staying home making my OCD and anxiety worse.
>as long as you make A's in public school everything will be fine!
>go to school
>try to make friends
>get called an ugly nerd
>young chads won't let me play flag football with them for some reason so I pretend to be the cameraman like the football games on the tv so I can feel like I'm part of it
>one kid grabs me by the legs and throws me into the fence because I guess I was annoying him or something
>kids pop bags in my ear at lunch because they know I hate it
>steal food out of my lunchbox while I'm trying to eat
>try to stand up for myself once and throw one of their lunchboxes
>the duty tells me to stop being a bully and go pick it up
Oh and the best one
>go to the library at recess so I don't have to deal with the abuse
>some fat bitch of a teacher asks where my library pass is and tells me to go outside
>tell her okay but don't go
>she gives me detention, but at our school they added extra humiliation by making you sit in the back of the 1st grade class and look at the wall for 3 hours while missing class
I'm surprised there aren't more school shootings honestly
Lol I did sweeping and putting the shellfish out, never really got a true skill I don't think.
Stop pretending your laziness isn't your fault.
>pretend to be the cameraman like the football games on the tv so I can feel like I'm part of it
what a fucking loser
>just MAN up! normie-tier advice
>posts a pic of a bunch of guys who were drafted to fight for a future in which they become a minority in their own nation
>man up :^)
Put a loaded shotgun to your forehead and pull the trigger.
>tfw you're 22 with no job, no car, living in a shithole with people you don't know, chasing a dream that you're probably not equipped for, and have schitzophrenia
>but you have one really close friend that you love
Feels good man
>Dad in the military, mom lived with/moved with him since I was born
>Never in any one place for more than a couple of years
>Homeschooled rather than public schooled because parents thought it would give me continuity
>Once dad got out of the military he had a dream to bicycle across the US, we bought a camper and did it
>Another few years constantly on the move and sleeping on the floor of grandma's house as they prepared because she didn't have enough beds
>Done with that, move to a new place, dad gets a job
>Few years there, move again
>10 years in one place, longest I'd ever been in a single location before
>Move again
>Why don't you get a job, user? Why didn't you get a GED? Why don't you have any friends? Are you gay? Why haven't you had any girlfriends?
Haha sure would be funny if I ended up a virgin in my 30s with no formal education and never held a job and had a total number of friends I could count on the fingers of one hand in my entire life, haha
That's exactly how normies operate. They don't think of having children as creating self-aware human beings that will have to work to survive and who will experience pain, they think of it as getting a puppy.
Take your own advice you waste of oxygen
Don't lose that friend user. I did and probably won't ever find another.
>I'm surprised there aren't more school shootings honestly
Agreed. Public school is a breeding ground for mass violence. It’s only gonna get worse from here.
ITT: Making excuses
>parents barely home, always working
>gave ma legos, a TV and a computer
>never let me do things my peers could, only when I was older
>still make lots of friends at school
>still make lots of friends in the neighbourhood
>sit on my ass all day and still have a very active social life throughout childhood
>now 25, freshly out of college
>own apartment
>steady software dev job
You guys are just pussies making excuses.
Grow a pair.
>That's right, parenting shouldn't matter, kids should learn everything on their own, or on tv and ins school, and if your son fails, it's their fault for being inferior, hehehe, go get divorced, ignore your kids, the world is overpopulated as is
Should've rolled a rich character better luck next time
zoo tycoon is great you faggot
>kid is failing algebra
>Be smarter!
>kid asks for tutoring
>No! You have to understand it all on your own! Euler came up with all of this on his own, you can do it too!
Its exactly what people realize, you can't due to crippling autism
I guess I should expect a piece of shit to strawman himself into staying a piece of shit
hey reddit
Spoken like a soyboy redditor normie fuck who thinks he's the coolest thinf on earth and "made it" but lacks the self awareness to realize he's a massive cuck.
You're just dumb.
kys bernybro l2responsibility
whats crotch fruit
Because the goal of leading a good life is not doing anything? You are a waste of human potential
You tried i guess
You can still live a good life and have meaning without being shackled to a paycheck you fucking faggot.
Thats more like it, fatnon
I didn't have a choice in being born
Not my responsibility
Jesus Christ I made this 4 years ago and posted it once, never thought I would see this again
It's your parents fault but only partially. In the past kids played around the neighbourhood, new everyone on the street, had constant social interaction from the youngest of ages. That was the norm as it had been for millenia. Now all of a sudden kids grow up in a house with (if they're lucky) 2-3 people to talk to, and then they have to go to school where everyone is constantly pissed off and being told to be quiet. It's obvious that people don't develop well in this kind of environment. No wonder now everyone's called autistic or assburgers, or has social anxiety, depression, etc. It must be crucial to our development to be, from a very young age, in constant contact with a large number of people who we can talk to, play with, eat with, and so on. If during your development the TV or video games are your main friend then you're going to have problems when you grow up. It seems so obvious but even if your parents identified this and threw you out on the street to play -- what would happen? Nothing because the kind of communities that existed in the past are gone.
How fucking MAD can you be lmao
>maybe i'm a fucking failure in life but at least i'm not a cuck haha
You choose to be an insufferable cunt
tfw when your childhood was like stand by me, riding around a small town all day getting up to mischief.
Robbing someone of their childhood is a bigger crime then raping an adult.
No it isnt you autist
Underage b&
same, but just mommy cuz parents got divorced when I was 10
>"fuck you" *run out of the house*
not their fault you're a pussy
you ever watch the cable guy? carreykino that describes your situation well.
>mummy and daddy
It's honestly one of my favorites.
Fuck off roastie. Rape ain't shit.
This is how men think until their biological duty to reproduce starts imposing itself on their thinking constantly every day until they go insane or reproduce
theres a lot of pain in that drawing
>cucking yourself out of free tendies and milkies
You just admitted to being a cuck. As I suspected.
Horrible b8 you edgelord
>biological duty to reproduce starts imposing itself on their thinking
Nice quads but this is such a meme
Based redpill poster
direct hit to the feels. except i was never abandoned by my mom. i wish she had left, though, but she stayed, and made my life a living hell. oh well.
>tfw am middle aged and was raised in front of a tv with my main favorite show being night court with dan dan fielding as my hero
>mfw grew up oversexual but still have yet to kiss a woman
>15 years now working as a baliff and am utterly disgusted with prostitutes and the like so no hope there
the lonely end cannot come soon enough, friends
my parents are asian, so they made it very clear to me and my sister that we are to take care of them when they become old. they drilled that into us as little children. that was the only reason they gave birth to us...to make lots of money and support them...when they get old...all the pressure, to go to college and get jobs, has always been to make lots of MONEY$$$$ to support these dumb, sagging pieces of shit.
>raped as an adult
Same as getting assaulted. Traumatic, but you'll be fine
>childhood is ruined
Fucked for life. Possibly end us as a rapist.
You're not wrong